74 Dillmann, in the _Jahrbucher fur deutsche Theologie, dritter Band_, p. 422.

75 In his _Antiq._, x. 4, 5, and xi. 1-5.

76 iv. 6, sec. 3, and vi. 2, sec. 1.

77 xi. 8, sec. 5.

78 Article "Kanon" in Herzog"s _Encyklopaedie_, vol. vii., p. 253; and the same author"s _Prolegomena zur Theologie des alt. Test._, pp.

91, 92.

79 See Abulfatach"s _Annal. Samar._, p. 102, 9, &c.

80 Kirschbaum, Weisse, and Noack.

_ 81 Einleitung in das alte Testament_, vol. i. p. 133.

_ 82 De vita contemplativa_, Opp. Tom. ii., P. 475, ed. Mangey.

83 See Credner"s _Zur Geschichte des Kanons_, p. 124.

_ 84 De mens. et pond._, chapters 22, 23, vol. ii. p. 180, ed. Petav.

_ 85 Baba Bathra_, fol. 14, 2.

86 See _Furst, Der Kanon u. s. w. p._ 14, &c.

_ 87 Studien zur Geschichte der alttestamentliche Literatur, u. s. w._, p. 18, etc.

88 Hody _De Bibliorum textibus originalibus_, p. 644.

89 Hody gives lists of the order in which the books stand in some early printed editions and in a few MSS., p. 645.

_ 90 Die Apokryphen, u. s. w._, p. 14, &c.

_ 91 Studien und Kritiken_ for 1853, p. 267, &c.

_ 92 A Scholastical History of the Canon_, p. 22.

93 See Rothe, _Zur Dogmatik, Studien u. Kritiken_ for 1860, p. 67, &c.

The apostle"s argument rests on the occurrence of the singular (_seed_, sp??a) in Genesis xvii. 8 (LXX.), not the plural (_seeds_, sp??ata); though the plural of the corresponding Hebrew word could not have been used, because it has a different signification.

Grammatical inaccuracy is made the basis of a certain theological interpretation. Those who wish to see a specimen of labored ingenuity unsuccessfully applied to the justification of St. Paul"s argument in this pa.s.sage, may consult Tholuck"s _Das alte Testament in neuem Testament_, p. 63, etc. Vierte Auflage. (Epist. to the Galatians iii. 16.)

94 Died 202 A.D.

_ 95 Advers. Hares._, v. 35, referring to Baruch iv. 36, and v. p. 335, ed. Ma.s.suet.

_ 96 Ibid._, iv., 26, referring to Daniel xiii. 20 in the Septuagint.

97 Died 220A.D.

_ 98 Paedagog._ vi. 3.

_ 99 Stromata_, ii. 23.

_ 100 Stromata_, iv. 16.

_ 101 Ibid._, ii. 7.

_ 102 Ex Script. prophet. eclogae_, c. 1.

_ 103 Stromateis_, ii. 15.

104 Died 264 A.D.

_ 105 De Natura; Routh"s Reliquiae Sacrae_, vol. iv. p. 356.

_ 106 Fragment. Nicet._, in _Reliq. Sacrae_, vol. ii. p. 404.

_ 107 Ibid._, p. 407.

_ 108 Ibid._, p. 406.

_ 109 Epistola ad. Dionys. Roman_, in _Reliq. Sacr._, vol. iii. p. 195.

_ 110 Reliq. Sacr._, vol. ii. p. 408.

111 Died 220 A.D.

_ 112 Advers. Valentinianos._ ch. 2.

_ 113 De Exhortatione Cast.i.tatis_, ch. 2.

_ 114 Contra Gnosticos_, ch. 8.

_ 115 De Habitu Muliebri_, ch. 3.

_ 116 Epist._ 55, p. 110, ed. Fell.

_ 117 De Orat. Domin._ p. 153.

_ 118 De Exhortat. Martyrii_, ch. 12, p. 182.

_ 119 De Mortal_, p. 161.

_ 120 De Orat. Domin._, p. 141.

_ 121 Testim._ iii. 4, p. 62.

_ 122 De Lapsis_, p. 133, &c.

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