Nan Shen head was filled with his own thought that he didn"t hear Tan Hua was calling for her. When Tan Hua saw Nan Shen kept silent and didn"t answer, she immediately felt she was doomed.

She was doomed! Boss Nan was angry look he even ignored her!!

Tan Hua and Nan Shen both fell silent with their own thought as they enter the dance are where many couple could be seen already there. Ready to show off their beautiful dance to the guests.

The other part of the party that many people was waiting for was this. This event was special for couple only and had been held for many times everytime the Lan Family held a party.

It was a dance! Of course it"s cla.s.sical dance like waltz or something but it was still considered romantic by many couple who attend the party. This was a chance for these couples to show off to the other people just how good they were as a couple.

At the end of this event there would be a generous gift from the Lan Family for the best couple that could perform the best dance ever.

Usually this event was only for couple only but somehow today, the Lan Family head announced that anyone could join as long as they got themselves a partner.

This was actually designed so that his grandson, Lan Yanjin could had a partner soon! He had heard from his son that his grandson had a girlfriend which was the sister of Nan Shen girlfriend but the girl wasn"t here now.

At least that was what Lan Yanjin said to his parents about why the girl in the photo which was his girlfriend could be so identical with Nan Shen girlfriend. He said his girlfriend was sister with Nan Shen girlfriend and they met at the same time too!

Now now Lan Yanjin parents supported this idea of his son having a girlfriend they never met before but Lan Yanjin grandfather was against it. He wanted Lan Yanjin to have a girlfriend that he liked or at least he had seen her before.

He never seen his grandson girlfriend before so why not finding another girl for his grandson? There were so many beautiful girl with decent background in this party why fuss over a mysterious girl with unknown family background?

Thus Lan Yanjin grandfather made anyone especially the single girl and single boy, went into a chaos to invite each other to have a dance. After all this would be a perfect chance to find a wife or husband!

Unfortunately only Lan Yanjin despise this event since he couldn"t ask Tan Hua for a dance. The only girl he wanted to have a dance with was Tan Hua but that girl would for sure dance with Nan Shen!

Then he would have to see how romantic those two were?! h.e.l.l no.

Back to Tan Hua place.

At this time Nan Shen had calmed down and after he knew he would partic.i.p.ate in this dance event too, he bent down to asked his "girlfriend" , Tan Hua.

"Oy Tan Huo can you dance waltz? I mean no offense but you live as a commoner right if you don"t know how we can make excuse and-" Nan Shen words may sound harsh but he was only worried that Tan Hua would be embarra.s.sed by the guests if she couldn"t dance.

After all a dance was something every rich girl would have to learn in case they had to dance in a party like this. Not only that if they could dance well they could raise the chance of getting a good husband for themselves.

But Tan Hua in this world her ident.i.ty was that of a poor girl. She indeed was rich when her father still alive but it was when she was still so little! Could she even dance well?

"Don"t worry boss I can do it well. Just trust me" Tan Hua patted Nan Shen shoulder feeling very confident that she could do it. Even if the Tan Hua of this world never learn how to dance, in her world she had!

She had been learning this cla.s.sic dance ever since she was in elementary school thanks to her overprotective parents who didn"t want their daughter to be shamed by people later.

That"s why she was actually very good!

"Alright if you say so..." Nan Shen looked worried but since Tan Hua didn"t want to back down he should just trust her.


The music had began playing and the people around Nan Shen had began to move their feet. Nan Shen too began to move his feet after he put his hand on Tan Hua waist with his other hand holding her hand.

When Nan Shen hand was on Tan Hua waist and they began to dance, Tan Hua could felt her heart began to beat faster as the music was played.

S-somehow this was kinda embarra.s.sing. She never dance with other man aside from her father back in her world now she dance with her own boss!

Oh Nan Shen from close distance...look like someone out from a drama world. Wait. He was indeed someone from a drama world! No wonder he look so handsome when he dance with her.


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