"Valid until the expiration date of dawn tomorrow." Dylan brushed Alex"s mouth with a light kiss.

"Doesn"t mean we can"t still see each other. I have weekends, you have weekends."

"I was thinking about tossing in the valet job and getting a bartending gig here," Alex admitted.

"It"s a thought. We probably wouldn"t run into each other any more often, though." "What if I used my connections to get a job helping you out at your bar?"

"It"s a thought. But our shifts might not coincide."

"Ah, we could work something out." Alex nuzzled closer. "I saw how busy you were. You could use a hand. That place is too much for a one-man show."

"Mmm." The offer earned Alex another ardent kiss. "I could always use some help, that"s for sure.

Those sports fans get rowdy. You wouldn"t believe how much beer and liquor they can put away."

"So we can think about it? Maybe I can ask Liam."

"You leave Liam alone. The poor guy"s going to be worn out after tonight." Dylan grew serious. "I don"t know how many details you"ve been given, but Liam gave up a lot to see that you Brothers had this one magical night, and he"s still giving. He"ll be ragged. Don"t bother him. We"ll just take things nice and slow and see what happens. Deal?"

"Can I have another kiss?"

"I think that can be arranged." Dylan lowered his mouth to Alex"s and licked at the corner before pressing their lips together, the embrace long and lingering, heated enough that by the time they broke apart again Alexwas whimpering, humping against Dylan like a h.o.r.n.y teenager.

Dylan slid his other hand down to cup one cheek of Alex"s a.s.s. "I"ve been dreaming about getting inside you again," he whispered into one ear. "You ever do it in the water, kitten?"

Alex shook his head. "I"m always up for something new though." He laughed, startled. "I guess that"s why the club likes me."

"Hmm." Dylan seemed to roll that over in his mind. "I think you"re right. Are you still slick from earlier?"

"Should be." Alex gave Dylan his sauciest look. "Why don"t you find out for yourself?"

Dylan slid one finger into the crevice between Alex"s a.s.s cheeks and prodded at the snug hole there.

Alex couldn"t help making a needy sound and writhing in Dylan"s arms. "Oh, yeah, you"re still slick. And you"re very hungry for me, aren"t you? Just dying to have my c.o.c.k inside you. You want me to f.u.c.k you good and hard."

"Yes, please. Now?"

"One-syllable words. Now that"s a positive sign that a man is ready. Here, grab on to the edge." Dylan guided Alex to the side of the pool and lifted Alex"s arms so that Alex could hold the concrete in his hands. "Good and tight, now. Just like that sweet hole of yours."

As Alex clung to the wall, he felt the pressure of two fingers sliding into his a.s.s. He gave a deep sigh of contentment and a hitch of eagerness, writhing backward toward his lover as best as he could.

"Greedy, greedy."

"You said it yourself. Insatiable." Dylan paused. "So, we"ve put everything behind us now? We"re going to have a fresh start?"

"Brand new," Alex said breathlessly. "But I want to keep the memory of that Full-Body Special. That"s one for the diary."

"Mmm. I"ll have to read your diary someday."

"It"s nothing to write home about. Just page after page of meaningless s.e.x."

"And this does mean something?" Dylan added a third finger, creating a sweet burn of pleasure/pain.

Alex moaned and shifted his hips, bearing down to help Dylan stretch him out. "It means more than you know."

"I"m not sure, but I think I have an idea. I"m the possessive type, Alex, so if or when you say you"re mine, you"re mine. At least for now. No more questions about the past, right?"

Alex tilted his head back as Dylan added a fourth finger, the pressure almost too much and not quite enough at the same time. "None," he breathed. "Now shut up and f.u.c.k me."

"As you wish." Alex felt Dylan"s c.o.c.khead lining up against his pucker. "No need for condoms. We couldn"t pa.s.s anything back and forth. I should apologize myself, for misleading you earlier."

"We both screwed up. Over and done. Nowscrew me ."

"Anytime, kitten. Knowing you, I think you"re more than ready."

Alex felt the solid, blunt push and gasped when Dylan popped into his channel. "More. Harder," he begged.

"All night long, if you want."

"Is that a promise?"

Dylan laughed. "We"ll see what we can do." He thrust in fiercely, taking Alex"s breath away.

Oh, yes. This is definitely going to be a night to remember. As Alex closed his eyes in bliss, he spared one more thought for his benefactor. Thank you, Liam. Wherever you are, whatever you are, thank you beyond my wildest dreams.

You might just have helped me find the love of my life.

Liam finished up another drink and pushed his gla.s.s away. He could feel the lines tightening around his eyes, but the extra sugar had helped him maintain this aspect of his corporeal form.

"You look like s.h.i.t," the bartender grunted. "How much longer you gonna keep this up?"

"Not too much longer. Then I will have my reward." Liam winked at the man, and let himself disappear, leaving behind a neatly written signature on a paper napkin. He came back to himself in the viewing room, just in time to see another monitor go dark.

Ahh ... so Alex has made up his differences with the handsome bartender. Another of the Brothers has found his happiness. But what of myself? I wear too thin, like a well-patched blanket coming apart at the seams. Allen and Harrison yet need my help. Will I be able to give it to them?

No. There must be no room for self-doubt.

Liam straightened his back, sitting upright despite his shaking hands and the tremors in his legs. He tapped the floor, focusing on Allen"s screen.

"Come on," he whispered. "Come on. This can hardly be as difficult as many of the others, Allen. You have nothing to fear. He is, after all, only a werewolf ..."

Willa Okati

Although a relative newcomer to the field of e-publishing, Willa Okati has been writing since before she was old enough to pick up a pen. She thinks she knows where those dictated stories are hidden, but she"ll never tell.

Willa is also very interested in the paranormal: magery, Wicca, New Age philosophy, transgender studies, and of course, writing. You can drag her away from the computer if you really fight, but you"d better be prepared for a battle.

Just so she doesn"t sound entirely dull, Willa has her fun: she is a practicing member of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and is involved in her community. She is owned by far too many cats, all of which have serious att.i.tudes, and addicted to anything made out of chocolate or involving coffee. She is quiet, but has a very wicked sense of humor that springs out when you least expect it.

A secretary for eight years, she now writes full-time -- and wouldn"t trade it for the world.

She loves to hear from readers, and always responds. You can contact her , or visit her website to check out her work atwww.willaokati.com .

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