This man isn"t her boyfriend anymore so he doesn"t have reason to be angry at her like this right? 

Poor Tan Hua too dense to realize that the man was actually super duper jealous even though the man himself refuse to admit it. 

"Your…mother? alright but you know you shouldn"t be too close to him right? I don"t see your mother in the room either" 

Nan Shen paused a bit when he mentioned the word "mother" as his anger cooled down a bit but still, he couldn"t understand why Tan Hua and Lan Yanjin were alone in the room. 

"Well she went home first…" Tan Hua sighed seeing Nan Shen seemed like a father scolding a guilty daughter for sneaking out with a man at night. She doesn"t have any relations.h.i.+p with Nan Shen anymore so actually the man couldn"t really control her right? 

"Then why don"t you immediately get out from the room after your business end? You know that we"re here for business right" Nan Shen furrowed his eyebrow as he kept interrogating Tan Hua, clearly want to know what happened between those two. 

If Tan Hua said that she began dating Lan Yanjin, he couldn"t imagine what he would say. This isn"t a matter of feeling but a matter of business! That fox Yanjin might try to get close to Tan Hua just for her brand, he was worried okay? 

"Nan Shen you"re not my boyfriend anymore so why should you control me like this? I can go meet anyone I want!" Hearing Nan Shen tone was a bit seemed like he was blaming her, Tan Hua couldn"t help but raise her voice as she glare at the man. 

She could understand if Nan Shen was angry at her because she went with Lan Yanjin while he was managing the conference but this was already too much! 

Tan Hua gripped the hem of her dress as she thinned her lips, refusing to answer further. Her eyes were fixed to Nan Shen eyes and a light of anger could be seen inside her two beautiful brown eyes. 

"I…" Nan Shen was taken aback for a second seeing Tan Hua suddenly got angry at him. He knew he wasn"t her boyfriend anymore but this is business…he didn"t include his personal emotion there. 

…did he? 

Nan Shen eyes wavered as he gulped his saliva. This is the first time he saw Tan Hua suddenly got angry. The girl was staring at her with sharp eyes, looking as if she didn"t have any relations.h.i.+p with him whatsoever. 


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"I"m leaving. Nan Shen you don"t even remember me completely and now want to decide whom I should and shouldn"t meet this is clearly unfair. I don"t care anymore" Tan Hua saw that Nan Shen didn"t say anything else and a spark of fire suddenly burn inside her heart. 

So this man won"t even admit he went overboard. Fine she will just leave! This man didn"t even remember her completely. 

Tan Hua quickly stood up from the bed creating a creaking sound as she turned away her body, about to walked to the door when suddenly Nan Shen grabbed her wrist preventing her from leaving. 

"Listen I…I…" Nan Shen voice trembled as he looked at the girl who was about to leave. What exactly he want? Why did he stop her from leaving? 

Did he actually…..has feeling for her? 

"Let me go I want to cool my head" Tan Hua brushed Nan Shen"s hand aside as she kept walking toward the door. Her voice was cold without warmth sending s.h.i.+ver down Nan Shen"s spine. 

It"s the first time Tan Hua treated him like this! Don"t tell him she…doesn"t love him anymore? 


"Wait!" Just when Tan Hua was about to open the door and leave, Nan Shen closed the door and put his hand on the door, right next to Tan Hua neck as he trapped her within his arms. 

"What?" Tan Hua voice was still cold but deep inside, her heart was beating faster. If her intuition was right…something had changed inside Nan Shen. It"s true that he still couldn"t remember her but what if… 

Just what if. What if Nan Shen began to have feeling for her? 

Tan Hua cheek flushed red a bit thinking about this but she kept the excitement inside as she continue playing her act, cold and distant. It"s better if she act as is she didn"t have feeling for Nan Shen again! 

This way she would be able to inquire Nan Shen reaction whether he didn"t care or was disturbed for a bit. Even for a bit it"s already good! 

"Turn your body around we need to talk" Nan Shen whispered to Tan Hua as he move his face closer to the girl"s ears. He didn"t know what happened to him but he suddenly had the urge to do this. 

Hearing this, Tan Hua still didn"t move from her position. Her back was facing Nan Shen as the man put both his hand on the door, stopping Tan Hua from leaving. 

Tan Hua looked like she wasn"t disturbed by the intimate act Nan Shen just did but deep down, she was squealing with joy. 

There it is the devilish Nan Shen! He is back! 

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