"....okay..." Seeing Nan Shen body was trembling Tan Hua couldn"t say anything and kept her mouth shut. She indeed felt guilty distracting Nan Shen from his work but looking at him like this she was defeated.

It seemed that Nan Shen really took her as his real brother. It"s obvious right otherwise why would he felt this worried for her until his body was shaking?

Well even though it"s just a brotherly affection she was still happy.

Actually Nan Shen himself wasn"t sure about his feelings to Tan Hua. He regarded her as his little brother but then he knew she was a girl so automatically he see her as his little sister.

But once again when Tan Hua was in her girl appearance he couldn"t help but see her as something more than a little sister. Nan Shen still wasn"t sure about his feeling since he thought he liked Mi Shu.

Maybe Nan Shen only need a little push to make him realize his feeling.

The nurse who saw Nan Shen hugging Tan Hua carefully had a gleeful smile all over her face watching this "siblings" interaction.

The situation was all sweet and bubbly when suddenly the door to Tan Hua room was opened with a BANG! startling everyone.

!! The h.e.l.l??

Nan Shen almost hug Tan Hua tightly when he was startled with the BANG! sound thanks G.o.d he quickly let her go and see what"s going on over there.

He was just about to curse that rude someone who opened the door with a bang when he saw it was two people he were familiar with.

"M-mi Shu? and Ren Yuan" Nan Shen t.i.tle his head in confusion seeing Mi Shu and Ren Yuan were standing at the door while catching their breath as if they had just done a marathon.

Nan Shen had just about to say hi or something to Mi Shu when Mi Shu suddenly ran pa.s.sing his body with a SWOs.h.!.+ before she arrived at a place beside Tan Hua bed.

Nan Shen was ignored. Completely.

....ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ i-its okay he is okay hahaha. Haha...?

"Tan Huo!!!" Mi Shu took Tan Hua hand carefully as she hug Tan Hua looking very worried making Tan Hua and all the people inside the room aside from the nurse was dumbfounded.

They never seen Mi Shu looking so fl.u.s.tered before so when she did get fl.u.s.tered for Tan Hua, everyone reaction was different.

Nan Shen had a worried expression on his face worried Mi Shu accidentally hurt Tan Hua by hugging her that tight. Ren Yuan had a dark face since he saw Mi Shu was hugging another man aside from him.

Even though that "man" was clearly young, 22 years old and Mi Shu might see "him" as a little brother he was still irritated you know?!

The last was Tan Hua she was surprised seeing Mi Shu was all fl.u.s.tered like this. The Mi Shu she knew was always calm and composed like a G.o.ddess so seeing her like this was rare.

Actually she still remembered when Mi Shu cried for her back when they were still kidnapped but she thought it was because of the situation was scary.

It turned out Mi Shu truly care for her huh? Since Mi Shu was a female lead she didn"t expect Mi Shu to treat her this nice but it turned out for Mi Shu she was precious.

Thinking like this Tan Hua couldn"t help but chuckled happily which only made Ren Yuan jealousy burned even worse than before making the room suddenly felt colder than usual.

"Mi Shu you are troubling the boy" Ren Yuan pulled Mi Shu away while glaring at Tan Hua with his cold eyes. He was indeed very thankful to this boy for saving Mi Shu but...

Looking at how Mi Shu treated this boy wouldn"t he be a possible threat?!

Poor Tan Hua didn"t know she was being hated by the male lead Hua just because she was in her boy appearance now.

"Yes Mi Shu what if Tan Huo break apart when you hug him" the unusually overprotective Nan Shen also came between Mi Shu and Tan Hua claiming that Mi Shu could "break" Tan Hua into two pieces if she hug her again.

Seeing Ren Yuan and Nan Shen weird behaviour Tan Hua could only laugh feeling happy inside.

3 days later.

"Fuhh" Tan Hua could already go home but now she was wearing wheelchair with Nan Shen pus.h.i.+ng from behind. For the past 3 days Nan Shen had been in the hospital for like half a day.

He even slept in her room and did his work in the hospital. Seeing his action how could she didn"t fall in love all over for him again?

"Now I can go home" Tan Hua said this out loud thinking she might would need Nan Shen car to go home when suddenly Nan Shen hand which was pus.h.i.+ng the wheelchair stopped.

"Go home? No you can"t do anything by yourself and will just burden your sister so until you completely heal you will stay in my house" Nan Shen casually made Tan Hua stay for a long time in his house with a good reason.

Actually...he ust couldn"t trust that blonde man living together with Tan Hua at all!

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