Nan Shen made Tan Hua stood one leg by herself again and didn"t tease her afterward letting her dressed up neatly as she sobbed even though it took an hour to wait until Tan Hua finished.

11 p. m

Nan Shen had the men sent to Ren Yuan house sent to his house instead. In his house there is this secret place underground and it would only be used for underground business such as...torturing.

"Are they here?" Nan Shen had waited until Tan Hua fell asleep before snuck out to the bas.e.m.e.nt. There was a mini prison in his bas.e.m.e.nt.

"They are here master" the humanoid robot guard version bowed in a stiff way welcoming their master to the mini prison.

"Good guard outside don"t let anyone come here" Nan Shen enter the prison and close the prison door as he look at the two people in front of him. The one that torture Tan Hua.


When the prison door was opened the two kidnapper immediately jolted in fear and when they saw it was Nan Shen who came, they became even more afraid.

"ah ah forgive us! We only torture the boy because of the leader order!" One of the kidnapper that beat Tan Hua until she got so many wounds, got his body chained up to the wall.

He was very afraid of Nan Shen after seeing his devil expression back then. So when he saw Nan Shen he immediately beg for forgiveness.

"I don"t care who order you to beat that boy." Nan Shen wore a plastic glove that his humanoid maid gave. It was clear that Nan Shen was about to do something bad.

"No...no..." Seeing Nan Shen wore his glove as he took a knife out from his pocket, the kidnapper started to s.h.i.+ver out of fear. He know just how cruel Nan Shen could be.

He already met a lot of people like Nan Shen that engage in the underground world. The first time he met Nan Shen, he immediately now that Nan Shen someone from underground world.

The way Nan Shen look at him after he know that the boy was wounded, sent a s.h.i.+ver down his spine. It was as if he met a demon from h.e.l.l.

"Now which part of your body should I play...right what part of that boy body you injured? Hand? face? ribs or...leg?" Nan Shen spin the knife in his hand as he grinned looking very evil.

Nan Shen wanted to avenge Tan Hua who was gravely wounded by these men so he would inflict the same wound Tan Hua had to this people.


Without warning the first thing Nan Shen do is to punch the man"s face with his fist. The punch come very suddenly catching the man unguarded.

"Kh!!" the man fell to the ground with a loud sound after one of his teeth get broken by the punch.

This man punch felt hurts!! It hurts!!

"Now now I have my friend find out about your employer so after I have my fun here I have business to do" Nan Shen grabbed the man collar and punch his face again a few times until he was beaten black and blue.

"Arrrrghhh!!" the man who torture Tan Hua got his face beaten up until half of his teeth fell. Of course Nan Shen torture won"t stop here.

"Face face now let"s move to your ribs!" Nan Shen still had a smile on his face as he punch the man on his face again. This was still the beginning of a long night.


For the next 10 minutes Nan Shen kicked the man on his stomach and punch him again a few times until the man almost faint.

"ups don"t faint yet I am still having fun with you" Nan Shen pulled the man hair as he smile showing the man the knife he had in his hand.

This b.a.s.t.a.r.d dare to hurt Tan Hua of course he had to feel the pain Tan Hua felt back then.

The other man who only try to stab Tan Hua in her eyes instantly had the urge to die seeing his friend got tortured to the point of becoming like this.

CRAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ JLEB!

Nan Shen swung his knife to slash the man face with knife as we as stabbing the man"s leg a few times making blood flow creating mini pool beneath the man.

"ARGH!!!" the man shouted and screaming when Nan Shen stabbed his leg with knife like that. The way Nan Shen stab him was so cruel making the knife stab deep to his flesh, instantly crippling his leg.

"How is it? hurt? The boy you torture before is several years younger than you yet you are merciless. You stab him like this too" Nan Shen was all smile as he made a few scratches to the man leg.

He could imagine just how Tan Hua screaming and shouting when she was being stabbed by the knife. Just thinking about it alone made his heart hurts.

So Tan Hua must get hurt like how this man hurt too right? The knife stabbing her leg must hurt a lot....

My poor little doggo you must felt immense pain back then but don"t worry now he had avenge all the pain you felt!

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