
The elephant is by far the largest and strongest quadruped in the world.

He is capable of carrying a burden of several thousand pounds" weight; and when tamed, one of the most sagacious and teachable of all animals.

He is of great service to Eastern nations, particularly in time of war.


A sort of turret is fastened on his back, in which are men with their fire-arms. His amazing strength renders him a fearful enemy.

It is related, that, by some accident, a large cannon had fallen into a ravine, where it stuck fast. An elephant was taken to the spot to draw it out; but he shook his head and gave evident signs that he thought it beyond his strength. His keeper, however, fastened him to the cannon, and he tried, but in vain, to pull it up, and was sent away. But, as there appeared no other way of getting the cannon out, the elephant was again fastened to it; he showed symptoms of displeasure at being required to do what was beyond his power, but when urged forward by his keeper, he strained with all his might, and pulled the cannon out of the ravine and dropped down dead.


H. G. Collins, Paternoster Row, London.

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