They had to get away, now or never!

But they didn"t have car they also couldn"t call taxi since they won"t arrive faster than those guards chasing after them. What should they do?? Run? They would get caught sooner or later if they run on foot.

"d.a.m.nnn" Tan Hua gritted her teeth as she looked around her and only found a row of cars. Those must be the customer"s car being parked but they couldn"t use it ah!

While Tan Hua was musing over what they should do, Mi Shu suddenly saw a bike parked not far from their place. The bike was leaned on a palm tree and seemed to be left behind by the owner who was nowhere to be seen now.

A bike! They could use this!

"That"s it!" Mi Shu quickly went to get the bike and when she did, the owner came back after getting a drink.

"Eh eh hei! that"s my bike! thief thief!!" the owner of the bike dropped his drink to the ground as he chase after Mi Shu who already approached the dumbfounded Tan Hua.

"Tan Hua get on!" Mi Shu stopped the bike right next to Tan Hua as she urged Tan Hua to hop on seeing the owner of the bike together with Nan Shen men already right behind them.

"Roger!" Tan Hua hurriedly hopped on the back seat and Mi Shu didn"t wait too long before she paddle the bike distancing themselves from the people behind them.

At the same time as Mi Shu and Tan Hua escape from back door heading to the main street, Nan Shen and Ren Yuan had just arrived at the front of pub together with their men.


"Where are them?!" Nan Shen opened the door to the private room as he shouted to Lan Yanjin with his face red from anger. He really didn"t expect Lan Yanjin to dare do this to the girls just so he could get a certain information!

Lan Yanjin must wanted to know the owner of Luvré brand and because he saw Tan Hua was the model, he a.s.sumed the girl must know about this.

He was no moron. Just now on the way to this pub, Ren Yuan said the culprit behind the people protesting was none other than Lan family.

Really hateful! Not only Lan family messed with Tan Hua brand, Lan Yanjin even threatened the girls just to know who own the brand.

Did this man think he doesn"t know his plan? Once Lan Yanjin knew the owner of Luvré brand, he would use every kind of method to made the brand move to his company.

"They escape my men are chasing after them though" Lan Yanjin shrugged his shoulder casually seeing Nan Shen who almost punch him in the face if not for Ren Yuan holding him back.

"Fck!" Nan Shen cursed Lan Yanjin as he strode out of the room as his men already caught Lan Yanjin men remaining in the pub.

5 people weren"t in the pub so those 5 must be Lan Yanjin"s men who were chasing after Mi Shu and Tan Hua!

"Ren Yuan get in quick!" Nan Shen told his men to keep an eye to Lan Yanjin before he dragged Ren Yuan back to the car.

He had to found the girls now else who knew what might happened to them. The girls weren"t in the pub anymore so they must had escape safely but still...

He was worried something bad might happens to them ah!


"Do you know where are they?" Ren Yuan closed the car door as he asked Nan Shen the question he really wanted to ask.

As a cold and calm person, Ren Yuan looked composed even when he arrived at the pub and didn"t see Mi Shu anywhere but deep inside he was worried sick.

Even though Mi Shu was with that "boy", he couldn"t rely on a skinny boy like Tan Huo. If something happened to Mi Shu...

"Yeah I can track them down. I place GPS in Tan Huo things. All of them had GPS so I can track him all the time" Nan Shen casually opened his hand phone trying to see where the heck his doggo went to without realising Ren Yuan dumbfounded face.

GPS? In Tan Huo thing? Everything belong to that boy got GPS inside?! The heck?? Why the h.e.l.l Nan Shen do this?? It"s so fckin creepy!

Anyway Nan Shen must be too panicked to check the GPS before arriving at the pub if not he wouldn"t came to the pub first and could already chase after Mi Shu and Tan Huo now.


"Those men are really persistent!" Tan Hua looked back to see Lan Yanjin men still ran chasing after them with some also "borrowing" bike from the nearby people they met.

"Hold on tight I will head to police station!" Mi Shu shouted to Tan Hua as she increase her paddling speed instantly made Tan Hua almost fell from the bike.

Mi Shu ah don"t drive too fast!!

While Mi Shu and Tan Hua were heading to the police station, Nan Shen and Ren Yuan was following behind quite far until they saw a glimpse of two girls riding bike with a few men behind them chasing with a bike too.

Isn"t that Mi Shu and Tan Hua??

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