Nan Shen had specially bought this weird sleeping mask just in case he needed it to bully Tan Hua!


Nan Shen slowly put the sleeping mask to Tan Hua afraid of waking her up and after he was done, he looked back at his master piece before struggling hard not to laugh.

Pfft!! H-he definitely have to take a picture of this!


Nan Shen took a picture of Tan Hua wearing the sleeping mask with his phone as he quickly set the photo to be his wallpaper picture.

The sleeping mask Tan Hua use only covered her eyes but then this mask had a picture of cartoon crying eyes so when Tan Hua wore it, it looks like she was the one crying instead!

It"s not that weird really but for a s.a.d.i.s.t like Nan Shen, this scene was a master piece. Tan Hua looked like she was begging while crying! How is that not satisfying??

Author: Pervert ?

Nan Shen already forgot about his plan to chase after Tan Hua. Instead of making her fall in love with him, he actually bully her instead!

Hawaii several hours later.

"Oy Tan Huo wake up! We have arrive!" Nan Shen woke Tan Hua before the plane lands.

"Mnn..." Tan Hua slowly opened her eyes after she felt her body was being shook by a certain devil next to her.

She was sleeping!! Who the heck dare to wake her up?! (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)

Tan Hua was just about to scold the person waking her up when she open her eyes and saw it"s dark everywhere.

Hm? Did she wear sleeping mask?

Feeling a bit irritated being woken up, Tan Hua hurriedly took off the sleeping mask and once again about to scold the person waking her up when she suddenly saw Nan Shen face right in front of her face.


"B-big bro?!"Tan Hua nearly have a heart attack when she saw Nan Shen face right in front of her face when she turned her head around.

Oh G.o.d her heart stop beating for a second!

"Hmn" Nan Shen looked at the sleeping mask Tan Hua hold in her hand and couldn"t help but wanting to show her the picture he got earlier.

Would she be mad if she saw it? But it would be fun seeing her embarra.s.sed face or maybe angry face....wait wait he can"t! He is here to make Tan Hua love him!

No girl would like to be bullied right?? Oh no he had to refrain not to bully her!

"Y-yeah thanks for waking me up" Tan Hua turned her head around as her face slowly turned red.

This is bad. Just by seeing his face she got nervous! Okay calm down calm down her purpose here is to promote her brand as well as making this man bent!

Ehem. She mean making this mean at least have a feeling for her despite her boy appearance.

Tan Hua felt nervous now she had woke up and realize she sat right next to Nan Shen making her suddenly went silent. When Tan Hua went silent of course Nan Shen too became silent.

He actually want to have a chit chat with this girl but then this girl suddenly went silent! It is so d.a.m.n awkward now! ?

Thus until the plane lands and the group went to their hotel, these two didn"t speak to each other at all.

5 Stars hotel.

"What?? I sleep with Nan Shen??" Tan Hua had just receive her room key when she heard from Nan Shen that they only booked 3 rooms. One for Ren Yuan, one for Mi Shu and one for Nan Shen and her.

"Yep" Nan Shen casually answered with a nod even though this had been one of his scheme. He didn"t want to sleep with Ren Yuan and even though he could booked more rooms, he didn"t want to.

He want to be in the same room as his doggo! Ups no not doggo.

"B-but I...why don"t you sleep with Ren Yuan big bro??" Tan Hua body trembled as she glare at Nan Shen.

She is a girl okay?! How could she sleep in the same room with this devil?? She was afraid her gender would be exposed!

"Yes Nan Shen let he- him sleep on his own. You can share room with Ren Yuan or let"s book another room" Mi Shu also felt anxious for Tan Hua since she knew her true gender.

She couldn"t let Tan Hua sleep with Nan Shen!

"A pity all room are booked now and Ren Yuan want to sleep alone right Ren?" Nan Shen casually blocked Mi Shu suggestions as he winked his eyes to Ren Yuan signaling that he should back him up.

Even though Ren Yuan didn"t know why Nan Shen did this, as a "good" friend, he nodded his head silently agreed with Nan Shen words.

"T-then..." Seeing Ren Yuan agree with Nan Shen words, Mi Shu was stumped for words. The room here were all booked and it"s going to be hard to find other room in other hotel.

Actually she remember that Nan Shen had villa here but she didn"t know why this man didn"t bring them there. If it"s like this then there"s no other way....

Tan Hua had to spend a week sharing room with Nan Shen!

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