A desire that called to him every time he thought of her. Remembered how magnificent she had looked with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s unbound after she had removed her vest. The lean lines of her body and as he had noticed when she danced with the Goth, the ring of gold threaded through her belly b.u.t.ton.

He grew hard just imagining kissing her there. Tonguing that golden ring and then moving lower until...

A sharp rap came at his door, disrupting his fantasy. He wondered who it could be since he didn"t get many visitors up on his rooftop.

He stalked to the door, eager to be rid of them and back to his musings about Stacia. Throwing the door open, he was alternately surprised and fearful to see her there. "Well, luv, fancy that. I was just thinking about you and here you are."

"Really? And you"re not in the least bit worried about why I"m here?" she asked, one brow arched in a way that made the ring of gold there almost wink at him impudently.

He stepped aside and held his hand out in invitation. "I"m a.s.suming you"re here to finish up our business of the other night."

Stacia chuckled as she sauntered in, the sway of her hips in all that black leather mesmerizing. Once she was inside, she placed her hands on her hips and looked around, taking note of the collection of cast-offs in his small rooftop home.

On the floor, thick oriental rugs that had seen better days, but were ruthlessly clean and of high quality. Rich mahogany furniture filled the small s.p.a.ce, from the oddly matching tables scattered here and there which held an a.s.sortment of candles to the jewel in his room a large four-poster bed piled high with a sumptuous collection of linens.

"Very nice," she said and headed to the French doors he had picked up from a nearby demolition site and installed to give him access to the rest of the roof. She opened the French doors and stepped outside.

He followed, walking with her to the edge of the building which was directly across from Gramercy Park. In the early spring night, a sliver of moon illuminated the park where the branches of the trees were still bare of any growth. She looked at him and then around to the wrought-iron chairs and table on the roof, as well as the a.s.sorted pots for plants.

"I didn"t take you for a nature boy," she said and laid a hand on his chest, stroking him through the thin cotton of the T-shirt.

Blake shrugged as he said, "My family had a farm before..." He stopped, sensing it wasn"t the time for recollections about his lineage, but when she looked up at him with her fathomless eyes, he sensed she wanted a connection. He picked up his hand and cradled her cheek, cold as the night and smooth. Like satin.

"You"re very beautiful," he said and traced the edges of her full lips with his thumb.

"Do you think you"re the first man who"s ever told me that?" she said, a hint of scorn in her tone even as she raised the hand on his chest up to cup his jaw.

"No, but I"d like to be the last," he said with a broad grin.

He was irresistible, Stacia thought. Handsome and full of spirit. Pa.s.sionate. Desire rose up, urging her to take the risk. To seek out the solace he might bring to her heart and so she inched up on tiptoe and kissed him.

His lips were cold. Firm. He met her kiss tentatively at first, but then relaxed and soon his mouth opened on hers, tasting her.

Begging her to open and allow him more which she did, leaning into him as his tongue darted out to lick the edges of her lips and slip into her mouth. Dancing with her tongue until they were both straining against each other, needing more.

Arms wrapped around one another, they staggered back into his room and toward the bed, but at its edge he stopped and stepped back a bit. Looking down at her from his slightly greater height, he said, "I"ve waited too long to rush this."

"Me, too," she confessed.

With a nod, he slowly undressed her, his fingers skimming her skin as he slipped each b.u.t.ton of her silk shirt free. She was naked beneath and as she shrugged off the shirt to expose herself to him, he gasped at the sight of her beauty.

Blake cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s in his hands. Strummed his thumbs across her nipples until she mewled a protest and then he replaced his hands with his mouth. Sucking at her, gently at first, but then just a bit harder as she cupped the back of his head to her.

Then he slowly sank to his knees, kissing a line down the center of her. His hands holding her hips as he dipped his tongue into her navel and after, playfully tugged at the golden ring there with his teeth.

That tug sent a direct signal to the center of her. She moaned and sat back on the edge of the bed, her knees almost weak from the desire he had awoken.

"Easy, luv," he said as he worked open her black leather pants and then slipped his hands beneath to drag them off.

Blake paused to admire all that he had revealed. To marvel at the pale skin between her legs. At his perusal, she parted her thighs, exposing the deeper coral of her lips, glistening with her need. With a half glance at her, he slipped between her legs, kissed her there.She let out a ragged sigh, but cupped his head to her as he pleasured her with his mouth and tongue, until he felt the quickening beneath his fingers, and his own erection twitched to remind him that it, too, needed more.

Vamp speed was a good thing, he thought, as he tossed off his shirt and jeans and returned to give her one last lick before he rose and positioned himself at her opening.

Stacia watched the emotions splash across his face as he gazed down at her, hesitating as if asking permission. With the slight shift of her hips, she invited him in.

He moved slowly, restraining himself so as to satisfy her. Conscious of her every need as he slipped his hands up her body to caress her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Bent and took her mouth with a kiss that mimicked the motion of his hips, until she was gasping for breath and her heart thundered in her chest.

She picked up her knees and cradled his hips, increasing the penetration of his thrusts and he quickened his tempo then.

Strengthened the force of his thrusts until she had to hold onto his shoulders to keep with him. Nearly panting with the intensity of his lovemaking.

As his gaze locked with hers, she realized he was striving for something besides physical satisfaction. Something was lacking within him much as it was within her. And so she raised her lips to his, wanting to give him that. Wanting to take it from him, as well. "Love me, Blake."

With one arm braced on the bed to keep his weight off her, he cupped her head with his free hand and whispered, "You have it, Stacia. You have it, luv."

The kiss that followed sent them both over the edge, but even as they lay there afterward, damp and sated, she needed more and he gave it. Time and time again they made love until the first fingers of a rosy dawn crept into the night sky and the sounds of birds t.i.ttering out in the park reminded them that it was time to rest.

Blake snuggled her against his side and she went there willingly, satisfaction of both a physical and mental kind granting her peace for the moment.

As she lay there, savoring the lean lines of his body and the comfort of his arms, Stacia wanted to ask if this was forever, but after two thousand years of existence, she knew forever was promised to no one. So instead she said, "Is this love, Blake?"

A boyish grin slowly blossomed on his face and traveled up to his deep blue eyes, which sparkled with promise. "I certainly hope so, luv."

The smile shook something loose inside of her and for the first time in centuries, Stacia imagined love was possible for her. Inching upward, she whispered against his lips, "So do I," and kissed him.

Blood Calls By Caridad Pineiro



Chapter 1.

imageChapter 2

Chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

Chapter 5.

Chapter 6.

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11.

Chapter 12.

Chapter 13.

Chapter 14.

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