8:30 a.m in front of the company building.

"Uhh where is boss??" Tan Hua had dressed neatly of course using man appearance and was now waiting patiently for the big boss to come.

Uhh where is that d.a.m.n boss?! It is already 8:30 a.m now but he is still not here! Who asked her to be ready in front of the company building at 8 a.m?!

Tan Hua sighed before once again checked her pocket while waiting for Nan Shen to arrive. For today"s "mission", Tan Hua had brought a few "useful" things she might needed!

She brought two sungla.s.ses for disguise and also brought magazine.

Well actually Tan Hua wanted to brought a cap or hoodie but it is a pity that this world haven"t had a casual cap or hoodie so Tan Hua could only choose sungla.s.ses for disguise.

Not only that this world haven"t had casual cap or hoodie invented, this world also haven"t know casual concept.

Their clothes for today was very formal even though their destination was probably the amus.e.m.e.nt park, the clothes was still formal!

It was actually weird for Tan Hua to wore s.h.i.+rt and suit to go to amus.e.m.e.nt park but somehow everybody in this world didn"t find it to be weird. Only she thought it is weird.

When Tan Hua was complaining about the fas.h.i.+on concept in this world in her heart, she suddenly heard someone called her followed by a sight of black luxury car she often saw.

"Oy Tan Huo get in quick!" The one who called Tan Hua was none other than the late boss, Nan Shen.

Nan Shen look hurried when he called Tan Hua to get into his car because he knew, he was late! He was so anxious yesterday night that he ended up sleeping at 3 a.m. Because of that he wake up late and now he is also so sleepy!


Tan Hua hurriedly sat beside Nan Shen at the second row as the car quickly departed to the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

"So, do you know those two date plan?" Tan Hua look straight at Nan Shen eyes as she asked Nan Shen about Mi Shu date plan.

They had to knew Mi Shu date plan if they want to tail them right?

"Yeah Mi Shu said that today they will go to amus.e.m.e.nt park, have lunch, go to cinema, shopping and in the end, have dinner. They are going on a date for a whole day!" Nan Shen look at Tan Hua with worried face.

He didn"t expect Ren Yuan to invite Mi Shu for a date not only 2-3 hours but a whole day! They could do a lot of things just the two of them then.

"Hm so first we are going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park right? When we arrive we will wait for those two to appear at the entrance and tail them." Tan Hua rubbed her chin while she made a plan to perfectly tailed Mi Shu and Ren Yuan on their date.

"Yes yes oh right we have to tail them and if we can, prevent them from holding hands or kissing and such!" Nan Shen nodded his head energetically when he saw how reliable Tan Hua could be.

He just didn"t want Ren Yuan to have girlfriend first before he did! Moreover if Ren Yuan could get such a perfect girlfriend like Mi Shu...he would be lectured by his parents again.

This is what he had to prevent!

Tan Hua blinked her eyes slowly as she began to understand their true goal in today"s mission.

So...all she had to do was to observe those two and if possible, use any kind of methods to prevent those two from coming into close contact with each other.

Hmm...if its amus.e.m.e.nt park...usually there would be close contact between a couple so...she indeed could understand Nan Shen worry.

After all their mission today is to prevent Mi Shu and Ren Yuan from doing anything that can raise weird feeling between the two of them!

"Okay I get it" Tan Hua folded her arm looking like a cool gangster as she look forward for their "mission".

10 minutes later...

Tan Hua and Nan Shen had arrived at the amus.e.m.e.nt park and right after they arrive, they immediately spotted Mi Shu and Ren Yuan at the entrance of the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

"Boss! they are here!" Tan Hua had already took out her magazine as one of her disguise tools when she spotted the nicely dressed up Mi Shu, came out from a luxury car with Ren Yuan.

"Ah you are right. Let"s go tail them now!" Nan Shen had bought tickets for the two of them so after they saw Mi Shu and Ren Yuan entering the amus.e.m.e.nt park, they quickly quietly followed behind.

The amus.e.m.e.nt park that day was as usual, very crowded. There were a lot of people at the entrance and this was where Tan Hua guessed Ren Yuan would made his move.

Ren Yuan might hold Mi Shu hand with excuse the place was too crowded!

Tan Hua was immersed in looking at Ren Yuan and Mi Shu hand that she didn"t realize, the man beside her already did the "move" she predicted Ren Yuan would use.


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