Lan Yanjin was a smart man so when he now he was doomed, he immediately think of a plan. He knew he had to escape from this party otherwise who knows what might happen to him.

Lan Yanjin was already about to sneak out from the party afraid that his parents would questioned him when suddenly someone grabbed his back collar from behind.


"Yanjin where are you going?" The person who said this seemed like he was smiling but Lan Yanjin knew very sure the person wasn"t happy at all.

"D-dad..." Lan Yanjin broke in cold sweat as he turned his head around to see his handsome and cold father was smiling like a devil for the first time in his life.

His father was a cold man and he never smile except to his wife which is his mother but then this father of his...was smiling now! Wait it wasn"t a sweet smile. It was a terrifying smile!

"You said your girlfriend couldn"t come to the party buy why I just saw her come with that brat from Nan Family? Can you explain this, DEAR SON?" With a smile Lan Yanjin father dragged Lan Yanjin to his mother place for intense interrogation.

Poor Lan Yanjin! Wish you luck!

Now back at Tan Hua and Nan Shen.

Nan Shen at this time was ready to introduce Tan Hua to his parents. He had prepared all sort of answer if his parents ask for anything. Tan Hua also had "memorized" every information Nan Shen created for her new ident.i.ty.

"Keep calm we can do it" Nan Shen took a deep breath as he patted Tan Hua back to encourage both her and he himself. Truth to be told he was nervous. What if his parents didn"t like Tan Hua? What if they knew their relations.h.i.+p was a fake one??

But despite feeling nervous Nan Shen brave himself to brought Tan Hua to where his parents were.

Tan Hua herself could felt her heart beat faster when they came closer to Nan Shen"s parents place. She was afraid that Nan Shen parents would a strict one and they would interrogate her like she was a criminal.

She was also nervous!

"Mom dad" When Nan Shen called out to his parents, Tan Hua body subconsciously flinched even when she haven"t see Nan Shen parents face at all.

For some reason she felt like she was meeting her in-laws. Wait. She indeed was about to met her in-laws! But it"s not like her relations.h.i.+p with Nan Shen was real so maybe there was nothing she should be afraid of!

Okay let"s brave herself and made Nan Shen proud to choose a "girlfriend" like her. After all if this went smooth she would get bonus money too aside from the money from the dress design.

She can do this!

Just when Nan Shen called his parents, not too long after that a pair of beautiful woman and man came approaching Tan Hua and Nan Shen with gleeful smile on their face.

Tan Hua immediately knew that these two must be Nan Shen parents as somehow the man was really identical to Nan Shen! It was like seeing an older version of Nan Shen.

Oh but this middle-aged man had a genuine gentle face not like Nan Shen who had fake gentle face.

As for the woman beside the must be Nan Shen mothers. She..was so beautiful!

Seeing Nan Shen parents right in front of her eyes no matter how brave she was Tan Hua still felt nervous. Her legs were shaking from fright and the hand which was holding onto Nan Shen arm was also shaking.

Nan Shen himself was nervous like Tan Hua but it wasn"t to the extent of having his body trembled so when he noticed how Tan Hua hand was trembling, he was concerned for her.

With a smooth movement Nan Shen pull Tan Hua by her waist and gave her a bear hug as he introduce her to his parents.

"Mom dad this is Xing Xiang my girlfriend. Xiang"er these two are my parents" Nan Shen stroke Tan Hua head acting very affectionate making his parents gasped in surprise.

The way Nan Shen touching Tan Hua here and there didn"t make her uncomfortable. In fact it strangely calm her down so she could introduce her self properly to Nan Shen parents.

"Emm auntie and uncle...nice to meet you" With a hint of bashfulness Tan Hua called out to her future in-laws while her voice was slightly trembling.

How Tan Hua introduced her self was actually very cute for Nan Shen and even for his parents!

Nan Shen really couldn"t hold back his laughter seeing Tan Hua turned into a meek squirrel when usually she was as naughty and unruly as a golden retriever.

Nan Shen parents also thought the same as Nan Shen. When they first saw Tan Hua, they already had a good impression on her. First was because she was strangely pleasing to the eyes and the second one was because her unique dress.

And now looking at how nervous she was when she greeted them, Nan Shen parents couldn"t help but giggle. She was just so cute!

Having such a cute girl to be their daughter-in-law wouldn"t be a bad idea.

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