Shen Ling knew that Tan Hui was very busy earning money for them so he really didn"t blame her for not staying for a while.

But they still had to take care of Tan Hua right they couldn"t leave her alone right? Well then he would gladly stay here.

"You are busy as a boss right so go away now and let me stay here for Tan Huo" Shen Ling casually sat down on the chair next to Tan Hua bed while chasing out Nan Shen from the room.

....( ̄■ ̄;)!? now this man told him to go away?? h.e.l.l no!

"I will stay here I don"t have work anymore. You just go away" Nan Shen couldn"t let Shen Ling stay all night with Tan Hua in a room. He had got a special permission to stay in this room for a long time even after the time for visiting patient would end soon.

He wanted to be the one guarding Tan Hua! He felt guilty after all and he didn"t feel safe if he knew a man stay up all night in Tan Hua room. Even though this was hospital so his thought might be too far but still!

"Wait what?! No I wo-" Shen Ling was about to insist he would stay when he saw message from Tan Hui telling him to go home since no one would be there if he didn"t went home soon.

(」゜ロ゜)」d.a.m.n it! He forgot their house key was quite old they had to have someone inside the house to make sure the house is safe.

Now Tan Hui went to work and Tan Hua was in the hospital he had to go back no matter what! B-but he couldn"t keep calm if this man was the one staying in Tan Hua room for all night!

"What? Aren"t you supposed to go now?" Seeing Shen Ling face became ugly after he read a text message Nan Shen could predict what was the message about.

This blonde man couldn"t stay here after all! Serves him right. ( 。^ ? ^。`)

"Ugh for today I let you stay here but don"t try anything funny!" Shen Ling face was red from suppressed anger but in the end he left the hospital to hurry went home before he couldn"t find train going to his home.


Nan Shen was left alone with Tan Hua who was still unconscious inside the room.

"fuh..." Nan Shen sat down on his chair as he looked at Tan Hua who had her face bandaged with bandage. His heart always hurt when he saw how a girl like her got her face injured to this extent.

It was already lucky that the doctor said she would be alright after a month or so but he just couldn"t bear to see her like this.

"...I...I am sorry..." Nan Shen sighed again while slowly stroking Tan Hua face with his finger. He couldn"t save her sooner to prevent her from getting this wound so he also was at fault here.

A pity he couldn"t turn back time to prevent this incident otherwise he would already did it gladly.

12 a.m

"....mmmh..." Tan Hua moved a little as she slowly regained her consciousness. When she did regain back her consciousness she immediately felt pain all over her body especially her legs.

Not only that she found out that she couldn"t speak at all. Only a faint whisper slipped out from her mouth. She was too weak to speak.

Tan Hua moved her head a little trying to look at her surrounding and when she did she accidentally spotted someone sitting on the chair not far from her bed. That certain someone was currently sleeping while crossing his arm in front of his chest.

....boss? What is he doing here...He must be the one bringing her to the hospital as well as saving her so it"s really no need for him to stay here until this time...

Tan Hua wanted to call Nan Shen again but her voice was so faint that Nan Shen wouldn"t even hear it. Sighing, Tan Hua stay silent while watching Nan Shen sleeping face.

Nan Shen sat down near the window of the hospital and coincidentally that night there was a full moon outside. The moonlight went inside through the window illuminating Nan Shen face with soft light as he slept soundly.


Seeing Nan Shen face bathed with the moonlight Tan Hua heart couldn"t help but beat faster again. Nan Shen looked so handsome when he slept!

She just didn"t know this since if Nan Shen was awake even though he was handsome, his personality made his handsomeness fade away.

Now Nan Shen was quiet and asleep he really looked like an angel came down from heaven. If only his soul was also like an angel ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ unfortunately his soul was as black as the night.

Sensing his faint breath in this empty room suddenly reminded Tan Hua that they were alone now making her face blushed red a little.

Up until now she didn"t know why she could be so strange in front of Nan Shen and how her heart beat faster for him how her hurt ache for him but now she realize.

Wasn"t this what people called love?

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