With a loud and clear voice ringing throughout the room, Tan Hua said what she needed to say. "My name is Tan Hua and today I declare that I"m the owner of Luvré brand" 

Tan Hua was shaking from nervousness but she still did her role, to announce the ident.i.ty of Luvré brand owner. 

The second after Tan Hua said her sentence, the whole room became quiet without anyone saying anything. The media staff all were dumbfounded. Some widened their eyes in surprise and other had their jaw drop to the ground. 

W-what is this girl talking about? She said that she is the owner of that super popular brand? Luvré brand had made their own company and it"s raising very fast. 

The company had good relations.h.i.+p with Nan Company since Luvré brand was their golden goose but who knows that the owner of this brand as well as the rising star company…was a girl?! 

"T-this is impossible" One minute had pa.s.sed and only then a senior media staff stood up from his chair. He looked at Tan Hua with disbelief. 

His one sentence of denial, immediately triggered the other media staff to threw question after question to Nan Shen making the whole room suddenly became noisy. 

"Young master Nan why you cover up this fact??"

"Young master Nan is Luvré brand really being owned by that girl?"

"Young master Nan!" 

The media staff all asked Nan Shen for confirmation while the others began to questioned Tan Hua too. 

"Miss Tan is what you said before the truth?"

"Miss Tan! Is Luvré brand being made because you"re Young master Nan girlfriend?"

"Miss Tan!"

"Miss Tan!" 

Tan Hua head went dizzy receiving so many questions. She didn"t know what to answer but these people kept pestering her with questions after questions! 

"Go out now I"ll handle this" Seeing the people in the room couldn"t be controlled anymore, Nan Shen patted Tan Hua back and pushed her gently. 

The girl shouldn"t stay any longer since he would take control from now on. 

"T-thank you" Tan Hua indeed was being overwhelmed by the media so she quickly escape from the room. Noticing Tan Hua ran away, the media become even more chaotic. 

Some of them try to follow Tan Hua out but Nan Shen acted fast. He waved his hand and row of guards suddenly came from another door, completely guard the exit route from the room. 

"Calm down I"ll answer the questions one by one" Nan Shen scanned the room with his eyes and slowly gained control of the audience again. 


"Fuh…" Tan Hua sighed when she finally went out from the conference room. She was so nervous before and seeing the people reaction, she became even more nervous! 

What should she do now…Nan Shen said that he would handle it but she"s still worried… Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

Just when Tan Hua was thinking while standing near the door to the conference room, someone she knew well, suddenly called her.

"Tan Hua!" Lan Yanjin eyes brightened when he saw Tan Hua in front of the conference room. He had been trying to find her since he knew she should be here tonight but he hasn"t seen here for even once. 

"Lan Yanjin??" Tan Hua was surprised seeing Lan Yanjin in her small party. She didn"t know Nan Shen would invite Lan Yanjin family. She knew that Lan Yanjin family was influential but didn"t Nan Shen hate him? 

Little did Tan Hua knew that Nan Shen invited Lan Yanjin because the man said that he had very important business with Tan Hua. Hearing that it"s for Tan Hua, Nan Shen couldn"t help but invite Lan Yanjin even though he hate the man. 

"Good timing come here there"s someone that want to meet you don"t worry I won"t do anything to you" Lan Yanjin quickly grabbed Tan Hua wrist and dragged her to another place in the hotel where she held the party. 

"What?" Tan Hua believe Lan Yanjin won"t harm her but hearing that someone want to meet her, her interest was piqued. Just who want to meet her? 

"Auntie here she is!" After 5 minutes walking, Lan Yanjin took Tan Hua to a private room. At first Tan Hua was suspicious but when Lan Yanjin called someone else who was already inside the room, she was relieved. 

Auntie? The one who want to meet her is Lan Yanjin"s aunt? Or…just someone he know? 

"Oh Yanjin thank you" A woman suddenly stood up when Tan Hua entered the room and when Tan Hua saw the woman"s face, her heart stop beating for a second. 


This woman is the woman in the photo Lan Yanjin show her before! Why is she here?? 

Not only feeling shocked, Tan Hua also had this weird feeling upon meeting face to face with the middle-aged woman. The woman was beautiful with her silky smooth blonde hair paired with blue eyes like any foreigners trait should be but then…. 

Why she felt something was different from this beautiful woman? 

Tan Hua was staring at the middle-aged woman with dumbfounded face, not knowing why the woman wanted to meet her when suddenly the woman walked to her and took her hand with tears flowing out from her eyes. 

"My daughter…" 

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