"Just rest" Tan Hua lay Nan Shen down on his bed and carefully covered his body with blanket.

"Mn.. I"m sorry we can"t go out..." Nan Shen looked at Tan Hua with meek eyes as he apologize. At this time, Nan Shen looked very tame like sheep creating another weird charm to the usual devil.


(ノ >∀

But still...Nan Shen looked like a pitiful lamb waiting to be butchered when he was like this! Aww who would be so cruel to leave this man behind when he was weak like now?

"It"s okay" Tan Hua giggled after she fetch a chair and sat down next to Nan Shen bed. She didn"t have anything to do but she could just wait until Nan Shen feel well as she read online novel!

10 minutes later...

"Tan Huo I want to eat apple..." Nan Shen turned his body around to Tan Hua direction as he pleaded for food with meek eyes looking exactly like a lamb.

"Eh? apple? you have one in the villa?" Tan Hua immediately put down her handphone the moment she heard Nan Shen voice.

She thought Nan Shen already slept but he haven"t sleep yet? Hmmm...

"Yes I have just go to the kitchen on the first floor. Open the refrigerator you will find fresh apple there" Nan Shen yawned as he tugged his blanket trying to get into comfortable position.

"Alright" Tan Hua stood up and went down to find apple like what Nan Shen wanted. Usually she had to cut the apple no?

Hopefully she could cut the apple. She haven"t enter kitchen in all her life!


"Oh here it is the apple" Tan Hua found the apple after she opened the refrigerator now she went to find knife.

"Knife knife...ah it"s here..." Tan Hua found the knife and was about to took it but when she saw the edge of the knife, her body went stiff.

The memory when the kidnapper stabbed her leg appeared again in her mind and the scene got played like a movie instantly sent s.h.i.+ver down Tan Hua spine.

"Ah..." Tan Hua didn"t know why but her body trembled just when she saw the knife. She haven"t realize she got this reaction since she never saw knife for a past few months but now...

How the heck she found this knife to be so scary??

Sweat began to drenched Tan Hua face and back the longer her eyes met the sharp edge of the knife. Tan Hua knew it"s just a knife and she needed it to cut the apple but alas....


Tan Hua subconsciously closed the drawer as she plopped to the floor feeling extremely tired for no reason at all.

The scene of when the knife stab her leg, continue to be replayed in her mind even after she didn"t see the knife anymore.

"Stop...help...." Tan Hua grabbed her head and squatted down as her body trembled in fear. She suddenly felt the pain on her leg, back again. Her leg throbbed even though she didn"t get hurt at all!

"She is taking too long did something happen..." It"s been 15 minutes already but Tan Hua didn"t get back making Nan Shen worried for her.

Could it be she got hurt?


"Tan Huo...where are- eh??" Nan Shen went down to the first floor as she go straight to the kitchen only to saw Tan Hua was trembling while curling up her body.

?! What happened?? Why the heck Tan Hua was in that position?

"Tan Huo! what happened??" Nan Shen hurriedly approached Tan Hua as he touch Tan Hua hand trying to see what"s wrong with the girl.

"N-nan Shen?" Hearing a familiar voice, Tan Hua slowly raised her head as tears began to flow again from her eyes dripping down to her cheek.

"Wait why are you crying?? Tell me" Nan Shen was very taken aback when Tan Hua cry. Was it because of the apple or she met c.o.c.kroaches??

"It"s it"s..." Tan Hua sniffles as she tried to explain but nothing came out from her throat. The image of knife stabbing her leg a few times still repeated in her mind even until now.

It"s scary and it"s painful...

Nan Shen didn"t know what to do when Tan Hua still cry so he took Tan Hua body and carried her to the second floor without saying anything.

He didn"t know why Tan Hua cry but let"s just let Tan Hua calmed down first.

"Mm.." Tan Hua hugged Nan Shen neck as the man carried her upstairs feeling the warmth coming from Nan Shen. It"s strange. She felt so afraid earlier but now Nan Shen is here she suddenly felt a little bit calmer.


Nan Shen let Tan Hua down and sat her down on her bed as he got her chamomile tea to calm her down. The girl didn"t cry anymore but her body was still trembling as if she was afraid of something.

"Thank you..." Tan Hua received the tea and felt guilty that Nan Shen who was tired had to accompany her here. It"s just a knife for G.o.d sake but why her body reacted like this?

This novel is uploaded to webnovel.com with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) -Zeh.e.l.l2218

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