He wanted to know who was the owner of this brand and how to get this brand under his company!

Tan Hua: Σ(゜ロ゜;) h.e.l.l?

"What?!" both Mi Shu and Tan Hua was taken aback when Lan Yanjin question was about the owner of Luvré brand.

How the heck she could answer this?? The owner is her! But she didn"t want anyone to know about this fact. Aside from that, Lan Yanjin also knew she was a girl...if he knew...her brand would be in danger of bankruptcy.

It"s bad!

No one could knew the owner of Luvré brand was a girl before the brand could gain stable position in the business. Otherwise her business would fail!

"I refuse to answer" Tan Hua gulped her saliva nervously as she refuse to answer Lan Yanjin question.

"I see" Lan Yanjin shook his head hearing Tan Hua answer. He knew this girl was stubborn so of course he had prepared another plan.

Tan Hua saw Lan Yanjin expression was calm even after she refuse to answer and couldn"t help but get a bad feeling about this.

Lan Yanjin was like Nan Shen, if he wanted something he would not give up until he get it so seeing Lan Yanjin was calm he must have a trick up his sleeve!

They better run now.

"Let"s go Mi Shu" Tan Hua stood up as she dragged Mi Shu to the door about to open it when suddenly she hears a snapping sound from behind.

"Hhh I don"t want to do this but it"s for your sake too" Lan Yanjin sighed and snapped his finger.


Second later, two burly guard auddenly appeared behind the door startling Tan Hua and Mi Shu.

The heck?!

"What do you mean by this?!" Tan Hua didn"t opened the door but she could already saw two people guarding out side looking from the gla.s.s at the top of the door.

With angry face, Tan Hua turned her head around to questioned the mastermind behind the two men outside the private room.

"Just for your information also stationed a few men outside this pub you can"t go away until you answer my question" With a smile, Lan Yanjin beckoned his finger so Tan Hua and Mi Shu would went back and sat down.

He won"t do any violence to the girls he only wanted to kept them inside until they gave what he wanted. Now tell him what he wanted or stay here.

Seeing this, Tan Hua gritted her teeth and went back to sat down on the sofa with Mi Shu. She knew very well this man was true to his word. If he said he got another batch of men outside the pub, it means that"s the truth!

d.a.m.n it this man really is a businessman. She shouldn"t followed him here in the first place!

Outside the pub.

"Boss, miss enter Y pub with a man with black hair and blue eyes but it has been 30 minutes they haven"t come out" One of the guard that followed Mi Shu and Tan Hua, quickly realize something was wrong.

They saw a few men wearing black suit around 10 mean were standing at every corner outside the pub. This is definitely not normal.

Knowing something was wrong, the guards didn"t immediately go inside the pub since there were only 4 of them. They decided to call their boss for back up first.

"What?! Black hair blue eyes?? That"s Lan Yanjin!! I"ll go there keep an eye to the surrounding!" Nan Shen had just woke up when he got the call and his heart nearly stop beating.

The girls went to the pub with Lan Yanjin and haven"t come back?! That man was like him! Shady and suspicious! Why the heck Tan Hua followed her anyway.

Well for now he gotta go there fast!

"Ren Yuan come with me call your men too. Mi Shu and Tan Hua are in danger" Nan Shen hurriedly get dressed as he went to the first floor to get Ren Yuan with him.

"What happened?!" Hearing Mi Shu name was mentioned, Ren Yuan instantly stood up from the sofa and approached Nan Shen as they went out from the villa.

"I don"t have time to explain. Just call your men to go to Y pub!" Nan Shen grab his car key and hurriedly go inside the car before he also call his men.

"Go to the Y pub ASAP!"

Private room inside Y Pub.

"Don"t be so tense let"s drink" Lan Yanjin really looked leisure acting as if he didn"t locked up the girls inside just to get information out of them.

He really run out of time so this was the only method he could use. He was desperate!

Tan Hua squinted her eyes while Mi Shu gripped the hem of her dress seeing how Lan Yanjin really did prepare anything so they would stay in this room until they spilled the bean.

d.a.m.n it she got to do something. She couldn"t inform Nan Shen since Lan Yanjin won"t allow it but her feeling said someone had informed Nan Shen about this.

It"s 30 minutes away from the villa...if Nan Shen speed up he could arrive in 15 minutes. 15 minutes...should they wait or...

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