"Ei? My house? It"s right at the neighboring city...." Tan Hua was confused when Nan Shen asked her about her address.

Wait. Why the h.e.l.l this evil boss asked about her address? This is suspicious!

Did he plan to know her address and send a.s.sa.s.sin or something? Then he still haven"t give up his desire to kill her???? NOOO!!! ? It"s very scary!! Shen Ling you better guard our house well!

Shen Ling: Achoo! Hmm....someone must be talking about me now ?

Tan Hua didn"t realize that Nan Shen was trying to send her home right now. She only thought that she was being pranked by Nan Shen when he said he wanted to send her home.

For an evil boss like him how the h.e.l.l he would send her home right? She should have known that she would only be pranked by this devil! ?

Nan Shen who heard Tan Hua word, suddenly paused on his track.

....what? This boy house is in the neighboring city? Wouldn"t that take about 4 hours using car?? No wonder this boy takes train!!

It was already 7:30 p.m and if he accompanied this boy to his house then he would arrive at 11:30 p.m at least....then when will he have dinner???

Author: ?‍♂ all you care about is dinner?!

The last train going to that city had gone and it was impossible to make this boy went alone with taxi after he offered to take him home.

Author: emmm you never seriously offered to take Tan Hua home though ?

Hmm.....then he should just let the driver take this boy home after he had dinner! If he did that then he would have an excuse for not accompanying him home right? Maybe he could said that something urgent came up or anything...

Aishhh he was really a good boss for thinking about his employee, wasn"t he? Then let"s take this boy to have dinner first now....

"Ehem. Going there by car will take 4 hours straight you know? By the time you"re home, it is going to be already 11:30 p.m" Nan Shen began his plan to made this boy had dinner with him then send him back home alone.

"Yeah i know, so?" Tan Hua still didn"t know that Nan Shen had originally wanted to take her home but he cancelled his plan because it was simply too troublesome.

Tan Hua wanted to went out from the car and get a taxi so she could arrived at home faster but Nan Shen didn"t have intention to let her go! Looking at his att.i.tude he was still trying to extend their conversation.

When will this end?! She gotta go home! Did this Nan Shen think of her as a mere toy he could keep whenever he like? ?

Author: He did think like that ?

Tan Hua just didn"t know why the h.e.l.l this devil still prevent her from leaving?

"Mn mn so when will you have dinner? You haven"t had your dinner yet right?" Nan Shen showed Tan Hua a rare smile which was still unfortunately a fake one.

He even looked like a big bad adult who was trying to swindle an innocent boy with candy.

"Ahh!! Boss is right! I forgot that i haven"t take my dinner yet....then i am going to starve for 4 hours??" Tan Hua who was reminded about dinner by Nan Shen instantly felt that she should had took the train!

Now she won"t be able to eat dinner soon ?

Nan Shen chuckled as he thought "Got you!"

"Then why don"t we have dinner first before you go home? You can sleep along the way and arrived home with a belly full of food!" Nan Shen very smoothly persuaded Tan Hua to have dinner with him.

It wasn"t because he wanted to take this boy on a romantic dinner whatsoever, he just had to find a logical reason to not accompanying this boy home.

Poor Nan Shen he went to such a great length when the boy himself didn"t know that Nan Shen was previously wanted to send him home.

If only Nan Shen knew that Tan Hua didn"t know about his obvious intention, he would bang his head to his car and just let Tan Hua go home with taxi.

"Ahh good idea boss! Then let me go so i can buy Mc Dorald or something..." Tan Hua felt grateful that Nan Shen reminded her about this dinner matter and she also felt glad that she now could find a reason to get far faar away from this devil!

Hurrah! ?

Nan Shen raised his eyebrow again and he looked a little irritated. If this boy went to eat by himself then how the h.e.l.l he could send this boy home?

Tan Hua action of wanting to quickly went away from Nan Shen car was obviously noticed by Nan Shen himself. For some reason he instantly had a bad mood.

Is this boy trying to get away from him? He was acting so obvious! Heh! ? So it"s like that, he didn"t like to be with him huh? Just see!

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