
When Nan Shen saw the sentence on his laptop screen with pink colour blinking followed with ?? animation, he almost fell down from his chair.

W-what the?! H-he is in love with Tan Hua?? For serious?? (」゚ロ゚)」

Nan Shen face couldn"t help but turn bright red immediately after he saw the congratulations sentence on his laptop screen.

Is this a dream? Or hallucinations maybe? He....he fell in love with that midget?! That little doggo?! A cross dresser??


Nan Shen slapped his cheek trying to test whether this was a dream or not but then he felt the stinging pain on his cheek!

Ugh...this is real! This....how could it be...he...from all people...fell in love with Tan Hua...how....


Nan Shen brain finally couldn"t keep up with all these sudden realisation making the man felt dizzy all of sudden. He really couldn"t understand how he was like this.

He thought his type would be someone like Mi Shu. Wasn"t he interested in Mi Shu before? If this website said that he is in love with Mi Shu he could still accept it.

B-but why Tan Hua??

There isn"t a single good point about that girl aside from her talent in design. Well and her face. But her face isn"t that pretty!! She is pretty when she wear make up! It"s all fake!

How the heck he fell for this girl?!

Nan Shen slumped down on his chair as he put his hand on his forehead. He couldn"t imagine there would be a day when he fell in love and that person was a n.o.body.

That girl is only an office boy!!

Nan Shen sighed and sighed but still he believe the web since after he search for other results, all of it says the same. He is in love with someone.

That someone is none other than Tan Hua! Oh my G.o.d what should he do now?? The problem is Tan Hua situation wasn"t like any other normal girls!

If she was a bit normal he would immediately chase after her and made her fell in love with him. Who wouldn"t fell in love with someone as handsome and as rich as him?

But this girl....she is using a boy ident.i.ty now! Oh G.o.d...if he chase after her won"t people said he is a gay?? But then if he didn"t do anything....that Lan Yanjin might s.n.a.t.c.hed away this girl.

He just had a feeling that Lan Yanjin already knew Tan Hua real gender otherwise he won"t be acting like that. He was too concerned about Tan Hua!

Ughhh what should he do...aside from the problem with other people Tan Hua herself didn"t know that he had knew her true gender.

If he suddenly confess...won"t she thought he was a gay?! Well he could say that he knew Tan Hua real gender but then he was worried that girl would run away from him.

Not to mention she need to keep her true gender a secret since she was building her brand starting from August...if he chase after her there would be a possibility that paparazzi somehow knew Tan Hua real gender.

Wait. There would be possibility that maybe...Tan Hua would be accused as gay since she appeared rather feminine if paparazzi saw him and Tan Hua together.

Hm? He haven"t even knew whether Tan Hua like him or not!! How come he thought that far??

Arghhh he had to confess, make Tan Hua love him and date her in secret! He had to make sure the girl could trust him with her secret. Then he would try hard to make her fall for him!

After that he could confess after making sure he would accept him. In the end they could date in secret until Tan Hua company was stable, only then they could announce to the world that they were dating.

This is a good plan! Let"s see if there is any other loopholes....wait wait there is!! He forgot he already had "girlfriend" right?? Even though the person was Tan Hua in the end, still...this is becoming complicated.

Ughhh what should he do?? If only someone could tell him what should he do? He had finally realize he had romantic feeling for this girl.

It"s already a good thing since if he realize it later who knows if Tan Hua would be s.n.a.t.c.hed by Lan Yanjin already.

But then he couldn"t make a move on her!! Oh G.o.d please help! ?

Poor Nan Shen didn"t know the G.o.d he called was Shen Ling, the very person who hate him.

20 minutes later....

"Hhhhh" Nan Shen sighed after thinking for 20 minutes long. He had thought about every possibility that would happen if he chase after Tan Hua and how to counter it.

With this he had decide to pursue her! Well the first step he had to do was...to make the girl love him. Maybe he should arrange for a summer vacation while inviting Mi Shu and Ren Yuan too.

If it"s summer vacation there would be a lot of opportunity to make Tan Hua heart beat for him! Summer vacation...they could also promote Tan Hua brand as they have fun.

This is killing a bird with two stone! Very convenient!

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