Mi Shu head wasn"t clear so she didn"t explain all the chronology of what happened before the accident. 

What? Choosing ring design with Mi Shu? 

Tan Hua head spinned around when Mi Shu said something very ambiguous. She couldn"t understand why would Nan Shen went to see ring design with Mi Shu. 

She wanted to be suspicious but since she trusted Nan Shen, Tan Hua only sighed and asked Mi Shu again for further information. 

"What do you mean by ring?" Tan Hua didn"t want any silly misunderstanding so she looked straight at Mi Shu eyes as she asked her. 

Mi Shu was her best friend she didn"t want any misunderstanding happening between them. 

Hearing this, Mi Shu only then realize what she said was actually very very bad. She would trigger misunderstanding and doubt from Tan Hua toward her and Nan Shen. 

After all who would stay calm hearing their boyfriend went with other girl, who is pretty and perfect, to see ring design? Other people would thought that the boyfriend cheated! 

"Ah? it"s not like what you think! Sorry I wasn"t saying it clearly. Nan Shen told me to keep this a secret but since I don"t want you to misunderstand, I"ll tell you" Mi Shu wiped the tears on her eyes as she started telling Tan Hua what happened. 

"Ah? he want to make custom ring for me but don"t know what I will like so he ask you for advice?" Tan Hua was taken aback after Mi Shu explained it all. It turned out the ring was for her! 

"Yeah he did want to give you ring...he was already excited on the way back after he choose a suitable design for you. He even already ordered a shop to made the ring but I didn"t expect him to get into accident….now…" 

Mi Shu really felt responsible for Nan Shen getting into accident since the man got injured because he saved her. She didn"t know why but in her previous life, something like this never happened! Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Of course Mi Shu didn"t know that with the arrival of Tan Hua, the future already changed so she couldn"t actually match it with what happened in her previous life. 

"I see…is he alright?" Tan Hua finally arrive at this one question she wanted to ask but was afraid to hear the answer. What if Nan Shen fell into deep coma because of the accident? 

"I don"t know but the doctor should tell us soon" Mi Shu had called Ren Yuan and Nan Shen parents to came too so she was waiting patiently for them to come as she wait for the doctor. 

Tan Hua heart felt heavy hearing it. She was so worried something might happened to Nan Shen but she could only wait for the doctor to tell them about Nan Shen condition! 

Several hours later… 

Nan Shen parents and Ren Yuan had already arrive at the hospital. They were now waiting for the doctor to came out too just like Mi Shu and Tan Hua. 

"Is Nan Shen relative here?" The door to the patient room suddenly opened and a doctor came out from the room asking for Nan Shen acquittance. 

"Here...doctor how is my son?" Nan Shen parents came forward followed by Tan Hua, Mi Shu and Ren Yuan. Nan Shen mother asked the doctor with stern face as she gripped her clothes nervously.

All of them in front of the room had pale face as they waited for the doctor response. 

"Patient Nan is alright there isn"t any damage to his body either but…" The doctor started with a good news making all the people in front of the door about to sighed in relief when he suddenly gave them a cliffhanger. 

But? But what?! Please continue! Don"t make them hanged on cliffhanger!! 

"But he somehow damage his brain and now he suffer amnesia. A chronic one. He can"t even speak, can"t walk, don"t know how to eat, etc. Basically he become like baby now" The doctor sighed as he finally gave the bomb to Tan Hua and the others. 

"What?? amnesia??" Nan Shen"s mother almost faint on spot if not for Nan Shen"s father helped her. Not only Nan Shen"s mother who had heart attack, even Tan Hua and the others also did. 

Amnesia?! Just because he damaged his brain or something?? 

Tan Hua was the one that couldn"t believe the news. It"s not that easy for someone to have amnesia just from accident so how could Nan Shen suddenly have amnesia?? 

Is this a f*cking drama?! Usually things like this happened in a drama. Well wait. This is a world inside drama right?? F*ck!! 

"Doctor is there any way to revive his memories" Nan Shen"s father was calmer than Nan Shen"s mother as he asked the doctor if there was a way to fix this situation. 

"There is. I believe he will remember the basic lesson after learning for a few days since he only forgot about it. He too will remember other people slowly if there is something that can trigger his memory"

The doctor saw Nan Shen parents gloomy face and once again gave them a little bit ray of hope. Nan Shen won"t stay like a baby if they try making him remember things again. 

There"s still hope! 

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