Nan Shen face turned gloomy when he realize how bad he treated Tan Huo before. He always made Tan Huo caught in his trap, treated him like his deceased doggo and such when Tan Huo was like an angel to him.

Nan Shen look at Tan Hua innocent and happy face with a gloomy eyes.

"Hm? what is it boss?" Tan Hua tilted her head cutely as she stare into Nan Shen eyes with her round big eyes.


Ahhh!! S-such a cute boy!! H-how could he treated such a cute boy like what he did before?! He should pamper this cutie to be his little brother instead!


"Tan Huo" Nan Shen grabbed Tan Hua shoulder very suddenly startling Tan Hua who always had her eyes for Mi Shu and Ren Yuan.

"W-what?" Tan Hua stuttered when Nan Shen suddenly grabbed her shoulder and made her look at him

"I...I always treat you like a doggo and such...I apologize!" Nan Shen very bluntly and straight forward said his apology to Tan Hua catching her off guard.

∑(O_O;) b-boss?! W-what the?? Why did he suddenly become like this?

Tan Hua was startled with Nan Shen sudden apology. Well indeed she felt that Nan Shen always treated her like his deceased doggo but deep inside her heart she knew Nan Shen only wanted to tease him since she knew Nan Shen could be quite childish.

So...she never thought Nan Shen att.i.tude toward her was something abusive or something. In fact....she knew Nan Shen did a lot of things behind her back for her sake. Just like the bullying case.

If she was only considered someone unimportant for him, Nan Shen wouldn"t bother to leave his work to go saving her. Also after the incident she notice a lot of employee disappear from the company.

Nan Shen must had fired them because they bullied her. This...made Tan Hua realize that Nan Shen was actually a good person behind his two-faced personality.

He was indeed an idiot, childish and had inferiority complex toward Lan Yanjin but she knew Nan Shen care for her. If not he won"t continuously let her have a sleepover at his place. He won"t care whether she was bullied or not.

"B-boss?" Tan Hua gulped nervously when she saw Nan Shen lowered his head and made a 90° bow to her.

B-boss stop bowing! Its embarra.s.sing!!

"Please forgive me for my past actions to you" Nan Shen finally raised his head again and stroke Tan Hua face gently as he said so.

"Y-yeah its no problem" Tan Hua put a wry smile on her face, getting confused with Nan Shen sudden behaviour.

Seeing Nan Shen all polite like this, she suddenly felt weird! The true Nan Shen is evil and mean. She was already used to it so now when he turned into a real gentleman, she felt like Nan Shen treated her like any other people out there.

Oh boss just be yourself in front of her could you?!

" want you to be my little you want to?" Nan Shen finally said what he wanted inside his heart.

He always wanted a brother and he felt he had a good relations.h.i.+p with Tan Huo which is rare for someone wicked like him so...he was quite eager to "adopt" Tan Huo to be his brother.

....b-brother?? What kind of nonsense now?!

"B-brother? Like adopted??" Tan Hua head went dizzy with all this sudden event. She just accepted Nan Shen super rare apology and now he wanted to take her as his brother?!

It would be nice though to have a backing like Nan Shen but! She is a girl! She couldn"t be brother!! She should be sister instead ?

Author: ?‍♀

"Yes. I will treat you as my little brother from now on. So...we are like sworn brother? How is it? I feel comfortable around you" Nan Shen flashed a happy smile which was actually the first time he smile with a true smile.

!! an angel!!

Tan Hua had to cover her eyes with her hand when she saw Nan Shen sparkling angel-like smile.

This smile...wasn"t the fake smile he used to wore...this smile made him look several times more handsome than usual!


Gah! (」゚ロ゚)」 Her heart!! Her poor heart can"t take it if boss Nan smile like this!!

"Emm...alright then" Tan Hua awkwardly scratched her head and turned her head around to avoid seeing Nan Shen lethal smile.

Oh G.o.d please don"t let Nan Shen smile like this to other people. Especially to a girl. That girl would die from happiness!!

"Yeah!" Nan Shen face brightened as he almost hug Tan Hua on spot if Tan Hua didn"t dodge and made Nan Shen hug empty air.

"B-boss its embarra.s.sing!!" Tan Hua crossed her arm in front of her chest feeling as if her life span shortened for a year.

B-boss just about to hug her right?! Two man hugging in a public place like this won"t they be seen as a gay couple? It would be bad for Boss Nan reputation!

"Hmph...I just want to hug my little brother" Nan Shen grumbled feeling dejected when Tan Hua refuse her hug but this made Tan Hua couldn"t help but laugh.

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