N-nan Shen wanted to accompany her to buy sanitary pads??!!! Then her secret would be exposed for G.o.d sake!!!! ?

"Emm boss can I go alone...? You have to go to office early right?" Tan Hua turned her head nervously as she tried to prevent Nan Shen from going with her.

How could she bought sanitary pads if Nan Shen was there?! What should she say then if Nan Shen asked her about the sanitary pads...should she said it was for her non-existent girlfriend??

"No there"s still time so I will go with you" Nan Shen patted Tan Hua head for a second before he went back to his notebook. Nan Shen indeed seemed busy.

Tan Hua let out a big sigh when she saw that there was no hope for her to stop Nan Shen from going with her.

Hhhh...she couldn"t buy sanitary pads then!!

5 minutes later inside a minimarket.

"So what you want to buy huh?" Nan Shen for the first time in his life, entered minimarket as he wanted to accompany Tan Hua to buy something she needed.

"Emm...food for breakfast..." Tan Hua staggered when she entered the minimarket, looking very less spirited than usual.

Hahaha now she could only buy food for breakfast. She couldn"t buy sanitary pads at all with Nan Shen being here with her.

Tan Hua slowly went to get a bread while Nan Shen was following behind her like a baby chick.

Actually Tan Hua also never went to minimarket before but as she transmigrated into a poor family, together with Shen Ling, she tried to visit this kind of store for commoner.

So now, she was already quite accustomed with minimarket and such. But, not with our nouveau rich over there.

"Oy Tan Huo. What is this?" Nan Shen took an instant noodle and waved it in front of Tan Hua eyes when she had just took a bread for herself.

....what? The great second male lead-sama, Nan Shen the evil...doesn"t recognize instant noodle??!! ? Did he lived under a rock all this time?!

Well actually she too only knew this product called instant noodle when she transmigrated as the current "Tan Hua".

"Boss how could you not know what that is! It is instant noodle! Popular instant food for us commoner" Tan Hua patted her chest proudly as she promoted instant noodle to the oblivious Nan Shen.

"Instant? Like you can make it in a minute or so?" Nan Shen eyes brightened as he became more and more like a curious child.


When Tan Hua saw Nan Shen curious gaze with his eyes sparkled like stars...her heart suddenly beat faster again for no reason.

Ahh so the two-faced sly Nan Shen could also have this kind of innocent side huh? She saw a new side of him today.

Ohh boss so cute!! (ノ*>∀

( っ"-")╮ =͟͟͞͞? Σ(っ゚Д゚;)っ

Author Tan Hua

Ehem ehem. Let"s focus on her mission now. She still have chance to buy sanitary pads as long as Nan Shen didn"t see her buying one.

"Yeah! You are right boss! Boss too have to try it sometimes, it"s delicious!" Tan Hua patted Nan Shen shoulder as she hurriedly went to sanitary pads area, trying to took one before Nan Shen saw her.

Nan Shen now, after taking an instant noodle, was currently being distracted again by instant coffee. For him, never once in his life he drank instant coffee so that silly boss was currently asking the clerk in the minimarket to show him how he made instant coffee.


Tan Hua walked fast toward the sanitary pads area and began to search for the one she used to buy in her previous world.

Hmm hmm....Charmz....where is charmz brand....

Ah! Got it!

Tan Hua eyes brightened when she found the brand she used to buy. She quickly took one for herself and was about to put it inside the basket she just brought....when suddenly she heard a devil"s whisper.

"Oy. Why are you buying sanitary pads?" Nan Shen who just finished watching how the clerk made instant coffee, went back to Tan Hua place while sipping his drink.

Hmm not too bad compared to the usual coffee he drink...


Tan Hua was so surprised that she accidentally dropped the basket she hold, making the sanitary pads rolled out from the basket, along with her bread.

(」゚ロ゚)」 WHY ARE YOU HERE BOSS???!!

Tan Hua heart leaped to her throat when she heard Nan Shen asked her that forbidden question she never want to hear.

She was so shocked that she nearly punch Nan Shen right on his face!!!

"B-boss" Tan Hua didn"t answer Nan Shen question and could only awkwardly scratched her head.

Oh G.o.d oh boy why the h.e.l.l this devil would suddenly come and caught her when she just already succeed taking one sanitary pads??!!

"Hey I ask you, why do you buy sanitary pads? You are a man little bro, is it not embarra.s.sing to buy woman"s stuff like this?" Nan Shen took the sanitary pads on the floor as he throw the sanitary pads to the air lightly, in teasing manner.

Heh so this little doggo had weird hobby to buy woman"s stuff huh? Did he want to become a woman or what?

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