Uhr,(Ger.) - Clock, watch, hour, time. Used for "hour" in the ballad.

Uhu,(Ger.) - Owl.

Uliverus - Oliver, another of the twelve Paladins of Charlemagne, who fell at Roncesvalles (a Roland for an Oliver).

Und lauter guter Ding,(Ger.) - And of thoroughly good cheer.

Un-windoong,(Ger. Entwicklung?) - Unravelling.

Unvolkommene technik - Unfinished style or method.

Urb.u.mmeleid,(Ger. vulg.) - Arch-loafer"s song.

Urlied,(Ger.) - The song of yore.

Van"t klein komt men tot"t groote,(Dutch) - Great things have small beginnings. (Concordia res parvae cresc.u.n.t - Legend on the Dutch ducats; or "Magna molimur parvi.") Varus - The Roman commander in Germany, conquered by Arminius.

Veilchen,(Ger.) - Violets.

Vercieren,(Flem.) - Adorn; exalt.

Verdammt,(Ger.) - D---d.

Verfluchter,(Ger.) - Accursed.

Verloren,(Ger.) - Forlorn.

Verstay, Verstehen - Understand.

Versteh, Verstehen,(Ger.) - To understand.

Vertyfeln, Verteufeln - To botch.

Villiam - William Street at New York, inhabited by many Germans.

Vivat! - The same as vive! in French. Hurrah!

Vlaemsche - Flemish.

Von - One. See Preface.

Voonderly,(Ger. Wunderlich) - Wondrous, curious.

Voruber,(Ger.) - Past.

Wachsen,(Ger.) - Waxen.

Wachsen,(Ger.) - To grow.

"Komm"ich in"s galante Sachsen Wo die schone Maedchen wachsen."

- Old German Song.

Waechter,(Ger.) - Watchman.

Waelder,(Ger.) - Woods.

Wahlverwandtschaft,(Ger.) - Elective affinity, sympathy of souls.

Wahrsagt,(Ger. Wahrsagen) - To foretell, soothsay.

Waidmannsheil,(Ger.) - Huntsman"s weal.

Wald,(Ger.) - Wood.

Wallowin - Walloon.

Walschen,(Ger.) - Of the Latin race.

Wappenshield(Waffenschild) - Coat of arms.

Ward all zu Steine,(Ger.) - Became all stone.

Ward zu Wind,(Ger.) - Became a wind.

Wechselbalg,(Ger.) - (formerly a popular superst.i.tious belief), a changeling, brat, urchin.

Weihnachtsbaum,(Ger.) - Christmas tree.

Weihnachtslied,(Ger.) - Christmas song.

Weingarts, weingarten,(Ger.) - Vineyards.

Weingeist,(Ger.) - Vinous, ardent spirit.

Wein-handle,(Ger. Weinhandel or Weinhandlung) - Wine-trade, wine-shop.

Weinnachtstraum - Lit. Winenight"s dream, for "Weihnacht,"

Christmas dream.

Wellen und Wogen,(Ger.) - Waves and billows.

Welshhen - Turkey hen.

Werda?(Ger.) - Who"s there?

Werden, das Werden - The becoming to be.

Wete(Wette) - Bet.

We"uns, you"ns - We and you. A common vulgarism through the Southern States.

""Tis sad that we"uns from you"ns parts When you"ns hev stolen we"uns" hearts.

Wie gehts,(Ger.) - How goes it? How are you?

Wie Milch und Blut - Like milk and blood.

Wild und Weh,(Ger.) - Wild and woebegone.

Wilde Jagd - Wild hunt.

Willkomm,(Ger.) - Welcome.

Windsbraut,(Ger. poet) - Storm, hurricane, gust of wind.

Wird,(Ger.) - Becomes.

Wise-hood,(Ger. Weisheit) - Wisdom.

Wised,(Ger. Wusste, from wissen) - Knew.

Witz,(Ger.) - A sally.

Wo bist du?(Ger.) - Where art?

Woe-moody,(Ger. Wehmuthig) - Moanful, doleful.

Wohl,(Ger.) - Well!

Wohlauf,(Ger.) - Well, come on, cheer up.

Wolfsschlucht,(Ger.) - Wolf"s glen.

Wonnevol,(Ger. Wonnevoll) - Blissful.

Woon,(Ger. Wunde) - Wound.

Word-blay - Word-play, pun, quibble.

Wunderscheen(Wunderschoen) - Very beautiful.

Wurst - A German student word for indifference.

Wurst,(Ger.) - Sausage.

Yaeger,(Ger.) - Huntsman.

Yaegersmann, Jaegersmann - Huntsman.

Yager,(Jager, Ger.) - Hunter.

Yar,(Ger. Jahr) - Year.

Yartausend, Jahrtausend - A thousand years.

Yellow pine - Mulatto.

Yonge maegden,(Flem.) - Young girls.

"I lost a maiden in that hour." - Byron.

Yoompers - Jumpers. Rude sledges.

Yungling, Jungling,(Ger.) - Youth.

Zapfet aus,(Ger.) - Tap the barrel.

Zigeuner - Gipsy.

Zimmer,(Ger.) - Room.

Zukunftig,(Ger.) - In future.

1. Liederchor is the word which serves as a basis for this designation.

2. Studio auf einer Reis", Lebet halt auf auf eig"ner Weis"

Hungrig hier und hungrig dort, Ist des Burschens Logungswort.

This, with the other verses, may be found in the German Student"s "Commersbucher."

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