With "Fu Shijing"s" accommodations, Su Zhimo was quickly able to plant several people of her own inside the Fu Corporation.

These people integrated very smoothly into the Fu Corporation, so much that one of them were able to enter the Fu Corporation"s inner circle within half a year and gathered a lot of data for her.

Remembering Fu Shijun"s cold face and how he looked at everyone as if they were ants, Su Zhimo can"t help but let out a cold laugh.

So what if Fu Shijun were more capable?

If they are human, then they will have a weakness. Fu Shijun"s weakness was that he was too careless towards his family. This was what gave her an opportunity.

If one wants to be big, they can"t only have ability. They also need to guard their hearts.

Actually, when she discovered that Fu Shijun was her biological uncle, Su Zhimo had a mysterious feeling.

This man who was like a G.o.d will be crushed under her foot one day.

Her original plan was to first obtain the Qin Corporation and gathered enough power, before honorably battling Fu Shijun for the Fu Family.

But looking at it now, Fu Shijun may be a strong person, but his weakness was also obvious. He wasn"t as cold-hearted as she thought he was.

Then why doesn"t she obtain the Fu Family first before handling Su Zui.

Su Zui was only able to be successful currently because he was relying on the Qin Family.

After Grandfather Qin became so old that he wasn"t able to help Su Zui any longer, with Su Zui"s ability, it was only a matter of time before the Qin Family went bankrupt.

Before letting that big family a.s.set become destroyed under Su Zui"s management, why don"t they let it fall into her hands and have her make the Qin Family"s business successful once again.

She will prove sooner or later that not a single strand of her hair was any worse than that unintelligent stepbrother of hers.

As Su Zhimo imagine her future, she looked at the data in her hands cheerfully.

If there was a person from the Fu Corporation present, then they will be shocked to find out that this data was their company"s most recent big project.

As Su Zhimo continued to look it over, her face can"t help but slowly smile.

This project involved the development in A city"s new center district. It"s worth was worth ten billion. The price was so high it made even the enormous Fu Corporation unable to look at it lightly.

This project naturally had an incomparable number of security measurements and only people from the inner circle were allowed to partic.i.p.ate in it.

The nails she and Fu Shijing planted inside Fu Corporation coordinated and work hard together for one week and consumed her numerous connections and money, before they were able to present her with this doc.u.ment.

While her heart hurts, but after getting the doc.u.ment and looking it over, Su Zhimo can"t help but say in the depths of her heart: Worth it!

This doc.u.ment was not very detailed, but it wasn"t a waste of effort; the doc.u.ment still contained Fu Corporation"s main plan concerning the project.

With this doc.u.ment, the whole Fu Corporation in her eyes were like a block of meat on the chopping board. It can be cut up anytime.

After thinking for a while, Su Zhimo planned out a mock-up plan in her mind.

After gently closing the doc.u.ment in her hand, Su Zhimo can"t help but lightly laugh.

She really wants to see what Fu Shijun will do after she smashed this ten billion worth project.

The Fu Corporation"s market worth was hundred billions, but this was only the corporation"s estimation. It didn"t represent the amount of liquid funds in the whole company.

In fact, it was already good if it only had ten percent of its market value.

If this ten billion liquid funds were hindered by this project, not only will the Fu Corporation be bankrupted, but a big hole will also appear in the stock market.

If at this time a "small accident" happened and the water gets deeper, then the whole Fu Corporation will very easily be dragged into a dangerous state.

If there was a wall, everyone will push against it. The Fu Corporation was a big piece of cake. Once it was in danger, she doesn"t need to do anything and there would naturally be people charging and tearing Fu Shijun apart, as if they were hyenas that smelled food.

In the later period, she basically didn"t need especially waste any strength and can reap the benefits while using other people to do her work.

After plotting and waiting for so long, the opportunity finally came.

Once the Fu Corporation became a mess, it will become a good opportunity for her to make her move.

Actually, she was forced to take this step.

Her plan to first obtain the Qin Family before obtaining the Fu Family had already failed. With no other alternative, she could only walk this dangerous path to defeat her enemies.

Luckily, Fu Shijun wasn"t a perfect person. It was because of this that she was able to have such a big edge and allow her plan to progress so smoothly.

Su Zhimo looked at herself bursting with life in the mirror and can"t help but show a bright smile.

After such a long time, she finally experienced the feeling of good luck. It was as if the setbacks caused by Su Zui was only an illusion.

She once again became heaven"s favorite child, who could have a smooth sailing no matter what they did, just like she had been since young.

Remembering that stepbrother, who was like her destined nemesis, Su Zhimo"s smile dimmed.

She slowly opened her mouth and coldly spoke: "Su Zui......"

Just he wait. After she obtain the Fu Family, the next one who will experience misfortune will be that hindering stepbrother of hers.


Just as Su Zhimo expected, Fu Shijun quickly entered a chaotic state.

