This girl...truly was unique wasn"t she?

Hhh..if this is her wish then what he could do was to support her in financial until she could stand on her own two feet. When that day come he would witness how this world s.h.i.+ne in her own way.

"I understand so what is your plan?" Nan Shen was defeated by Tan Hua sudden change. She was usually dumb and carefree but now she was s.h.i.+ning bright like a star.

Who said this girl was dumb? She only didn"t have motivation to became smart. Once she had it she would take all over the world under her feet.

"I will make my brand but since I haven"t got company I will collaborate with your company. For every design I make let"s split the profit 50%-50% since you will handle all matter aside from the design"

Tan Hua face was serious when she talked about this collaboration. Since this would be the start of her own company.

"Hmm 50% let"s make it 70% for you and I will only ask for 30%" Nan Shen rubbed his chin hearing Tan Hua idea. It was indeed good for Tan Hua to collaborate with his company.

He just got this feeling that with Tan Hua here she could made his company go international too!

"Wait what? You only want 30%?? But all the expenses for the clothes, the marketing etc will be covered by your company right..." Tan Hua instantly got anxious when Nan Shen offered a really kind offer.

How could he be this good to her....she would already borrow his money and now he only want 30%??

"Yes 30% is enough but let"s make a contract that this collaboration will last for 10 years. So even though you already make your company one day, you will still allow us to sell your design"

Nan Shen smile looking like a real angel when he suggested the 10 years contract. Actually he had his own plan proposing this.

With 10 years agreement at least he could "bound" this girl to his side and he believe 10 years was enough for his company to be on par with that Lan Yanjin company.

If Tan Hua design was something new, even become a trend setter then getting a name only was enough to let his company rose so fast!

As long as he got the right to produce Tan Hua design and sell it before Tan Hua could produce her own design, he already profited a lot.

"I see it really will benefit you too" Tan Hua nodded her head realising Nan Shen plan for his own company. Indeed her design would be something completely new. Even would become a new trend a new mode for this world.

That"s why any company that produce it first, would forever get profit even though later she would produce her own product!

What she borrow from Nan Shen now was the material and workers to made the design into a product. Later after she got enough money she could produce it by herself.

But with this 10 years agreement Nan Shen company still have the right to sell her product even though she might already establish her company. It"s like making a branch restaurant and giving them the secret recipe!

"Alright then I will make the contract tomorrow you only need to read and sign it. You are not allowed to make design before you fully heal!" Nan Shen stood up from the bed and covered Tan Hua with blanket.

He glad Tan Hua was alright but it has only been a day since Tan Hui death. Tan Hua must still be sad over it. He needed to gave this girl the time she need to recover both her mind and her body.

"Alright..." Tan Hua actually wanted to start designing soon in order to distract her from Tan Hui death but with Nan Shen being overprotective like this she couldn"t do anything.

"Right about your birth origin and your father"s company....should I help?" Right before leaving Tan Hua room, Nan Shen stopped in front of the door just to ask for this.

With his power he could investigate real fast about Tan Hua origin and possibly about the case behind her step father"s company bankruptcy.

"No...I want to do it myself but thank you for offering help..." Tan Hua shook her head hearing Nan Shen offer for help. She indeed was curious about her birth origin but for now she had to focus on making her brand!

She had to choose her brand name, preparing design as many as she could etc. Regarding her birth origin and her revenge she had to leave it to Shen Ling.

She could ask Nan Shen actually if she wanted but Nan Shen already did a lot of her...she didn"t feel good asking more.

"Alright then just focus on recuperating first call me if you need anything" Nan Shen knew Tan Hua rely more on Shen Ling rather than him in this kind of matter so he could only reluctantly agree.

But still who the heck was that Shen Ling? In his eyes Shen Ling looked like Tan Hua family rather than her best friend. Shen Ling looked like he knew a lot about Tan Hua that he didn"t know yet...

This is irritating....

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