Nan Shen urged Tan Hua to started ordering for herself while Nan Shen also ordered few things like his favorite red wine and wagyu beef.

At first Tan Hua was reluctant to order as she somehow had a bad feeling about this. She looked at Nan Shen with suspicious and wary eyes but Nan Shen said this.

"What are you looking at? Don"t worry just order anything you want" Nan Shen patted Tan Hua cheek softly with the back of his hand as he laughed it off. Nan Shen didn"t realize that just now he just show a genuie smile to Tan Hua.

Of course Tan Hua herself didn"t notice it at all moreover getting attracted by his true smile. She was focusing on food now!

Tan Hua knowing that her generous boss really meant it when he urged her to ordered, very quickly ordered a full course meal from the appetizer to dessert.

Nan Shen was a little taken aback with Tan Hua large appet.i.te but he found it normal and even cute for a doggo to have a big appet.i.te. It means that the doggo was healthy.

Author: ? but Tan Hua is not a doggo.

30 minutes later....

The food arrived!

Tan Hua eyes were sparkling and she nearly drooled all over the food. Nan Shen secretly chuckled seeing Tan Hua dog-like behaviour. The was this boy looked at food really reminded him of his dog!

Well it was a normal reaction for a mere office boy to see such high cla.s.s food.

While Nan Shen was laughing over Tan Hua reaction when she saw the food, Tan Hua was currently crying tears of happiness.

Meat! Smooth plate! Fork and knife! Sparkling gla.s.s! My full course meal!! ? long time no see you guys!! It has been a long time since she met these friends of her!

Ahhhh her beloved wagyu steak!!! She couldn"t even afford a normal beef in her current family condition so she was moved to tears when she finally met her old friend, wagyu steak.

Tan Hua body trembled as she became slightly emotional. She stroke the surface of the wagyu steak with her fork as she was deep in her memories with wagyu steak.

Author: Stop it you drama queen!

Nan Shen thought that Tan Hua was hesitating to eat or maybe Tan Hua just didn"t know how to eat these foods in a good manner.

There were so many different types of spoons and knife served in front of Tan Hua as Tan Hua ordered full course meal. It was confusing for normal people who wasn"t used in doing table manner, to used the right tools for them to eat.

Author: i think table manner like that only exist in aristocracy circle not in modern world like this world now ?

Ahh ?‍♂he forgot that this boy was from a poor family....this must be the first time he came to a high cla.s.s restaurant right? Aishh he was so stupid to forgot about this matter.

The boy must be feeling awkward now...

Nan Shen thought that Tan Hua didn"t know which spoon she used and which fork or knife should she used.


Nan Shen was about to teach Tan Hua about table manner such as how to use the knife and the fork when he was surprised with Tan Hua next action.

Even though Tan Hua usually behave like a problematic child with no brain, she was still an education young lady of a rich family.

Author: ex-young lady!

Tan Hua had learn table manner for her entire life and was used to apply it whenever she eat so she wouldn"t eat like a barbaric or something.

Tan Hua very naturally picked up her soup as her appetizer and choose the right spoon and began to eat in elegant manner.

Her movement was so smooth that for a second back there, Nan Shen thought of Tan Hua as a natural born nouveau rich teenagers.

While Nan Shen was admiring Tan Hua elegant movement, Tan Hua herself was trying hard not to cry from happiness.

This is the real soup should be like. Not like the soup made by that silly G.o.d! It was a fake soup! ahh so nostalgic! Long time no see you soup!! ?

30 minutes later....

Tan Hua had finished off all her food and Nan Shen too had finished his meal.

The waiter came to their room and gave Nan Shen the bill. This moment was usually a moment where the CEO will gave the waiter an unlimited black card to show off his wealth to the girl he brought with.

Tan Hua was also br.i.m.m.i.n.g with happiness expecting to see the same scene from usual romance drama but now, this would happen right in front of her eyes.

Ahhh she felt like she was a female lead of a drama! Wait nah. She wasn"t ? But it was still alright to daydream about it right?

Author: it"s night time already so no daydreaming.

Tan Hua was getting excited but what Nan Shen said next, made Tan Hua nearly flipped table and splashed red wine to his handsome face!

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