T-this…this is a ring… 

Tan Hua eyes turned teary when she saw the item inside the expensive-looking box. Inside, there was a silver ring decorated with a pink diamond. The diamond was shaped in a cute dog paw making the ring looked elegant and childish at the same time. 

The ring was made from white gold and embedded with super expensive pink diamond. Not to mention the craving for the diamond. The cost of the ring could be imagined, it must be expensive. 

Tan Hua caressed the ring as she hold back her tears. This ring was the one Nan Shen made for her but the Nan Shen who custom made this…wasn"t the current Nan Shen. 

It was Nan Shen, before the accident who made this. Nan Shen who still remembered her…still have feeling for her…not a cold man like he was now. 

"Hm?" Tan Hua raised her eyebrow when she felt something being engraved in the inner side of the ring. Just now when she caressed it, she felt it. Something like…a sentence? 

Tan Hua flipped the ring and bring the ring closer to her eyes to looked at what"s written inside. But since the words were too small, she had to use magnifying gla.s.s. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Em…For my beloved doggo…" Tan Hua muttered each word written on the inner side of the ring and when she could finally read all words in a sentence, she almost couldn"t hold back her tears. 

It wasn"t because she was called doggo again, but because the words written somehow for no reason really touched her heart. It was a meanie sentence if others read it but for her it hold a deep meaning. 

It means…well not deep. It"s just simply saying that she was his. That"s it. But maybe because Nan Shen who lost his memory was so cold lately, this one sentence looked so warm in Tan Hua eyes. 

Tan Hua was about to cry again when she suddenly stopped. She realize that crying won"t make Nan Shen memory came back. It won"t change anything. 

No. She couldn"t be like this forever, crying over how Nan Shen changed and how her life also change to a worse direction because of Nan Shen. 

She couldn"t dwell in her sadness anymore. She believe that as long as Nan Shen recover his memory he would be back to his usual self. She couldn"t give up! 

Let"s go see him one more time since she won"t ever give up on something she had an eye for. 

Nan Shen mansion. 

"Fuh…" Nan Shen lay down on his bed as he let out a long sigh. Today was the day he could get out from the hospital and here he was, back to his house. 

He still couldn"t remember many things about his own house but one thing he was sure about. Just now when he enter, somehow the house seemed silent without sign of living beings. 

Maybe because he had forgot how his house felt like, just now he suddenly felt that his house looked so cold and lonely without the warmth of usual house should be. 

Is it because he live alone? But why do he had this feeling that lately…the house wasn"t this cold? Like there was someone else living here with him, making the house felt warm and lively but now that person was gone. 

Well it"s impossible isn"t it? No one told him that he live with someone else before and he too think that it"s impossible for him to share his house to someone even to his future girlfriend. 

He just like to be alone that"s it. 

Nan Shen looked up to the ceiling and decided to do a house tour again since he still hasn"t remembered everything about his house yet. He didn"t even know which is his room just now. 


"Hm?" Nan Shen walked pa.s.s through the room Tan Hua used before she moved out and the man subconsciously stopped walking. 

Just now he had deja vu. As if he often walk pa.s.s through this room even though to get to the first floor, he didn"t need to go pa.s.s through this room. 

What room is this? 


Nan Shen opened the door to the room Tan Hua used and what he saw was only empty room with only the furniture inside. The room looked normal but there was one thing he notice to be different. 

How come this room, which was supposed to be one of the guest room…had better furniture than the other guest rooms? 

He knew that he always made all the guest room to be the same since he like it to be fair but this one guest room is different from the restI

It"s obvious that he re-made the interior of this room but the question is for what? He rarely had guest and even though the guest was someone important he won"t change the room just for one night stay. 

For him to re-decorate this guest room…could it be…someone important had lived in this room for a long time? 

But who?? who live here for a long time? and how important is this person to made him re-make the entire room? 

Nan Shen was thinking over this matter when suddenly he heard someone press his house bell. 


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