Tan Hua looked at her room and once again wanted to faint. There wasn"t any king-size bed in her room so she just slept using a futon (j.a.panese traditional bed).

Her bedroom was small!! Too small!! It only had one shabby-looking wardrobe, one futon and...a mini table. THAT"S ALL!

The bedroom wasn"t even as large as her mini theater back at her world.

Tan Hua really wanted to cry. How could she lived like this? For 22 years, she lived like a princess, making million dollars a year...eating delicious food....wearing expensive clothes...but now....(இ﹏இ`。) uuhhh...

Not to mention clothes, the bed alone was a poor quality bed! The clothes she owned now couldn"t be that good right? And she only had boy clothes!!

She, from a super rich family now had to lived in a super poor family!!

Hueee ? she wanna go back....this room didn"t have air conditioner...no dressing table, no mirror...no sofa...no mini theater...no library....(இ﹏இ`。)

How could she lived on??

Tan Hua ended up crying that day. She cried a lot until she woke up at 7 p.m. She was woken up by Tan Hui, her older sister.

"Tan Huo...are you feeling unwell? are you sick?" Tan Hui gentle voice and her unconcealed care for her reminded her of her mom. Well even though this Tan Hui was mentally unstable...she still care a lot for her family.

Looking at the worried Tan Hui, Tan Hua quickly wiped her eyes and conforted her. She said that she was alright even though she wasn"t alright.

With Tan Hui love for her...Tan Hua slowly felt well. No wonder the Tan Hua in this world willing to live as Tan Huo just for his sister.

This Tan Hui was really kind and caring. For her sake....

Tan Hua looked at her new sister and promised that she would took this burden. She accepted the fact that she had to live as a boy from now on. She would also try to deal with their poor condition.

Right! No need to cry over something like this. Crying will not solve everything!

Tan Hua, feeling energetic again, slowly left her room following Tan Hui to ate dinner.

Tan Hua had just accepted her fate when she finally saw their house condition.

She nearly faint.

The house wasn"t exactly a house. It was only a rented room in a shabby-looking apartment. No, not high-cla.s.s apartment with many floors, there were only 2 floors!!

The room itself wasn"t good. It wasn"t even as big as her bathroom in her original world! ?

Author: Just how big your bathroom is?? ?

The kitchen, the living room, all of it were placed in one place. It was so narrow that Tan Hua thought this wasn"t a house.

It was like a room in boarding house!!

There was a hole on the wall, the floor was dirty. This house didn"t even have a shoe rack! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Author: ? wrong focus

The dining table was small. There wasn"t any chair either so Tan Hua could only sit on the dirty floor.

The bathroom....nah. Don"t mention it. In Tan Hua house in her previous world the name toilet and bathroom was separated. Now....where you pee and where you took a bath was in one place.


Tan Hua sat down with a lot of reluctance and when she saw the food...she nearly die.

There was only a bowl of rice and vegetables. No meat. Tan Hui didn"t even provide chopsticks or anything. The drink? No tea. No coffee. No milk. Only a plain water.

Tan Hua was used to eat like a rich people, she ate using chopstick, fork and knife...now she had to eat with bare hand.


Where"s the steak? my milk?? meat? pudding? appetizer? soup? ice cream? WHEEEREEEE????!!!!!

Tan Hua never knew the word "supper" as all she knew was "dinner". Everyday was dinner for her.

Tan Hua had the urge to vomit. She had to eat this low-quality rice and half-cooked vegetables??? From now on??? ε=ε=(っ*´□`)っ nooo!!! she wanna go home!!

That night Tan Hua forced herself to eat everything Tan Hui made for her. It was usual for her to waste food back in her previous world but now....she couldn"t.

Just looking at that charming smile of her sister...she couldn"t waste the food she didn"t like.

For the first time in her life, Tan Hua learnt to not wasted food. She ate all the food served for her even if she vomit later on.

That night, Tan Hua cried in her sleep. She felt bad. What"s wrong with her that she had to live like this? Couldn"t she just went back to her old world and enjoy her life? (;へ:)

It was hard. Extremely hard for Tan Hua. She often read in novels about other people transmigrated as another person but they seemed okay so she thought she would also be okay.

Hahaha. But...the reality was harsh. What"s fun about being transmigrated if she couldn"t have her old life?

Tan Hua was depressed. She even think to commited suicide as she thought it would be a way to go home.

But....just as she had thought so...something unbelievable happened.

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