!! Tan Hua!!

Mi Shu was about to cry when she saw the kidnapper punch Tan Hua and made her faint on spot. She was more worried for Tan Hua well being than herself since the kidnapper didn"t do anything to her aside from covering her nose and mouth.

This liquid on the handkerchief made her sleepy!!

Mi Shu didn"t try to resist when the kidnapper drag her and Tan Hua into their car. Their were at a rather quiet place around the mall so not many see this scene.

But even if someone saw this they thought it was a filming since one of the man pretend to be a cameraman successfully made the kidnapping looked like filming.

Mi Shu consciousness began to fade but with her last strength she manage to press Ren Yuan contact number with her phone that she hide in her skirt pocket.

R-ren Yuan...help!

Mi Shu didn"t send any message other than SOS before she sent the "send" b.u.t.ton. Right after she push the "send" b.u.t.ton, Mi Shu lost consciousness and fell into a deep sleep.


The car immediately depart when Mi Shu and Tan Hua was already shoved to the second row of seat. This crime happened so fast that it only happened in less than 5 minutes!

"Now search their phone and throw it outside who knows if they have GPS installed in their phone" the leader of the kidnapper who sat at the front seat next to the driver immediately told his subordinates at the second row seat to throw away Mi Shu and Tan Hua phone.

The two man who watched over Mi Shu and Tan Hua immediately do a body search and in less than a minute they found both Mi Shu and Tan Hua phone.

"Boss this one phone is so old" the man at the back thought they had to kept one of the phone to contact that rich CEO for money.

They did do this because someone told them to do so but they could get more money if they threatened this boy boss right? Their employer gave them the information about these two and that made them had this idea.

"Just throw the girl phone and keep the boy phone. We need it to threaten this boy boss. From what I know this boy boss is a rich CEO and he value this boy pretty well" the leader of the kidnapper casually grab Mi Shu phone and throw it outside the car instantly made the phone broke.

The leader of the kidnapper whistle happily when they headed to the place his employer prepared for this. He would soon get money from his employer and then extra money from threatening this boy"s boss!

Hehehe that employer also said he and his friends could do anything he wanted with the girl. Such a beautiful girl who wouldn"t be tempted to taste her?

The leader of the kidnapper and his other subordinates laughed in a vulgar way as they eyed Mi Shu with l.u.s.tful eyes. Not only that they also planned to torture Tan Hua for fun!

Tan Hua and Mi Shu didn"t know that both of them were in a very dangerous situation. They need help!

Meanwhile at Ren Yuan office.


Ren Yuan was in the middle of meeting when a sound of incoming notification rang from his handphone making the people inside the room all simultaneously looked at his direction.

Ren Yuan raised his eyebrow feeling a little annoyed by this notification but he still checked it for a bit. He thought the notification would be about his parents asking him about a few things when suddenly he saw it was Mi Shu!

Oh it was Mi Shu! It"s rare to see her messaged him first.

Ren Yuan immediately opened Mi Shu message thinking she might needed him for other work or such when to his surprise, it was only a single word.


What? SOS?! Wasn"t it distress code?! What happened??

Ren Yuan suddenly stood up from his seat and told his secretary to stop the meeting because he had more important thing to do after he saw the SOS message from Mi Shu.

d.a.m.n it Mi Shu what happened to you?!

Ren Yuan remember that Mi Shu told him she was going to play with that office boy from Nan Shen company so why the heck it turned into a dangerous situation?!

Back to Tan Hua place.

Tan Hua head was dizzy after her stomach was. .h.i.t by the kidnapper but slowly she regain her consciousness.

Ugh...where...where is this...

When Tan Hua opened her eyes slowly what she saw in front of her eyes was a small room made entirely from wood. The room looked dark and eerie with many broken part here and there.

It doesn"t seem like a decent place at all.

Tan Hua tried to move her hand but then she felt something rough on her wrist and for a certain reason she could move her hand at all.

!! Her hand was tied!

Tan Hua instantly realize that her hand was tied to a pillar right behind her and the knot tying her hand was quite tight until the rough rope graze her wrist a bit.

Ugh it hurts!

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