Krauk. Krauk. Nyam. Nyam. Nyam.

Tan Hua shamelessly tried her best to ate the food as fast as she could. She was afraid that Nan Shen would s.n.a.t.c.h away her food so ate like it was the only food she would have.

Nan Shen was dumbfounded. He just hold the box and the chopstick when this shameless doggo suddenly s.n.a.t.c.hed his food! Along with the chopstick!

Nan Shen wanted to be angry when Tan Hua suddenly used his chopstick. He always hate it if others touch his belongings or using whats he had used.

Nan Shen actually wanted to scold Tan Hua for what she did but looking at Tan Hua who ate as if her live depended on it...he couldn"t be angry. He felt amused instead!

The way this silly boy eat was exactly the same with how his doggo used to eat! It was so similar ??

Nan Shen couldn"t help but silently chuckled as he watched the hungry dog emptied his lunch box in just less than 5 minutes.

When Tan Hua was eating while standing and Nan Shen was happily watching her, on the other hand...Wu Yin was feeling weird.

Wu Yin took off his and rubbed his eyes before putting it back.

Did his eyes see it right? Boss Nan give his leftover food to that boy? Even allow that Tan Huo to use the chopstick he just used?!

Wasn"t Boss Nan hate if others touched his things? He never allow someone else use his things without his permission, he never let anyone touch his phone, moreover...he never let anyone use the same chopstick as he used!!

Was this the real Boss Nan?! It wasn"t a fake Nan Shen?? Or....was this sign of apocalypse????

Wu Yin head spinned around as he became even more confused. He already witnessed Nan Shen acting weird today and all of it were related to that new office boy, Tan Huo.

Boss Nan wasn"t acting like his usual self!! This is absolutely suspicious! Maybe that Tan Huo boy do something to Boss Nan making him turned weird like this?!

Wu Yin rubbed his chin as he silently determined to investigate Tan Huo further, the "special" treatment Nan Shen showed to Tan Huo could be a threat to Boss Nan one day if Tan Huo turned out to be a spy or something else.

Tan Hua didn"t know that she was being suspected by Wu Yin as she herself was enjoying her meal. She was so immersed in her meal that she didn"t realize that the rice she ate had flew everywhere around her mouth.

Ukhh she did eat like a hungry doggo..


"Ah! So good! Thank your for the meal!" Tan Hua put down the bento box on Nan Shen table as she burped.

She was full now! So happy to be able to eat!!

Tan Hua was energetic again as she kept that foolish smile on her face. After having her energy charged to the she was ready to do any job! Bring it on!

Nan Shen who saw Tan Hua dirty face frowned but also had the urge to laugh. The rice was everywhere around Tan Hua mouth and she even had the sauce on her lips.

Aishh this boy is really similar to his doggo. Even the way they looked like after they had finished their meal is the same! ?


Nan Shen stood up from his chair as he walked toward Tan Hua in a fast pace.


"Hhh you are so clumsy and useless" Nan Shen chuckled and took out his handkerchief from his pocket before he finally...


Nan Shen wiped the leftover food on Tan Hua face with his handkerchief. He just felt like he had to do that. He too often did this to his deceased dog so Nan Shen subconsciously did that.

"Mn?" Tan Hua narrowed her eyes when she felt the handkerchief on her face. Nan Shen was wiping it for her.

Actually Tan Hua should felt nervous but somehow maybe because her stomach was full already, she didn"t feel so.

Tan Hua obediently let Nan Shen wiped the leftover food on her face.

Boss Nan was so nice! ☺

Both Nan Shen and Tan Hua didn"t feel anything wrong but Wu Yin who saw it...nearly dropped the book he was holding.

BOSS NAN??!!!! What are you doing??!!

Wu Yin couldn"t believe his eyes. His devil-like boss was now voluntarily wiping the leftover food on somebody"s face!

He even used his handkerchief!! He didn"t use tissue or whatever, Boss Nan use his handkerchief!!

Author: Just how many handkerchief Nan Shen have ?

"Mmm can I move now?" Tan Hua who finally felt weird that Nan Shen was wiping her mouth, wanted to stop his "caring" action but she successfully stopped by Nan Shen.

"Oi don"t move yet there"s still sauce on your lips" Nan Shen voice broke Wu Yin patience when he saw Nan Shen was now rubbing Tan Hua lips to wipe off the sauce.

Wu Yin: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ that"s too intimate boss!!

Wu Yin who couldn"t hold back his patience any longer, approached those two and...


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