In the elevator....

"Ck! Those women are so noisy. How irritating! " Nan Shen who was smiling up until now, suddenly stop smiling. His face turned cold and he looked irritated.

His previously angelic face had completely turned into a demon. His black eyes darkened and somehow the air inside the elevator was heavy.

He looked no different than a demon. The look on Nan Shen eyes were so scary that even the secretary didn"t dare to looked straight to his eyes

The aura around him also changed when previously it was like a warm spring but now it was like a hot h.e.l.l.

Their CEO was so scary!! (;へ:)

If Ren Yuan was cold like an ice block without emotion then Nan Shen was like a dangerous beast inside a cage. He had a rich expression on his face but his heart remained cold, maybe even colder than Ren Yuan.

The secretary who was standing beside had a He instantly had a wry smile on his face. Look! This was their CEO true face. He wasn"t an angel at all, he was absolutely a fallen angel!

The secretary fixed his position and secretly sighed. The CEO seemed to be in a bad mood since yesterday....was it because of that boy he failed to find?

The secretary remembered that yesterday the CEO was in a bad mood because he couldn"t find the boy he wanted to find even after he searched the entire city.

The secretary unconsciously shuddered when he recalled about that. That day their CEO had a sour face all day and he got irritated for every little thing.

Many people fell victim to CEO Nan Shen-sama bad mood and he was one of them. Yesterday the CEO poured away the coffee he asked him to made just because the temperature wasn"t right.

How cruel! Their CEO was a big bully!?

Haishh....he just hoped that the CEO won"t be in a bad mood again today otherwise he would be the one to suffer! ?

In front of the elevator.

Tan Hua was trying her best to mop up the floor in front of the elevator but somehow she couldn"t do it. She used to much water which resulted the floor to be slippery.

Tan Hua looked at her work result and sighed. She had dried away the extra water but the floor was still slippery for some reasons!! She didn"t know why!!

Of course this happened because Tan Hua didn"t dip the mop into the water bucket. She instead, poured the water from the bucket to the floor and swiped the floor with the mop she hold on.

It was impossible if the floor didn"t become slippery ?

Tan Hua thought hard about this matter and finally decided to put the sign "Warning! Slippery Floor!" near the elevator area. She put three signs from the elevator area to the CEO"s office area.

She was genius right??? With this no one could blame her if they tripped because of the slippery floor. She had already put the warning sign to warn them before!


When Tan Hua was walking away from the elevator area and was about to turned left, leaving the area....she heard a DING! sound echoed throughout the place.

The third floor was the CEO private floor so there rarely any office workers here aside from office boy or cleaner like her.

Tan Hua step stopped and she turned her head toward the elevator.

She was curious...who is it coming to the third floor? Could it be the CEO?

Hmmm she haven"t seen their CEO face for even once since she worked here today...this would be a good opportunity to take a good look at the CEO!

Would the CEO be a man or a woman...if he was a man then was he young or old? It would be better if he was young! Ah and don"t forget he must be as handsome as h.e.l.l! (_´ω`)

Tan Hua sneaked a peek to the elevator area while hiding her body behind a pillar. She was curious to see their company CEO"s true appearance!



"Don"t walk to fast Nan-sama....wait...what if you fall..." the secretary chased after Nan Shen who walked too fast, eager to quickly went to his private office.

"Hmph. There"s no way i will f"


Before Nan Shen could finished his sentence, his feet arrived at the place which was cleaned by Tan Hua earlier and in the next second he splendidly tripped.


The secretary: ∑(O_O;)

"CEO Nan!!! are you alright?? " the secretary was shocked when he saw the always composed Nan Shen fell down with his b.u.t.t facing the floor.


W-what the h.e.l.l?! He tripped??? He...he?? This honorable CEO tripped and fall????

Nan Shen face gradually turned dark when he just realize that he fell in a "gorgeous" way right in front of his own secretary.

His image of being a ruthless devil, his charismatic image and so on...vanished in an instant when he fell down like that, in a funny way moreover.

T-this....who the h.e.l.l cleaned up the floor and made it slippery like this?! He will find the culprit for sure! Just wait!!! ?

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