Tan Hua went to work at 8 a.m in the morning and immediately changed into her office boy uniform. She tried hard to ignore her pride and just do her job right.

She slowly picked up her tools and began to clean the first floor of the building as she was told to. She began with cleaning the window, sweeping the floor....

But her trouble came when she was innocently doing her job as an office boy.

She was sweeping the floor near an elevator when she heard noises from a place not far from her place.

"Kyaaa its Mr.CEO! Over there!" A woman squealed in a high pitch tone to her friends.

"Ahhh he is still as handsome as always...." Another woman put her hand on her forehead and nearly fainted.

"Ahhh!! He smiles at me!" The first woman"s friend pinched her cheek in disbelieve as she told her friend happily.

"No! He smiles at me!" The fourth woman refuted the third woman words in harsh tone.

"No! He looks at me! Not at you guys!" A fifth woman who just talked, joined the heated debate.

"Ah ah ah our CEO is an angel i wanna faint~" another pa.s.serby commented about their CEO to her friend which was also that CEO fan.

"Yes yes i just joined his fans club and look i got these many pictures!" That pa.s.serby friends scroll her smartphone screen and proudly show her CEO photo collection.

"Hei the CEO is going our way! Look look! Ei am i pretty? How"s my makeup?" A woman who was at the edge of the crowd shouted reminded her fellow "fans" that the CEO was going to their place!

"Eh kyaaa!! It"s true!! Ah ah look at my makeup too!" The women started to became busy with their friends asking whether they were pretty or not. Some took out a pocket mirror and began to combed their hair while others tidy up their clothes.

Tan Hua was confused. Was there an idol coming to their company? Ah nay nay nay....those women said it was...the CEO?

Aishh who cares about CEO this or there she just get a bad feeling everytime she heard the word "CEO" ! Hhhh nevermind those crazy fans she better finished her job here as she had to mop up the third floor before the CEO went there.

The man whom the women talked about just now, went closer to the elevator area and Tan Hua very coincidentally was sweeping the floor near that area.

There were around 10 women who suddenly surrounded the elevator area. They shoved Tan Hua aside and blocked her body.

"Ah!" Tan Hua who was shoved aside, hit the wall and nearly fell down.

F*ck those b*tch!! ┌П┐(►˛◄"!) is it necessary to shove her aside huh?!

Tan Hua get up to her knees and cursed those women in her heart. Tan Hua really wanted to slapped those b*tch but she hold on. She was a n.o.body, a lowly office boy so she better not offended anyone here.

So in a bad mood, Tan Hua quickly finished her job in the first floor. Then she went to the third floor using the emergency stairs while carrying a bucket of water and a mop with her.

In was unfortunate that Tan Hua already went to the third floor when the CEO whom the women admired before, arrived at the elevator area. If she was still there maybe she would recognize the man"s face as well as his name!

When the CEO arrived at the elevator area, the women all made way for him and uddenly all of them one by one gave their greetings to the CEO in high spirit.

"Good morning Mr.Nan!"

"Good morning CEO Nan!"

"Good morning Nan-sama!"

Various greetings from various women quickly filled the elevator area. Tan Hua

"Good morning everyone" The CEO"s voice was gentle and soothing and with a smile, he waved his hand to the women in that place as he entered the elevator. The CEO was accompanied by his secretary and he looked as handsome as always.

The CEO walked very fast as in the next second, he and his secretary was gone from the women sight.

The so-called CEO of the company....was actually no other than the second male lead-sama, the man Tan Hua wanted to avoided as she was afraid to be killed, that two-faced CEO, Nan Shen!

"Ahh Nan Shen-sama is gone...but his smile OMG! it"s like spring!! I just see a fairy!" The women squealed in happiness after the CEO gone with the elevator.

"No!! He is like an angel! Omg if only we could capture his smile....i will absolutely used it as my phone wallpaper" The women slowly went to their own office after they took a glimpse of the CEO that morning.

They quickly informed their friends who weren"t there to see the CEO about him. The news of the CEO arrival at the company quietly spread among the women working in that company.

Sadly only Tan Hua didn"t know about it as she was only a mere office boy so she was oblivious to this news.

Trouble was about to pick up our Tan Hua soon! ?

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