The leader words successfully made Tan Hua and Mi Shu shuddered in fear looking how the men around them had moved closer about to do something to them.

At the same time at Nan Shen company.

"What?! Mi Shu and Tan Hua went missing?!" Nan Shen slam the doc.u.ment on his hand to the table hearing Ren Yuan deduction a few seconds ago.

"Yes Mi Shu send me SOS message and I can"t call her at all" Ren Yuan gritted his teeth thinking how his beloved girl was nowhere to be seen.

She was kidnapped! He was sure!

"Can you track her location?" Nan Shen body was trembling slightly since he was worried for both Mi Shu and Tan Hua. Maybe no one was more worried for Tan Hua than Mi Shu since no one knew Tan Hua was a girl but!

No matter how strong Tan Hua was...she was still a girl!

"I can"t! The GPS isn"t moving from a certain spot and I already send people there. Someone indeed saw a young girl with young boy were kidnapped but they thought it was for filming" Ren Yuan kneaded his forehead feeling very anxious.

The GPS couldn"t help at all and he had fetch his men to search every place near the place where they found Mi Shu phone but up until now they still haven"t found her!

"Do they know where the car headed?" Nan Shen face darken with the thought of the kidnapper being very organized. They must be hired by someone to kidnap Mi Shu and Tan Hua!

To even think of faking a kidnapping into filming...those kidnappers must be quite good in their "job"

"They see where the car headed but that"s it. They don"t know even remember the car licence plate. If the car get switched in the middle they won"t know" Ren Yuan sighed thinking of how useless he was now.

The GPS in Mi Shu phone couldn"t help at all!

"Wait. I just remembered..." Nan Shen was silent for a while before he pat his forehead feeling he was the stupidest person ever alive in this world.

How could he forgot?! He inserted GPS inside the bracelet he gave to Mi Shu and Tan Hua! He did it for Mi Shu because he wanted to stalk her and for Tan Hua since she was his "doggo" back then.

He didn"t know if Mi Shu wore the bracelet now but Tan Hua always wore the bracelet if he remembered it right!

"I know where they are. I insert GPS to Tan Huo belonging before" Nan Shen was so embarra.s.sed to say he insert GPS inside Tan Hua bracelet so he lied saying it was inside her belonging.

"The h.e.l.l tell me from the start! Let"s go now!" Ren Yuan almost kick Nan Shen for his forgetfulness but since Nan Shen could find those two, he couldn"t be too mad.

"Let"s!" Nan Shen began to track Tan Hua place using his phone while Ren Yuan called his men to follow him and Nan Shen as he drove to the place Nan Shen directed.

Mi Shu wait for him!

Back at Tan Hua place.


"!! kh!" Tan Hua groaned in pain when one of the men hit her leg with a wooden bat for the n-th now. Her face was already blue from the bruises. Her lips were ripped and bleeding. Her nose...forget it.

Now these people hit her legs too!

"Tan-Tan Huo!!" Mi Shu was already crying since the first time Tan Hua was being beaten up for her sake.

The leader made a game for Tan Hua and Mi Shu. He would order his subordinates to beat up Tan Hua and every time she scream, they would took off a part Mi Shu clothes.

Tan Hua had been beaten for quite a time now but she only groaned once or twice so only Mi Shu suit and her shoes was taken off at this moment.

"Ck this boy is so tough boss he won"t scream! How could we strip this girl naked then" the man who beat up Tan Hua who had her hand and legs tied tight, complained to the leader.

They wanted to enjoy this torturing and stripping people but the boy was surprisingly tough despite his feminine face. This boy looked weak but somehow he could bear all the hit they gave to him.

"Aim for his legs now it would hurt more now use knife" the leader only chuckled as he throw a sharp knife to the man in charge of torturing Tan Hua.

"N-no!! Don"t!!" Mi Shu was already desperate seeing Tan Hua only silently receive the beating without shouting or screaming all for her sake.

Stop...stop torturing Tan Hua!!

Everybody saw Tan Hua as a man but she knew Tan Hua was a girl like her, she was even younger than her!! How could she did all this just for her sake...she couldn"t take it anymore...

Tan Hua look at Mi Shu and shook her head weakly. She knew Nan Shen must be on his way here even if it"s just her feeling so she only had to endure this for another minute.

She didn"t want to see Mi Shu getting raped in front of her. For Mi Shu she could endure the pain!

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