Tan Hua cheek felt hot as she moved her feet to follow the music. She suddenly felt conscious of Nan Shen hand on her waist.

At first Tan Hua indeed felt embarra.s.sed when Nan Shen face was so close to her when they were dancing making her movement wasn"t as smooth as it supposed to be.

At one point because she was too nervous, Tan Hua leg b.u.mped into Nan Shen leg making her lost her balance and since her heels was quite high...she almost fell!

!! Ah!

Tan Hua tried to balanced her self when she found her body falling after her leg tripping Nan Shen leg but then she suddenly felt a strong hand on her waist was pulling her up with force.


Tan Hua nose instantly hit Nan Shen chest when Nan Shen pulled her waist to prevent her from falling. Nan Shen looked down with worried eyes as he whispered right to Tan Hua ear.

"Hei are you alright? Should we stop?" Nan Shen body was so close to Tan Hua body that it made other people thought they were flirting while dancing when in fact they were messing up the dance just now.

"N-no I can still go on" Tan Hua immediately moved back and follow the rhythm of the music so she could catch up with the dance.

S-she was so embarra.s.sed for G.o.d sake!! She tripped Nan Shen leg but she was the one who fell. She made Nan Shen worry about her too!!

Tan Hua shook her head trying to stay strong. This dance was important for Nan Shen reputation she couldn"t ruin it!

While Tan Hua was calming down her heart, Nan Shen felt worried for Tan Hua. He was afraid Tan Hua would made another big mistake or such but after a few minutes to his surprise, Tan Hua was used to Nan Shen being this close to her.

Her movement suddenly improve so much!

Her body moved very elegantly and beautiful. The way she dance was so smooth and gentle to the eyes making the guests who watched the couples dance, were mesmerized by Tan Hua dance.

When she moved her feet she did it very elegantly and light as if she was stepping on flower. This made her look like a real fairy. Her dress sparkled everytime she moved around under the lamp light making a beautiful scene.

Not only the guest who were being mesmerized by Tan Hua beautiful dance. Even Nan Shen who was dancing with her, also had his mouth opened wide enough for a gla.s.s to fit in.

W-what? Tan Hua is this good? Wait wait wasn"t she a commoner up until now...she shouldn"t be able to dance this good right??

Nan Shen was shocked when he saw how well Tan Hua dance was. It was to the point of amazing if he could be honest. was surprising since Tan Hua family was poor and wouldn"t be able to provide dance teacher for her. could she dance this good? Could it be talent? But seeing her this good it was as if she was used to dance.

This..was confusing.

Along with the confusion, Nan Shen could only look at Tan Hua with a strange eyes as he continue the dance.

5 minutes later...

After the dance ended, Nan Shen was immediately approached by many people who were curious about Tan Hua ident.i.ty and ability. Seeing the person crowded around Nan Shen, Tan Hua silently moved away to leave Nan Shen among the crowd of guest.

"That was close!" Tan Hua sighed in relief after she manage to get away from the crowd. She made mistake earlier but thanks G.o.d she could finish it smoothly. was time to find Mi Shu!

Tan Hua immediately walked around the Hall to find her best friend and when she did, she was excited. She saw Mi Shu was wearing an elegant purple dress but...she seemed to be in the middle of talking with someone?

Tan Hua saw a beautiful yet somehow vicious woman was "talking" with Mi Shu but from her feeling...wasn"t they arguing? They didn"t look like they are in a calm, normal conversation.

It looks like Mi Shu was in trouble!

Mi Shu was indeed in trouble as the woman in front of her was her step mother that her father married as a mistress. Now that woman was here with her daughter to bully her who had lost everything.

But she was reincarnated this time so she won"t let these foxes bully her anymore!

Mi Shu was about to do her action when suddenly someone tugged her arm and this was none other than her step sister, Mi Sha.

"Sister don"t be so mean to mother" Mi Sha tugged Mi Shu hand acting like a white lotus b*tch but when she tugged Mi Shu hand, she made it strong making Mi Shu stumbled, about to fell to the floor.

!! d.a.m.n Mi Sha! She forgot about this b*tch!

Mi Shu didn"t learn martial arts like Tan Hua so she already accepted the fact that she would fell and be ashamed by the others when suddenly someone catch her body from behind.


"Mi Shu! Are you alright?"

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