C-changing clothes?!

Hearing Nan Shen casual remark Tan Hua almost fell on spot. What was he thinking?! Changing her clothes?? Wasn"t it dangerous for her?!

"No no I can do it myself or you just call the humanoid maid to help me!" Tan Hua was so anxious if Nan Shen really would change her clothes for her. That would mean her secret....

Her secret would be exposed!

"The humanoid are all broke suddenly so you get no one aside from me. Are you sure you can get dressed by yourself?"

Raising his eyebrow and lie very smoothly without looking like he was lying, Nan Shen successfully made Tan Hua explode.

What?! The humanoid all broke down so suddenly?? Impossible you know it"s impossible and what"s with that tone of voice?! Even when she couldn"t see his face she already knew how his expression would be now.

"N-no I can dressed up by myself!" Tan Hua face was as red as tomato now she tried hard to ran away from Nan Shen but only now remember she couldn"t walk fast.

There"s no way she could run.

"What"s the big deal we are both man! C"mon let me help you" Nan Shen laughed in an evil way as he try to uncover Tan Hua towel making her jumped from the bed and stood in one leg.


"Okay okay okay!! You can help but close your eyes I am embarra.s.sed with my figure!" Tan Hua had a heart attack when Nan Shen tug her towel just now and this made her realize.

Nan Shen was serious when he said he wanted to help her get dressed!!

"Okay I will take a cloth to close my eyes~" Nan Shen chuckled seeing Tan Hua gripping her towel tight as if her life depend on it. He was about to take a cloth or something to cover his eyes when Tan Hua suddenly stop him.

"Wait I will be the one covering your eyes otherwise I won"t believe it" Standing and s.h.i.+vering in her towel, Tan Hua try hard to stand on one leg while her right hand tugging on Nan Shen sleeves.

Nan Shen who was wearing a long-sleeves s.h.i.+rt had his sleeves tugged by Tan Hua and he saw her had a desperate expression.

"Alright you cover my eyes you really have a complex about your body figure huh" Unable to hold back his laughter, Nan Shen laughed seeing Tan Hua tried so hard to maintain her image as a guy.

"You hold my shoulder otherwise I would fall" Tan Hua jumped with one leg to approach Nan Shen and had her hand close Tan Hua eyes.

"You want to get dressed standing up?" Nan Shen already threw the clothes to the bed so Tan Hua could just picked it up and wore it.

"I don"t want to sit" Tan Hua had a bad feeling if she sat on the bed it means Nan Shen would also sat beside her. She just had this weird feeling if she sat on his bed!

"Alright go ahead" Nan Shen eyes was covered with Tan Hua hand as she began to pick the panty first to wear.


"Ugh this is so hard!" Tan Hua was trying hard to wear her panty with one leg and one hand only but after 15 minutes struggling she finally manage to wore it.

"Need help?" Hearing the rustling sound and how Tan Hua protested saying it was hard to wear her panty, Nan Shen shoulder trembled from holding back his laughter.

Oh my G.o.d this girl here was trying to wear her panty right in front of a man while she herself only wore a towel! Not only that she was standing in one leg and only use one hand.

"No I"m alright" Tan Hua had sweat drenched her face as she tried to fixed her panties after she got it in. It was truly hard but she somehow manage to do it!

Now...hmm she had to wear bra usually but since she was disguising as a boy what she need was bandage. Did Nan Shen provide bandage for her?

With her left hand covering Nan Shen eyes, Tan Hua search through the clothes Nan Shen brought for her and found a bandage ready to be used.

"Big brother why is there a bandage?" Tan Hua was suspicious seeing a bandage but then Nan Shen already prepared a good answer.

He knew Tan Hua didn"t use bra but use bandage instead to cover up her chest pressing her small b.o.o.bs so it became even smaller. That"s why he prepared bandage for her.

"You forgot the doctor said your ribs are wounded too? That bandage is for around your chest" Nan Shen with his smart mind instantly create a lie that Tan Hua believed.

"Ah I see okay I will wear it now" Tan Hua quickly took the bandage and hold the edge with her mouth as she use her right hand to circled the bandage around her chest but...her body was still covered with towel!

Maybe she should lower it a bit...

Tan Hua left the bandage on her shoulder and using her right hand planned to lower the towel a bit and clamp her leg so the towel won"t fall but she miscalculated.


!! Gyaaa!!!

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