This was the first time she saw Nan Shen looked that annoyed so she wondered who called Nan Shen just now. After all she couldn"t hear anything that they were talking about through phone.

Hmm who called boss just now? Boss look so annoyed!! Look at his face it"s already a devil face ready to kill someone. Ugh so scary ?

Nan Shen didn"t know that his true self which had slipped a bit was noticed by Tan Hua and even made her sacred for a moment. At this time he was too busy with this problem his mother dumped to him.


Nan Shen tried to call his mom again to explain that he didn"t have a girlfriend. Actually he is also suspicious about how his mother know about Tan Hua and him going on a "date" last weekend.

Moreover how could his mom suddenly thought Tan Hua is his girlfriend?? It"s absurd!! Tan Hua is his employee and after all his appearance now is a boy!How could he date her openly like what his mom thought.

Nan Shen waited patiently for the call to get connected to his mom"s phone but somehow his mom already turned off her phone so that Nan Shen couldn"t call her to reject her sudden "demand" making Nan Shen felt like he would went crazy.

D-d.a.m.n that witch!! Introduce his girlfriend at Lan family party?? Tan Hua isn"t even his girlfriend!! What to introduce anyway??

"Boss? are you alright?" Tan Hua who couldn"t hold back her curiosity anymore, decided to approach Nan Shen who looked as if the world was about to end.

Just what happened with boss? he looked crazy!

" am not alright!!!" Nan Shen kneeled down and sobbed when he saw Tan Hua kindly ask him whether he was alright or not.

He wasn"t alright for G.o.d sake!! He had to bring this innocence girl, dress her up and made her into his fake girlfriend!! He felt guilty!!

"Uhh boss if I may know what happen?" Tan Hua helped Nan Shen to stood up and sat him down at the sofa. She even went as far as making tea for Nan Shen so he would calm down.

Boss face looked so dark now. Maybe he was stressed about something? Is it related to the company? ?

Seeing Tan Hua who had kindly made him tea to calm him down, Nan Shen had the urge to burst into tears for this kind girl.

Uhh Tan Hua you already suffer a lot but how could you still be kind?? He really felt guilty! He would burden this kind girl once more...he was the worst!!

"Thank you" Nan Shen could only sighed seeing Tan Hua who had sat on the sofa across his place. He really need time to relax and think of this matter.

He didn"t want to burden Tan Hua by making her dressed up like a doll. Moreover he would brought her to a high cla.s.s party and made her his fake girlfriend!

For someone poor like Tan Hua she might not enjoy the high cla.s.s party moreover...

Nan Shen stole a glance at Tan Hua who was calmly watching him sipping his tea.

He just didn"t want to show Tan Hua with her girl appearance. After that party there would be Lan Yanjin for sure!! Lan Yanjin only knew that Tan Hua was a boy right now if Tan Hua put up her girl appearance what if Lan Yanjin realized something wrong?

What if he knew Tan Hua was a girl too?? Looking at how he treated Tan Hua when she was in her boy would be dangerous!!

Nan Shen thought about Tan Hua this far aside from pitying her, he also thought that since he had "adopted" her to be his little brother then he had to treat her as his little sister too.

It wouldn"t be bad to have such a cute girl to be his little sister.

Hm? Why not making her his girlfriend? Well it"s impossible!! Tan Hua had to live her life as a boy but if he made her his girlfriend, she might thought he is a gay. Now he also couldn"t tell her that he knew her secret. Otherwise she would ran away and quit her job.

If that happened he would lost such a good talent for his company!!

Ugh this is troubling. He knew he would have to bring Tan Hua to the party as his "girlfriend" but he was kinda reluctant to do that since that means announcing go the media that he had a girlfriend.

In that party there would be a lot of people from media and if he came with a girl, whoever she is she would be targeted by media for hot scandal! After all he never had a girlfriend before.

But he didn"t want anyone to knew about Tan Hua moreover what if someone try to dig about her information? Then her real name and her family background could be exposed no?

If he really had to bring her to the party...he better altered her information so no one would think that she was Tan Hua, someone who disguised as a boy and work in his own company!

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