?! this?

Tan Hua face was pale seeing the message sent by Shen Ling just now. her body trembled and her hand which was holding the phone almost drop the phone out of shock.

This couldn"t happen. This must be wrong. She must be seeing hallucination. How could...it be??

Tan Hua saw the message she received all over again to make sure it was the right message. She had been seeing the message for over a minute but what she saw remain the same.

[Tan Hua quick go home your sister commit suicide!]

Commit suicide...what the...what happened...

Tan Hua mind went blank and her vision blurred. She didn"t believe it. She couldn"t. How could her nice older sister suddenly commit suicide out of blue?!


Tan Hua was holding her phone with tears began to wet her cheek when Nan Shen came in.

"Tan Huo it"s time for lunch- wait why are you crying??" Nan Shen saw Tan Hua with red face and tears dripping from her large puppy-like eyes and instantly worried for her.

She was fine a minute ago! He only left for a while and when he was back she was already crying!! just what the h.e.l.l happened here?!

"Hey are you fine? what"s wrong why are you crying?" Nan Shen squatted down and took Tan Hua hand trying to calm her down.

Was it because she was having another nightmare? or she felt sick?

"B-big bro this..." Tan Hua didn"t have energy to explain everything to Nan Shen so she just show the message she got from Shen Ling.

The moment Nan Shen saw the message his mind went dizzy and his mouth was opened wide in disbelief.

What?! Tan Hua older sister suddenly commit suicide?!

"This...we have to go now" Nan Shen had a serious face as he pushed Tan Hua wheelchair to his car. He didn"t know Tan Hua older sister quite well but he met her once.

Such a woman how could she suddenly decide to commit suicide?!

At Tan Hua house.

"Tan Huo!" The moment Tan Hua went down from the car, Shen Ling immediately approached her with gloomy face.

Around the house itself there was a crowd of other resident of this apartment. There was also an ambulance and police.

"What...what is going on..." Still didn"t believe what Shen Ling texted her, Tan Hua asked Shen Ling with a trembling voice.

"As you see Tan Hui suddenly go home a few hours ago when I wasn"t at home. When I was back from supermarket...she already hung herself"

Shen Ling had a sour face when he talked about it. If only he didn"t go to supermarket for a while he might be able to prevent Tan Hui from commiting suicide.

"So it is true...?" Tan Hua body trembled as she felt her energy left her body.

"Yes and she have this letter for you" Shen Ling gave Tan Hua the last letter Tan Hui made for her before she commit suicide. Everyone here was still confused with her reason for commiting suicide so the letter might have the answer.

Tan Hua took the letter and slowly opened it with trembling hand.

[Dear Tan Huo I don"t want to live anymore. The one I love just abandoned me today in a mall I"m sure you see that. I am very ashamed when I see you there but maybe you didn"t recognize me.

My dear brother please take care of Tan Hua. I know my decision is reckless but lately debt collector have been asking me to return the money father borrowed back then when his company went bankrupt.

The truth is when father company went bankrupt someone, from a big company was the one behind it but I don"t know who.

The amount is 10 million USD and I have been working as a prost.i.tute, bar waiter and such but still can"t pay for it but don"t worry the debt won"t go down to you since you and Tan Hua isn"t my real siblings.

Your real parents leave you guys to my father since they were best friends so I"m sure the debt collector won"t go to you guys.

The last thing I ask from you Tan Huo as my last wish. Please find out the one making my father"s company went bankrupt and take revenge for us.

I love you two as my own siblings but I can"t continue living. I"m tired. Thank you for all the love you guys give me. Good bye]

Right after Tan Hua read the letter tears began to flow out from her eyes wetting the letter.


So...the woman in the mall...Jing Bao girlfriend as well as the woman who s.n.a.t.c.hed Mi Shu fiance is...none other than her own older sister?

But then she at the same time also not her real older sister? She work at night because she have been doing dirty work all for the sake of the debt she never told to anyone.

For a few years after father died...sge had been taking care of someone who wasn"t even her real siblings? Sacrificing her youth, her pride and her time...just for her?

"uhh...uh...sis..." Tan Hua tears couldn"t be hold back anymore as she gripped the letter tight and screamed in depression.

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