The beach.

"Wah Tan Huo you wear disguise again?" Mi Shu had changed into a cute pink frilly bikini from Luvré brand when she met Nan Shen and Tan Hua at the private beach.

"Yes" Tan Hua was all smile after she wore her one piece. She didn"t use the blonde wig and casually reveal her real hair as she also wore hat to cover it.

"Good for you!" Mi Shu giggled happily seeing her best friend could also wear girl clothes without anyone suspecting her gender.

Of course Ren Yuan didn"t suspect Tan Hua gender as he rarely give attention to anyone aside from Mi Shu.

"Now girls let"s play!" Nan Shen suddenly popped out wearing only black pants with his upper body being naked revealing his perfect body yet no six pack abs.

It"s just decent.

"Play what?" Mi Shu eyes had been glued to Ren Yuan body since the beginning as she half-heartedly answered Nan Shen.

Oh my Ren Yuan body is so good! Look at those abs she wants to lick it! Wait no she will become a pervert then.

"Frisbee!" Nan Shen brought a black Frisbee out of nowhere and without warning, throw it to Tan Hua direction as he ordered Tan Hua with a loud voice.

"Catch!" As if being curse with a weird spell, Tan Hua found herself subconsciously reacted with a high jump to catch the frisbee.


"Got it!" Tan Hua happily show the frisbee to the other but she only got weird stare from Mi Shu and Ren Yuan. Of course Nan Shen didn"t have that glare. ( ・◇・)?What"s wrong? Why are they looking at her like that....

Mi Shu had a surprised expression on her face while Ren Yuan had a little bit shocked face on his usually iceberg face.

"What"s wrong?" Tan Hua tilted her head as she gave the frisbee back to Nan Shen who became the only person there who didn"t have weird expression on his face.

"No...its just shocking" Mi Shu saw Tan Hua began to felt anxious and quickly reverted her expression back to normal followed by Ren Yuan.

The two of them turned to their usual self but inside their mind, they were questioning what just happened.

Did she see it right? Nan Shen just throw frisbee out of nowhere and Tan Hua subconsciously reacted to it! Anyway who play with frisbee other than dog? ?

Don"t tell her Nan Shen usually treat Tan Hua like this?? But he is a kind gentleman he wouldn"t be so mean to treat Tan Hua like a dog.

But....but she saw it right! She saw Nan Shen threw frisbee to Tan Hua and it"s weird how Tan Hua reacted to it subconsciously as if it"s something that already recorded in her DNA.

Ren Yuan too just like Mi Shu, thought the same. He never seen Nan Shen act like this in front of others as this two-faced man always kept his smiling angel face.

But how come this man suddenly throw frisbee to Tan Huo? Even weirder, the girl- the boy reacted and catch it!! This is not normal. Definitely not normal.

"Good boy~" Nan Shen took the frisbee Tan Hua returned back to him as he patted Tan Hua head subconsciously. He didn"t realize he just made Tan Hua into a little doggo again.

" what?" Tan Hua felt happy that Nan Shen patted her head but then only now she realize something is wrong.

W-why the heck she catch that frisbee?? It"s for dog to play!! Don"t tell her Nan Shen....

Even Nan Shen only realize what he did now when he was about to throw the frisbee again. Realising what he had done and what he was about to do again, Nan Shen went stiff as the frisbee in his hand fell to the sand below.


W-what did he do?? He swear he didn"t mean it!! He didn"t try to treat Tan Hua like a doggo absolutely no he just saw a frisbee in hotel and and...

(」゚ロ゚)」 He end up throwing it to Tan Hua!! Wait it"s weird how Tan Hua also catch it out of her instincts. Is it also his instincts to bully Tan Hua like this?!

He can"t G.o.d dammit he is here to chase after her!

"I...I..." Noticing Tan Hua had also notice what she did before and was now pouting her cheek, Nan Shen quickly try to ask her to play something fun to divert her bad mood.

Oh G.o.d let"s just make sand castle alright??

"L-lets make sand castle" Feeling awkward, Nan Shen hurriedly invite Tan Hua to make sand castle with him. Of course Mi Shu and Ren Yuan could only shook their head seeing this.

Which adult make sand castle when they go to the beach?? At least surf!

"Sand castle? Sounds fun!" To their surprise, Tan Hua immediately agree and already squatted down to scoop sand as she began to make a sand castle with Nan Shen.

Seeing Nan Shen and Tan Hua began to make sand castle instead, Mi Shu and Ren Yuan couldn"t help but slowly escape from the place out of embarra.s.sment.

They could watch these two anymore!

Tan Hua was happily dig the sand around her leg to made a bigger castle out of it when suddenly she felt pain on her finger.



This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) -Zeh.e.l.l2218

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