"Hey you! The one "claiming" to be young master Nan girlfriend!" a girl with voluptuous curly fiery red hair, suddenly harrumphed as she "greet" Tan Hua with a not so friendly smile.

"...me?" Tan Hua raised her eyebrow as she pointed her finger to herself when the red-haired girl called her.

Wow this girl hair was so red like a fire. Now she wear red dress too doesn"t she look like a chilli? ?

Tan Hua didn"t feel intimated at all by these 4 girls who popped out of nowhere. Why should she be scared when she got the greatest backing, Nan Shen-sama?

"Yes you! Who else here can be so shameless to claim herself as young master Nan girlfriend?" Another girl this time with mint hair talked to Tan Hua with an obvious frown.

Looking at the two girl she just saw having a bizarre hair colour, Tan Hua began to think whether this party was a clown party. Everyone had such a bizarre hair colour! Wait maybe she would find someone with purple hair colour- there she is!

Tan Hua didn"t answer the mint-haired girl sarcasm at all as she was focused to find another girl with bizarre hair colour and she found it.

There was indeed another girl with dark purple hair wearing purple line dress looking like a villainous witch straight from fairytales.

....wait wait just what"s wrong with these ladies fas.h.i.+on sense?! They wore a dress that have the same colour with their hair colour! Is it the trend here?

The answer for Tan Hua question is a big YES. Even Lan Yanjin mother who had blonde hair wore golden dress didn"t she? Only Tan Hua alone who didn"t wear a dress that have the same colour with her hair colour.

The dress of these people here also only have a single colour without gradation so her dress which had different model from the rest and even had a gradation, was something stood up from the crowd.

This what made the girls jealous of her aside from her coming to the party with Nan Shen. They thought Tan Hua was given this unique dress by Nan Shen which must cost a lot!

They were jealous!

When Tan Hua realize this fact that the fas.h.i.+on sense of this world was still bad...she had a shocked expression on her face and the 4 girls who came to "greet" her thought she was finally scared. They misunderstood her expression.

"Heh don"t act so innocent in front of young master Nan. You just shamelessly cling to him! Are you even his girlfriend?" The last girl with pink hair colour spoke up as she folded her arms and raised her chin, looking down to Tan Hua.

Hearing the pink-haired evil words, Tan Hua had the urge to let the girl came back to the past and heard for herself what Nan Shen said in front of the elite reporters at the party Hall.

h.e.l.lo ladies even if she was a fake girlfriend she was still Nan Shen girlfriend 100%!! Is your ear deaf or what?

"You didn"t hear what my honey said to the reporter? Are you deaf or what? He clearly said I am his girlfriend so it"s not my self claim blockhead" Tan Hua raised her voice and giggled when she heard what the pink-haired girl said.

These girls are so unbelievably dumb!

Hearing Tan Hua words were so savage to the bone, the pink-haired girl blushed red in shame while the other girl immediately snapped.

"Who are you to speak like that to us?!" the richest girl among the group stepped forward and pointed her finger right in front of Tan Hua nose until her long nail poked her nose too.

Oy oy your nail sis your nail!! It pokes me! ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ Are you girls bullying me now?! Really?? Are you all still in elementary school?!

Tan Hua rolled her eyes when she realized these 4 girls were here to "bully" her since they thought her family background wasn"t as impressive as their family background. Right?

Even if now she wasn"t that rich she was still rich back in her previous world so don"t look down on her!

Seeing Tan Hua rolled her eyes as she looked at them, the 4 girls all felt humiliated. They had a big ego and pride so when someone they considered below them dare to rolled her eyes to them, they felt offended!

"You!" The girl with red hair suddenly shouted and stepped on Tan Hua skirt which was indeed quite long until it touch the floor. Oh the girl didn"t stop at stepping on her skirt, she even raised her hand about to slap her!

Tan Hua thought the girl would slapped her immediately so she didn"t expect the girl to step on her skirt before doing the slap making her couldn"t move at all.

Tan Hua could only moved back trying to avoid the slap and when she did, the girl released her leg which was stepping on Tan Hua skirt making Tan Hua immediately lost her balance.

!! Heck!!!

Tan Hua was wearing high heels she couldn"t react as fast as usual so her body slowly fell. Tan Hua already cursed the girls who bullied her and thought she would be embarra.s.sed when she fell when suddenly someone caught her body.


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