Meanwhile at this time when Nan Shen and Tan Hua was still outside the building, Lan Yanjin was being interrogated by his parents.

"Yanjin where is the blonde girlfriend of yours you show us before? Mommy want to meet her soon!" A beautiful woman with blonde hair and gentle blue eyes wearing gold colour line dress suddenly appeared behind Lan Yanjin and talk to him.

This person was none other than Lan Yanjin mother. Her long blonder hair looked like a strand of gold under light of the crystal lamp coupled with her golden dress, the woman looked like a nouveau rich. Her deep blue eyes which were the exact copy of Lan Yanjin eyes, looked so gentle like a meek deer.

Her voice was so soothing and anyone who hear it would think they just heard an angel voice.

Lan Yanjin sighed when he saw his mother already so eager to met his so-called girlfriend. In fact he didn"t really have a girlfriend okay?? He just show Tan Hua photo to his parents to made them shut up for once but who knows this would only backfired at him!

He didn"t think his grandfather"s birthday party would be held in this country. He thought it would be held abroad like usual! Knowing that his so-called girlfriend also live in this country his parents had been as noisy as always, urging him to bring her to this party.

But how could he do that?! He didn"t even have Tan Hua phone number and he doubt she would even agree to disguise as a girl and became his fake girlfriend

Just why his parents are so noisy about him getting a partner?! He was still young okay, 28 years old!

Author: ? that"s not young at all.

"She is busy mom and I"m sure she will feel uncomfortable to attend grand party like this" Lan Yanjin immediately made an excuse as to why he didn"t bring his "girlfriend" along to this party.

Hearing this Lan Yanjin"s mother could only shook her head and went to talk to his husband.

Right after Lan Yanjin said so, there was a commotion at the entrance of the party hall. The curious Lan Yanjin, was in mood to see what made these guests were so noisy very suddenly.

Lan Yanjin walked to the door of the party hall to see what"s going on but when he did, he was immediately shocked silly.

At this time Nan Shen had brought Tan Hua in to the hall. He was wearing that angelic mask on his face while Tan Hua wore a gentle elegant mask on her face even though she was super nervous.

The moment Tan Hua appeared, the guests immediately seen her because she was walking beside Nan Shen and not only that. Her unique dress also made her easily noticed by the guest.

"Wow what a beautiful dress! Who is that girl? She walk beside young master Nan!" one of the female guest had her eyes sparkled when she saw Tan Hua dress. The dress was something she never seen before even when she already bought all the newest dress design from famous designer.

Where the h.e.l.l that girl get such a unique and beautiful dress?!

"Look she is holding young master Nan hand! Is she his girlfriend??" Another female guest who had sharp eyes pointed her finger to Tan Hua arm which was linked to Nan Shen arm.

"Eh?? Young master Nan girlfriend?! Just now we saw young master Ren with someone from the Mi family I don"t think I will see young master Nan bringing a girl too!" A young girl in pink line dress looked at Nan Shen place with tears on her eyes.

Just now 10 minutes before Nan Shen came in, Ren Yuan also came to the party and he was being escorted by Mi Shu! This made the guests all shocked since Ren Yuan had never been gossiped to have a girlfriend.

The girls in the party all had their excitement died down the moment they saw Mi Shu who looked like a gorgeous G.o.ddess walking beside Ren Yuan looking very matched.

They dream to be Ren Yuan girlfriend was destroyed by Mi Shu beauty! No one could bravely approached Ren Yuan when he was with Mi Shu now. That"s why the girl switched side to Nan Shen.

If Ren Yuan wasn"t single anymore then there was still Nan Shen! That man also never had a girlfriend and didn"t have love scandal either.

The single girls in the party all looked forward to see Nan Shen in this party but then when he came, he came with a beautiful girl wearing a completely new and unique dress.

That dress wore by the girl beside Nan Shen side was so unique since that model was the only one that was different with the rest of the dresses worn by the other ladies.

This made that black-haired girl stand up from the rest of the ladies!

The guests especially the girl all had dumbfounded face when they saw Nan Shen and Tan Hua walked slowly to the hall looking exactly like a couple made in heaven. Tan Hua with her Navy blue dress and Nan Shen with his silver suit.

T-they looked so well-suited for each other!!

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