Nan Shen and Tan Hua was still hugging each other tightly when suddenly...Tan Hua felt someone grab her shoulder from behind while whispering to her ear.

"Got you..." The voice was so eerie low that upon hearing it, Tan Hua instantly peed her pants.

!! G-ghost!!

"Gyaaaa!!!" Tan Hua was so scared that she accidentally pushed Nan Shen head to the ground, instantly hitting Nan Shen head to the hard floor.

Nan Shen didn"t even know when all he felt was the cold floor and the pain to his head, immediately making his view blurred.


Nan Shen instantly pa.s.sed out.

"b-big bro big bro!!" Tan Hua who was so scared hearing the eerie whisper, haven"t realize that Nan Shen had pa.s.sed out so she kept on shaking Nan Shen body, trying to made Nan Shen her living s.h.i.+eld but Nan Shen didn"t move!

B-boss! boss wake up!! She is so scared!! Don"t leave her behind ?


This time when Tan Hua was trying to wake Nan Shen, she suddenly hear the sound of something scratching the floor which made her flinched as tears began to wet her cheek.

W-what is that now?!

Very suddenly with a SWOSH, a figure of a very ugly monster, appeared in front of Tan Hua while showing its sharp teeth.

Tan Hua: ? *faint*

Tan Hua only saw how scary the creature was before she fainted out of shock with foam flooded out from her mouth, scaring the monster!

E-eh??!! W-what happened?!

"H-hey!! s-someone pa.s.sed out!! Medic!! Help!!" the so-called monster which was actually a human wearing a very good costume, immediately took off his costume.

The "monster" then hurriedly called medic team for Tan Hua and Nan Shen who were already pa.s.sed out on the floor.

Immediately after the haunted house area was crowded with medical team. Not only that, people also knew there were 2 men who came inside the house and went out unconscious. Thankfully Mi Shu and Ren Yuan already went to another area so they didn"t know about this commotion.

1 p.m

"W-what do we do know?? It"s 1 p.m already!" Nan Shen who just woke up few minutes ago, went panic when he saw his wrist.w.a.tch.

He...he didn"t know how he pa.s.sed out earlier in the haunted house was already 1 p.m! Mi Shu and Ren Yuan must have gone from the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

"Well just go to their next destination. Aren"t they going to go shopping and then watch a movie?" Tan Hua who also had just woke up, desperately covered her wet pants with blanket provided at the room where she and Nan Shen get treated.

"Uh right let"s grab bread for lunch and go to the mall now. Otherwise we won"t be able to tailed them again" Nan Shen ma.s.saged his pained head.

This is weird. He wasn"t that sacred to the point of pa.s.sing out because of a ghost could he ended up fainting??

If this boy...he was sure this boy was here because he fainted out of fear but him! He wasn"t that coward to fainted just because of fake ghost!

"little huo do you know why I faint?" Nan Shen went down from the bed as he approached Tan Hua who was fl.u.s.tered over her wet pants.

It seemed that she peed her pants out of fear earlier!! Th-this is super embarra.s.sing!!

"no I don"t know anything but big me..." Tan Hua face turned red from embarra.s.sment after Nan Shen mentioned why he fainted.

Well it was obviously her doing but she would never admit it! So let"s change the topic!

"What? what do you need help for?" Nan Shen instantly forgot his question when he heard Tan Hua asked for help.

Could it be his little bro had injury anywhere? It would be bad!

"I...I peed my pants.." With face as red as tomato, Tan Hua meekly informed Nan Shen about this embarra.s.sing fact.

She had to tell him! She had to get a new pants after all and Nan Shen would be the one who could pay for it ?.

Nan Shen: ? what?

"W-whaaat? you wet your pants? AGAIN?! are you a child? before you wet my bedsheet and now wetting your pants. Hhh...let"s go to the mall now! you need a new pants!" Nan Shen immediately dragged Tan Hua to find taxi and as quick as possible, went to the mall.

Hopefully Mi Shu and Ren Yuan were also there so he could tailed them as well while buying new pants for this kiddo.

At the mall.

"Hei Huo. After this, those two will watch romance movie at cinema and we have to follow them too" Nan Shen rubbed his chin while looking at Tan Hua who was choosing pants for her.

"Yeah and so?" Tan Hua didn"t even suspect anything as she choose the right size of the pants she needed.

"it would be weird for two guy to watch romance movie! We may be seen as gay" Nan Shen had an evil grin as he talked so.

"Oh you are right. So? What do we do?" Still choosing pants, Tan Hua only shrugged her shoulder casually not knowing that she would soon become a sacrificial lamb.

"You! Become a girl!"

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