....hm? What"s this? ( ・◇・)?It"s red...a stain?

Tan Hua was still dazed after waking up so she didn"t really see what"s on the bedsheet.

Ah whatever it wasn"t her business anyway...her business was...this pain she felt in her stomach!! Argh!!

Tan Hua still felt that pain in her stomach even after she woke up in the morning. She felt terrible and now her mood was bad. She felt like she was going to explode anytime soon.

Hhh....so annoying...

Tan Hua was about to lay down back to her pillow when she realized that her underwear was somehow wet and sticky. It wasn"t comfortable for her.

What"s wrong with her underwear...did she just peed herself last night? Hahaha impossible right ?

Tan Hua clutched her stomach and at this moment she accidentally saw that red stain again.

Hmm..by the way she still didn"t know what stain it was on the bedsheet. The bedsheet was white so the red stain was really disturbing to her eyes.

Ck. Which idiot stained this bedsheet?! Hhh...well It"s red so maybe last night Nan Shen drank wine and accidentally spilled on it? Hmm very possible.

Aishh Boss Nan was surprisingly really clumsy huh...

Tan Hua scratched her hair as she finally decided to just went back to sleep. She didn"t get enough sleep last night so let"s go back to sleep now...

"Hoaamm...." Tan Hua yawned as she snuggled into her blanket, trying to find a comfortable position.

30 seconds later...

WAIT WHAT??!!! Σ(゜ロ゜;) R-red stain?! S-stomachache since last night?! T-this...isn"t this...symtom...when you are having your period??!!!


Tan Hua immediately woke up again and checked the red stain on the bedsheet she just saw. She touched the stain and it was already dry.

I-its dry...could this be a random stain? Like wine or syrup..wait wait but...this color...wasn"t the color of wine or syrup! It was...the color of blood!!!

No no no this...is hard to believe. Maybe last night she was wounded or Nan Shen was wounded. Anyway let"s check her pants first.

Tan Hua quickly checked her pants only to saw a big red stain at the area right under her secret garden area.

?? hahaha... S-she...did have period now.

Ukhhh how troublesome to suddenly have her period now...now that she have her period she had to buy sanitary pads and drink warm water and...

...wait. That"s not urgent. The most urgent thing now is....t-the red stain on the bedsheet and the blood on her pants!!!


If Nan Shen woke up and saw red stain on his bedsheet then he would know that she was a girl! If that happened she would be dead. For sure!!!

Uhh c"mon let"s do something!! Her life depends on this!! There"s no way she would let her career as an office boy ended just because her ident.i.ty was found out.

10 seconds later....

...WHAT SHOULD SHE DO????? (」゚ロ゚)」

Tan Hua had tried to think how to hide the bedsheet along with her dirty pants...but she just didn"t know how. She couldn"t think of any plan!!

Well in the first place it would be hard to hide Nan Shen bedsheet along with her pants...she was in Nan Shen house now so it would be very easy for Nan Shen to found this red stain on his bedsheet sooner or later!!

Just when Tan Hua was thinking of how to get rid of these evidences, she heard faint noise coming from beside her.

"Mmnn...Tan Tan...morning.." Nan Shen yawned like a lazy cat as he wriggled a little before waking up with groggy eyes.



S-should she smacked Nan Shen neck so he would went back to sleep?! What should she do??!! ?

Ah wait the one tainted was only her pants and the bedsheet! If she kept sitting on the bed until Nan Shen took a bath or something maybe she could silently threw away the evidence!

As for the bedsheet...she would cover it with the blanket and later she would threw it away too. Then if Nan Shen asked her where the bedsheet was, she could just said the humanoid robot took it away!

Hurrah!! Tan Hua you are a genius!

Tan Hua then began to cover the bedsheet with the blanket as she didn"t move away from the bed, waiting for Nan Shen to leave.

At this time Nan Shen had rubbed his eyes once more and after that he went down from his bed just like what Tan Hua wished for.

But...Nan Shen didn"t seem like he was going to the bath! He was doing something with the bedsheet.

"W-what are you doing boss?" Tan Hua who saw Nan Shen went down from the bed, suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Me? I"m going to tidy up the bed. C"mon move away Tan Huo" Nan Shen tugged the bedsheet to tidy it up as he bent his body over to smooth the wrinkle.

T-tidy up the bed???? T-then wouldn"t the stain got discovered??!!! NOOOO!!! ?

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