Tan Hua kept banging her head SOFTLY without noise to the floor. Her forehead didn"t even touched the floor.

Heh! She was indeed lowering her pride as a nouveau rich by kowtowing like this...but no way in h.e.l.l she would let her forehead hurted by banging it to the floor! ?

Author: ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ i give up

Nan Shen who was sipping a tea calmly..instantly sprayed the tea from his mouth with a very unsightly way when Tan Hua started kowtowing to him.


"W-what? what are you talking about? kill? how could i?" Nan Shen body flinched as he secretly stole a glance to see Mi Shu reaction to that crazy office boy"s word.

d.a.m.n IT!! HOW THE h.e.l.l THIS BOY KNOW WHAT I GONNA DO?! ┌П┐(►~◄"!)

Nan Shen was extremely shocked when Tan Hua came to him and begged for mercy. What if Mi Shu misunderstood him?? What if she knew what he was truly like??

Nan Shen was still a Nan Shen so even if he was shocked, he immediately kept his forever smiling face. With a soft voice, Nan Shen said "What are you talking about? I"m not gonna do anything to you...i already forgive you"

With a halo and white wings effect, Nan Shen looked exactly like an angel.


Looking at his face, Tan Hua realized that her slipped of tongue made Nan Shen even angrier than before!!! SHE WAS DONE FOR! ?

In that room only Tan Hua knew Nan Shen true face, even the quick-witted Ren Yuan didn"t knew at all!

HMPH! This Nan Shen was truly two-faced!!! ?

....but he was still handsome ?

Author: SLAP!!

Ehem. wait wait don"t start fangirling. This wasn"t the time for that!! Her plan to directly beg for mercy failed....what should she do??? ?

Calm down calm down!! Let"s think!! quick!!! ?

Eiii if she recalled it....Nan Shen wanted to killed her because she broke the wrist.w.a.tch given by Mi Shu....Nan Shen was interested with Mi Shu....so...

Aha! ? If she could made Mi Shu cherished her, then maybe....Nan Shen would spare her on behalf of Mi Shu!

B-but the question is...what will make Mi Shu has interest in her???

When Tan Hua was seriously thinking while still kneeling on the floor, Ren Yuan had already called his security again.

As for Nan Shen? He was in a deep thought.

Who is this boy? How could he knew he wanted to kill him? No one beside his family and his secretary knew that he"s not as pure as his face.

This boy....could he be....a spy??


Author: ?

Nan Shen tighten his fist as he began to plan a lot of ways to silence Tan Hua for eternity in other word, kill her...ehem. Him. Kill him for good.

While planning all of this, Nan Shen face didn"t even change. That angelic smile mask on his face didn"t change even for a second. When Ren Yuan already showed his temper seeing Tan Hua went back to his room, the only one who was calm...was Nan Shen.

Nan Shen even coaxed Ren Yuan to forgive Tan Hua and not firing her...ehem. him. But in his heart he was dying to trample Tan Hua to death.

Nan Shen ?‍♀. Well known as the gentleman, romantic and sweet CEO of fas.h.i.+on company, the extreme contrast of Ren Yuan, the cold, overbearing CEO of jewelry company.

But that was what other people saw. The real Nan Shen whom the viewers of the drama knew...was a two-faced man. He was the boss of the biggest illegal black market in his country, he was the big boss of the underworld....he even owned an international casino.

In short, Nan Shen was in fact more ruthless than Ren Yuan and more cold-blooded than him. He wasn"t an angel. He was a fallen angel. A devil. A death G.o.d!

But...his looks unfortunately was too handsome for the viewers so despite his terrible true personality....he still had a lot of admirer.

That very same Nan Shen who was admired ONLY for his good face by the viewers back at home....was now a reality for Tan Hua.

This Nan Shen wasn"t the actor who played the character "Nan Shen". This one was the REAL Nan Shen.

Nan Shen secretly gave a sharp look at Tan Hua making her had a gooseb.u.mp. In that room only her knew Nan Shen true face. That Nan Shen never showed his bad side to Ren Yuan or Mi Shu or anybody else!

U-uh....N-nan Shen was really scary....hueeee.....(;へ:) what should she do?? What should she do in order to attract Mi Shu interest so that Nan Shen would spare her life???

That Nan Shen was really petty don"t you think so?? It was only a wrist.w.a.tch!!! Huhuhu she regret fangirling over him... (π~π )o


For the second time the security came again to the room. Ren Yuan called them before and now....Tan Hua...was about to be dragged out for the second time.


NO NO NO she can"t leave like this!!! If she wasn"t seen as a precious human in Mi Shu eyes then the moment she went out from this building...she will die!!! ?

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