According to Fu Shijing and those nails she planted into the company, because of the problems regarding the project, the atmosphere around the Fu Corporation hasn"t been good for a while.

According to them, because of the funding problem, even the next seasonal pay for the employees weren"t guaranteed and they needed to immediately lay off some employees.

Su Zhimo was heavily suspicious and didn"t completely trust the words from her saboteurs, and even intentionally inquired news from the common staff that she had planted into the Fu Corporation.

After hearing everyone saying that the Fu Corporation has recently been laying off employees, she finally let go of her worries.

Just when she was about to start the next step of her plan and unite with several companies to buy out the Fu Corporation"s stock, a mishap happened to her own company without warning!

Suddenly, Su Company"s overseas stock market encountered an attack.

The attack came from a registered company from overseas. The company was basically unheard of and no one was able to find out any detailed information. It was as if it suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Yet this no name company had suddenly gain an innumerable amount of funding from an unknown source. As soon as attacked, it caused a heavy loss on the Su Company"s stock market value!

In just a few short hours, the Su Company"s stock market value was already halved. Its market value had already decreased by nearly a couple billions!

Su Zhimo angrily looked at the situation, but was unable to do anything about it.

The liquid funds in her hands were nearly all invested into the battle against Fu Corporation. The leftover was only a small amount. It was hardly enough to fill up the big funding deficit!

If she wants to fill it up, she will need to sell off the fixed a.s.sets she owned.

Except how could those a.s.sets, which frequently changing its value, sell in such a short time?

Even if Su Zhimo were to promptly choose to recklessly fill the gap, the speed was still not as fast as the speed of the stock market value drop.

With only half a day, Su Company"s stock market value was only a third of what it once was.

The already disinterested Su Chengzhi was alarmed by the big attack and charged into Su Zhimo"s office as if his b.u.t.t was on fire: "Zhimo, what happened to the company"s stock market value?!"

If the stock market value continues to drop, then their company can only declare bankruptcy!

After shedding all those tears and blood, how could his company suddenly became like this?

Seeing how the stock market value continues to drop, Su Chengzhi"s eyes become red and felt as if it was more painful than someone cutting off his limbs!

"Zhimo, what did you promise me when I hand over the company to you? This is only the first year. How could the company become like this?"

"If I knew things were going to turn out this way, I could have never handed over the company to you no matter what you said!"

"The company was doing well when it was still in my hands. What about now? Look! It was such a good company, yet how does it look now that it has been trampled over by you?!"

As Su Zhimo was interrogated by Su Chengzhi regarding her faults, her eyebrows furrowed and her face became ashen.

Su Chengzhi"s personality is just like this! When things go wrong, he only knows how to shove the blame onto other people!

The incident had only started but he was already in a hurry to shove all the blame onto her.

Why doesn"t he think about how much contributions she made to the Su Company within this one year?

The words may sound ugly, but if it wasn"t for her presence, the Su Company couldn"t even have enough stock market value to decrease!

If the incident today happened to Su Chengzhi, he could definitely not be able to handle it better than her!

Su Zhimo hated how she couldn"t tear apart Su Chengzhi"s s.h.i.tty mouth.

But the desperate situation was more important than arguing. Her face became a shade paler, but in the end, she endured the humiliation and said: "No one could have known this was going to happen! You should first calm down a bit. There is definitely a solution. Let me think, let me think......"

She attempted to comfort Su Chengzhi, but Su Chengzhi"s rationale had already disappeared. He heavily gasped and shouted himself hoa.r.s.e: "Hussy! I should have not gave birth to you back then! You are like a messenger of death! Besides bringing misfortune to my entire family, what else have you done?!"

The malicious words that were only directed towards Su Zui were all fired from Su Chengzhi"s mouth and directed towards her.

Su Zhimo, who had never received this treatment, can"t help but feel a bit perturbed.

It was as if time and s.p.a.ce had switched and she was the waste that had been disdained ever since she was young.

The next second, she reached the peak of her anger!

What is Su Chengzhi playing at?!

Her body originally had the Fu Family"s rich and pristine bloodline! She was born to be prosperous!

If it wasn"t for the situation, how could this good-for-nothing man be her dad for more than ten years?

When she really......about it, it really made her feel disgusted!

Su Zhimo finally can"t conceal her proud and arrogant att.i.tude. She looked at Su Chengzhi. Her words were ice cold and her gaze was filled with disdain. In a sarcastic voice she said: "Su Chengzhi. Even if I am not capable, I am still more capable than the you who lived off a woman. It was only after sucking your wife"s wealth for so many years that this company was able to be like this. This is your capability? Don"t you feel like a joke once it"s said out loud?"

Hearing his daughter mentioning his sorest spot, Su Chengzhi"s heart, which was already full of anger, suddenly burst!

