It"s unfortunate that he didn"t know about this news sooner.

He really was too late to help this girl that Nan Shen beat him to it. If he could be a little bit faster and lend money to this girl maybe by now Tan Hua would already work for his company and his company would profit more!

He was sure Tan Hua must be the designer of Luvré brand so she must knew the mysterious owner of this brand too. He gotta find her quick...before his grandpa make another move!

Nan Shen"s villa.

"We still have 5 hours before the plan depart. You two want to go somewhere first?" Nan Shen had booked the plane ticket so before they went back, he gave the girls changes to go shopping.

Those two haven"t buy anything yet right?

"Really? we can go shopping?" Tan Hua eyes brightened when Nan Shen suggested them to go shopping. She was in a bad mood because of the problem with her brand but shopping might help her to gain her good mood back.

"Yep but I and Ren Yuan won"t be able to accompany you guys. I feel a bit tired while Ren Yuan have something else to do" Nan Shen shrugged his shoulder since what he said was true.

Ren Yuan was going to help Tan Hua with the matter of her brand while he himself aside from doing the same, would have to sleep more.

He felt so tired!

"Alright it"s okay I can drive" Mi s.h.i.+ actually wanted a time alone with her best friend and without the boys with them, they could go wild!

Of course Nan Shen ordered a batch of guards to follow those two to protected them from afar without the girls knowing. The man was afraid the girls would get kidnapped again.

Shopping mall.

"Tan Hua this would be good for you let"s buy this this this and this" Mi Shu was in a high spirit to dressed up Tan Hua into a pretty doll. She already made Tan Hua tried her third clothes now.

"Mi Shu..." Tan Hua rolled her eyes seeing how her best friend went wild to buy clothes but since she also wanted girls clothes she happily obey Mi Shu wish.

At the same time at Luvré clothes shop in the same mall.

"She is not here..." Lan Yanjin purposely came to this shopping mall since this was the biggest mall in Hawaii and the only mall that had Luvré brand opened.

He came to this store hoping he might into Tan Hua who may come to this store to check out Luvré brand in Hawaii after all she was the designer right?

But the girl was nowhere to be seen...should he gave up...

Lan Yanjin was about to went out from the store when suddenly he heard a girl voice not far from his place. This voice was very familiar!

"Let"s take a look at Luvré brand first okay I"m curious" Tan Hua dragged Mi Shu to come to her store since she want to see how it is going in other country like Hawaii.

"alright but don"t stay too long we have to go back already" Mi Shu was also curious to see if there was another product Luvré launch overseas so she followed Tan Hua to Luvré store.

"Tan Huo?" Just before Tan Hua turned her head around and enter the store, she heard someone called her name and couldn"t help but almost slap the person out of shock.

"Wait. Lan Yanjin??" Tan Hua was shocked seeing Lan Yanjin came out from Luvré store. She thought the brand under Lan Yanjin company were all her brand rival so why the heck Lan Yanjin came here?

"Perfect timing! I have something to discuss with you it won"t be long can you please follow me else where? Your friend can go with you too"

Lan Yanjin was afraid Tan Hua would ran away the moment she saw him so he quickly said whatever he wanted to say in one breath almost like he was doing rap.

"Eh? sure..." Tan Hua saw Lan Yanjin face looked different from usual. He lost his devilish att.i.tude and only turned into a panicked man now so this matter he wanted to discuss must be very important.

"I"ll go with you" Mi Shu gripped Tan Hua sleeves as she glare at Lan Yanjin. She knew this man since this man was Ren Yuan rival in fas.h.i.+on industry too!

"Alright let"s go to a pub" Lan Yanjin quickly called someone to prepare private room for him and the girls so they could have private discussion.

Private room in pub.

"I"ll go straight to the point. I know you don"t have much time to waste so listen carefully. You are the model for Luvré brand first product right?" Lan Yanjin sat down on the sofa and after Tan Hua along with Mi Shu also sat down, he immediately began the discussion.

"Yes I am. So?" Hearing Lan Yanjin words had relation with her brand, Tan Hua subconsciously furrowed her eyebrow and raised her guard.

It"s topic about her brand after all!

"Alright so do you the owner of this brand? I need to discuss business with the owner. It"s very important" Lan Yanjin face was serious as he asked what he really wanted to ask.

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