London, England

"Wahhh" Tan Hua stretched her head out from the car window as she looked over the Big Ben not far from their car.

Her eyes were sparkling in excitement as she snapped a picture of Big Ben with her phone. She was clearly excited since it was already a long time ago the last time she visited England.

Maybe 3 years ago or so and not to mention that she never went abroad except to Hawaii ever since she transmigrated to this world.

"You like the view here? After we visit your mom I can take you around" Lan Yanjin literally spend his childhood in this city so he could actually take pride in being a local. He knew many hidden spots that tourist rarely knew.

"Alright…" Tan Hua didn"t really trust Lan Yanjin but since the man was indeed a local, she too wanted to visit hidden places that not many people knew about.

It must be exciting! She would take a break from all these matters. About Nan Shen...about her brand...everything. She would just enjoy her time here!Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Well good! let"s go to your mother"s house first" Lan Yanjin whistles as he drove his car to Tan Hua"s mother place.

At the same time in the plane going to England. 

"Ugh!" Mi Shu who was sitting next to Ren Yuan suddenly groaned in pain making both the boys were taken aback.

"Mi Shu! What happened??" Ren Yuan was the first one to notice what"s going on with Mi Shu. He quickly called the flight attendant since he was afraid Mi Shu suddenly get sick.

"I...arghh it"s painful…my head feels dizzy…" Mi Shu leaned back to her chair as she struggled to breathe. She was gasping seemingly had difficulty to breathe properly.

"What"s wrong with Mi Shu?" Nan Shen sat across Ren Yuan place and only when Ren Yuan called for the flight attendant did he notice something was wrong with Mi Shu.

The girl looked like she was in immense pain as sweat began to drip from her forehead. She shut her eyes right as she holds her head. No matter what Ren Yuan said, she didn"t respond to it.

What happened to Mi Shu? Did she get sick all of sudden or…

"Uh…" Mi Shu took a deep breath and blinked her eyes right when the flight attendant came. The flight attendant was talking with Ren Yuan asking what"s wrong with Mi Shu when the girl poke Ren Yuan shoulder while shaking her head.

"Mi Shu? Are you okay?" Ren Yuan saw Mi Shu complexion was better than before and couldn"t help but sighed in relief. But just in case, he needed to know whether the girl was sick or not.

She suddenly acted like she was having a heart attack after all, how could he not be worried?

"I"m okay…" Mi Shu blinked her eyes again as she looked around her with curiosity in her eyes. It"s kinda obvious that the girl seemed like she was lost in her own world.

"Really? Don"t hesitate to tell us…" Nan Shen was worried so he moved his body closer to Ren Yuan seat in order to see Mi Shu face clearly. Just now Mi Shu looked like she was in immense pain how could she be alright? 

"Ah, N-nan Shen?" When Mi Shu saw Nan Shen, her cheek suddenly blushed red and the girl quickly hides her face with a magazine in her hand.

"Yeah it"s me" Nan Shen raised his eyebrow as he looked at Ren Yuan with questioning face. Is it only him or Mi Shu looked like a bit different than usual?

"I-I"m alright" Mi Shu gulped her saliva nervously as she leaned back to her seat with a red face. She told Ren Yuan and Nan Shen that she was a bit tired and thus need to sleep.

"Sleep tight" Ren Yuan patted Mi Shu head as he looked at Nan Shen with questioning face too. It"s not only Nan Shen who noticed that short yet weird expression Mi Shu made before.

Mi Shu never blushed red when she sees Nan Shen...ah maybe she was just tired and so her face turned red.

Ren Yuan and Nan Shen didn"t think much about this but little did they know that the "Mi Shu" they knew was no longer there with them. Instead, there was another Mi Shu inside "Mi Shu" body! 

Mi Shu pretended to be asleep when in fact she was awake. She waited until Ren Yuan and Nan Shen didn"t look at her way before secretly smiled to herself.

That"s Nan Shen! Real Nan Shen she only could see from her TV screen. It"s not the actor but Nan Shen himself. So her eyes didn"t deceive her...she really was transmigrated to a drama she just watched!

Is this a dream? If it is, she hopes she would never wake up. After all, she finally could be in the same world as the man she admired all this time. Even though she realized she was inside Mi Shu body, the female lead of the drama…

It doesn"t matter! Nan Shen had a feeling for Mi Shu right so it"s actually a good sign for her. 

Nan will be mine!

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