He was practically unable to control his emotions and used his big hand to ruthlessly push Su Zhimo. He angrily shouted: "You ungrateful child! You dare to reprimand your father? Just who do you ...... you are!"(1)

In the end, Su Chengzhi was still a man. By using a large amount of strength to ruthlessly push Su Zhimo, Su Zhimo crashed into the hard desk at the side.

Her head was cut by the desk"s sharp corner. In almost an instant, blood started flowing down from the wound.

Su Zhimo cupped her forehead and curled up on the floor from the pain. Her mouth intermittently let out pained noises.

Xie Yan, who was only a step slower, saw this scene and screeched with alarm: "AH——MURDER! Chenzhi, what are you doing? Do you want to kill Zhimo? AH?"

She hurriedly rushed to her daughter"s side. She had wanted to wipe away the blood from Su Zhimo"s head but she was afraid of touching an area that she shouldn"t have touched, and caused her daughter"s injury to become more severe!

For a moment, she became so worried the tears in her eyes rolled down, but she was unable to do anything. She could only look at Su Chengzhi with bitter resentment.

Hearing her cry, Su Zhengzhi became more annoyed: "Cry! Cry! Cry! What are you crying for? Look at how that good daughter you gave birth to squander away our entire family"s money! Even if she were to die today, then it was for a good cause!"

While he said that, but towards the daughter he had spoiled since she was young, Su Chengzhi was still unable to be so heartless towards Su Zhimo like he did with Su Zui.

Once the anger receded, he saw the huge amount of blood flowing down from Su Zhimo"s head and can"t help but feel a bit of panic.

He turned his head to schold Xie Yan: "What are you still stupidly looking for? Hurry up and call the ambulance! 1-2-0! Three keys! Don"t you know how to press it? HUH?!

Xie Yan hurriedly fumbled out her cellphone to call the ambulance.

Except before the ambulance"s arrival, a group of police officers aggressively broke down the door!

"Is Su Zhimo, Ms. Su here? You are suspected of leaking out cla.s.sified business secrets and need you to——"

The police officer"s sentence wasn"t finished before being stupified by the chaotic and b.l.o.o.d.y room.

The leader of the police officers quickly took a glance of the circ.u.mstances in the room. Being a seasoned officer, he quickly pinned the target on the most suspicious person: Su Chengzhi. He coldly said: "Sir. If you have done any violence towards that lady, please also follow us to the station. Your behavior was already involves deliberate harming of others."

Police officers? How can police officers be here? And what leaked business secret?

Due to his head full of anger, Su Chengzhi didn"t completely understand the police officer"s words and instead looked Fu Shijing, who was behind the police officers, acting all secretive.

Seeing that unforgettable old enemy, Su Chengzhi"s anger in his heart once again soared!

He looked at Fu Shijing as if he was looking at a demon and said with an incredulous tone: "Fu Shijing, what are you here for? Is these police officers your work? My Su Family and your family may have much animosity between us, but was humiliating us in front of everybody last time not enough? You actually have to force us to this position?!"

Fu Shijing had originally came without telling Fu Shijun. When he secretly follow the police to the scene, he originally had a guilty conscience. Once he entered the door and saw the messy house and his daughter bleeding from her head, he can only stare stupidly at the scene.

Being aggressively questioned by Su Chengzhi, he can"t help but blurt out the truth: "No no no. I-I only came to see my daughter."

Su Chengzhi"s eyes were originally big due to anger. After hearing this, his eyes suddenly became bigger as if they were bells!

"What did you say——who is your daughter?"

It was only after he finished talking that Fu Shijing realized what he just said: "............"

It was a slip of the tongue and he didn"t dare to directly respond. However, his eyes glanced at Su Zhimo lying on the ground. The meaning was self-evident.

Su Chengzhi had wanted to angrily rebuke Fu Shijing"s lies, but Xie Yan"s surprise and undisguised guilty expression made him unable to persuade himself that this matter was only a lie made up by Fu Shijing.

He looked at the treasured daughter that he was worrying over just now and can only felt as if the entire world before his eyes was only an enormous joke!

Fu Shijing was afraid that people will misunderstand and ...... he was planning on recognizing and bring back Su Zhimo. He walked back to his big demon king little brother and hurriedly added: "I-I-I was only curious. I-I"m only taking a look and don"t have any other plans. You guys don"t have to mind me. For real! All you have to do is quickly accommodate the police!"

If he didn"t explain, it was still good and Su Chengzhi can still comfort himself and pretend he heard wrong.

Once he heard the explanation, it was simply smashing this matter into reality!

Su Chengzhi: "............"

Su Chengzhi had originally experienced countless roller coasters today. By having a freshly clean green hat slowly fastened to his head, it directly provoked him to the point both his eyes turned and fainted on the spot!

The author has something to say:

Slag dad: Great! Feeling as if I"m a winner in life


1: The original sentences were 反了你了,敢骂你老子?你算是个什么东西!, but this was hard to exactly translate into English so I took some liberties with it.

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