After lunch.

"Okay Tan Huo I have to go now my photoshoot session will start soon" It"s 1 p.m and Shen Ling had to quickly go for his photoshoot session. His break time was already over.

"Alright good luck on your work!" Tan Hua did feel a little sad seeing Shen Ling had to go for work but it"s alright. She still had Nan Shen and the others here.

"Bye~" unlike before, Nan Shen surprisingly had a bright face as he waved his hand to Shen Ling whom by now already walked away from the beach.

Of course he would have such a bright face. He was happy that pest wasn"t here anymore!

"Hey let"s go back to the hotel I want to take a bath" Seeing Shen Ling was already gone, Ren Yuan casually asked Nan Shen so they could go back to the hotel.

He felt uncomfortable with his clothes wet and dirty from the sand. He want to take a bath!

"Eh but..." Nan Shen took a glance to Tan Hua who was talking with Mi Shu. It"s 5 hours more to 6 p.m before sunset....should they go back to the hotel first and came back here?

"Alright but I want us to come back here at 6 p.m I want to see the sunset" Nan Shen sighed as he patted Ren Yuan shoulder. He himself had his clothes neat and clean since he didn"t surf or play with the waves.

But Ren Yuan did surf with Mi Shu before so their clothes must be dirty now

"Hmn don"t worry I plan to bring Mi Shu here to watch sunset too" Ren Yuan walked to Mi Shu place informing the girls that they would go back to the hotel for now and would came back to the beach to watch sunset.

"Aww it"s a pity..." Tan Hua felt a little sad since she haven"t play volleyball or get someone buried in sand but since the others wanted to go back, how could she say no?

R Hotel.

"Yes mom I just arrive" A man voice could be heard was talking to someone on the phone when Nan Shen and his group arrived at the lobby.

The man was wearing black cap added with on his face making his face couldn"t be seen easily.

"Alright alright! Bye~" The man grumbled before cutting the call and sighed.

"Huff I want to take a bath!" Mi Shu was walking side by side with Tan Hua as she complained how her clothes were all wet and dirty.

"Yeah we will arrive in your room soon" Tan Hua giggled as her eyes was on Mi Shu all the time when she walked.

At the same time the man just now, while playing with phone, was heading out from the hotel when Tan Hua and the others was heading in.


"Ugh I ruined your clothes Tan Huo it"s now muddy" Mi Shu still complained about her clothes as she looked down, didn"t realize that someone was walking in front of her.

The man and Mi Shu both didn"t see each other whereas Tan Hua at the moment just realize there was someone in front of Mi Shu.

"Mi Shu watch out-" Tan Hua had just about to warn Mi Shu to look up when the girl already b.u.mped to the man instantly made both of them almost fell to the floor.


"Mi Shu!" Ren Yuan who just pick up towel from nowhere, immediately run to Mi Shu catching her body before she fell whereas the man unfortunately fell to the floor with his b.u.t.t hitting the hard floor.


"Ouch!" The man groaned when his cap fell down as his b.u.t.t hurt. He was just managing a matter with his company through his phone when suddenly he b.u.mped into someone.

It"s already fortunate his phone didn"t broke but still he was angry! Which idiot dare b.u.mping to him?

"Hey you! don"t you have eye-" The man took off his as he turned around to see which idiot b.u.mped into him when what he saw, made him froze on spot.

Nan Shen: Σ(゜ロ゜;) w-why is he here??

Tan Hua: Σ(゜゜) I-isn"t that...

"Lan Yanjin?!"

"Tan Huo??"

Nan Shen, Tan Hua and the man which turned out to be someone they knew, couldn"t help but shouted at the same time.

W-why is Lan Yanjin here?!

Nan Shen who had his mood improve by Shen Ling departure, suddenly had his mood drop to minus the moment he saw the face of someone he hate to the bone.

This man was for sure knew Tan Hua true gender and thus...wasn"t this man his biggest rival?! So why the heck this b.a.s.t.a.r.d is here??

"What are you doing here?" Lan Yanjin swipe his gaze to everyone and stopped on Tan Hua who was still in her girl appearance.

How come he met this girl again when she was in her girl appearance? The last time he saw her in girl appearance he felt sick.

"I"m on vacation with everyone and why are you here?" Also raising her eyebrow, Tan Hua asked Lan Yanjin who looked as handsome as usual.

Oh wait he even wore Luvré brand! Only the shoes and the pants though.

This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) -Zeh.e.l.l2218

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