Hearing Tan Hua questions all the people in the room couldn"t help but felt awkward since they subconsciously went silent when she came in.

It wasn"t that...they were just stunned silly by her transformation!

"Ehem! no no everything is ok. Let"s do the modelling now" As if to broke the awkward atmosphere in the room, the photographer hurriedly cough before he let Tan Hua and Shen Ling to come to the set they had prepared.

"Ah yes yes let"s start now" One of the staff inside the studio hurriedly help Tan Hua and Shen Ling to get prepared. Thanks G.o.d the photographer save them from this awkward silence!

With the cough, everyone in the room snapped out from their daze and began to get busy with work. Well not everyone though as there was this one CEO who had his face red by now.

It"s...impossible. This is impossible.


Nan Shen could felt his heart beat so fast as blood rush to his face dying it red. He didn"t know what happened but when he saw Tan Hua in her real appearance, this kind of reaction pop out AGAIN.

Just what"s wrong with him??

"Okay good good now this pose" Nan Shen thought was interrupted with the photographer words as he directed Tan Hua and Shen Ling.

Right now the two of them was doing their best to do modelling and somehow all people inside the studio could see how good they are in modelling.

Especially Shen Ling. His face was handsome and he was tall. Not to mention he had good facial expressions making the modelling section went smooth.

Ahh....how cute...

When the others focused on Shen Ling, Nan Shen didn"t realize that his eyes never leave Tan Hua at all. He would eyed every part of Tan Hua body starting from her head to her toes.

Her skin is so white....ah look at that slim leg. She is so pretty...

Nan Shen was enchanted with Tan Hua appearance. He was more enchanted since Tan Hua use her real hair now, that blonde hair looked so bright under the lamp light!


Every time he saw Tan Hua do another pose for the modelling, his heart couldn"t help but beat faster. He saw her smile which could blind his eyes and his heart would beat faster.

It was as if his heart could burst out from his chest anytime!

Arghhh what"s wrong with him?! He felt weird! This is not normal. Something must happen here.

Nan Shen face was still a bit red as he tried to avert his eyes from Tan Hua but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn"t avert his eyes away.

His eyes were glued to this girl! He couldn"t do anything!!

"Awww those two looks like real couple don"t you think so?" Nan Shen was admiring Tan Hua appearance when suddenly he heard the female staff inside the studio talked to her friend.

"Yes yes the two of them are blonde and they look cute together! A pity that girl is actually a boy. If only he is a girl those two would make a sweet couple!" The female staff"s friend also commented and agree with her.

Those two indeed look like a real couple!

Hearing the female staffs comments about this, Nan Shen couldn"t help but felt what they said was true. Tan Hua did look cute together with Shen Ling even though he hate to admit it.


Just thinking about this, Nan Shen suddenly felt his heart got squeezed heart out of sudden. It"s painful to see those two together!

Ugh why is this?! What"s wrong with him today? Really. He couldn"t keep silent. He had to find out what happens to his body.

Maybe he had heart disease? Who knows! After this session end he would search internet to find the answer. He had to!

1 hour later....

"Thank you for your hard work" Tan Hua and Shen Ling had finish their photoshoot session and have to go change their clothes now.

Nan Shen was still immersed in his own thought when he realize the people in the studio had began to tidy up the room and Tan Hua was no where to be seen.

Hm? The photoshoot session end already??

Nan Shen immediately stood up from his chair as he looked around the studio to find Tan Hua. He didn"t even know where she was and what she is doing now!

Oh my G.o.d he was too deep in his thought until he lost sight of her huh?

Nan Shen didn"t know why but at this moment he really wanted to see Tan Hua again. Since the last incident of Tan Hua being kidnapped, he had been wary if he couldn"t see Tan Hua in front of him.

Just when Nan Shen became even more anxious and was about to call Wu Yin to ask him about Tan Hua whereabouts, the studio door was opened with quite a loud sound.


"Huff I"m so tired!" Tan Hua appeared in the studio after she changed back into her boy appearance. Of course she had remove the make up on her face.

"Yes I don"t know it"s this tiring" Shen Ling laughed as he about to pat Tan Hua head when suddenly someone grab his hand.


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