WHAT IS IT NOW?! ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ

"What are you doing boss??? I am trying to sleep!" Tan Hua rolled her eyes as she turned her body to avoided Nan Shen eyes. Now her back was facing Nan Shen.

Nan Shen didn"t say anything and only walked fast to Tan Hua "bed". The next second, he squatted down and pinched Tan Hua cheek.

"??!! Mweehhh??" Tan Hua of course was surprised with Nan Shen unusual behavior. What"s wrong with this big meanie?! Did he still haven"t had enough bullying her??

Nan Shen forcefully turned Tan Hua face to looked at him straight in his eyes.

"Why didn"t you come to my room?" with a very serious face, Nan Shen once again dropped a nuclear bomb to the defenseless Tan Hua.

.....? W-what did he said??!!

"W-why should I go to boss room?? Didn"t boss arrange this "room" for me?!" Tan Hua slapped Nan Shen finger away and curled her body like a lonely doggo.

This devil must come here to tease her again! She knew it! Hmph! ?

"You ask me why? My doggo used to climb to my bed and sleep with me everyday you know?" Nan Shen for the n-th time disturbed Tan Hua by turning her head to face him.

"And what"s the connection between your doggo and me??!!" Tan Hua nearly bite Nan Shen finger if she hadn"t been a good and kind girl.

She really want to chew this devil"s finger!!! What"s wrong with his mind?!

"You are sleeping in my doggo room so...shouldn"t you also come to my room and snuggle into my bed?" Nan Shen face looked very innocent and serious as if what he said was something normal which should happen anyway.

Tan Hua: Can I burn this devil to death??!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"NOOO!!! I"m not your doggo so I"m not going to go to your room and even snuggle into your bed! NEVER!" Tan Hua had almost lost her sanity dealing with this weirdo.

Was he really that second male lead she admired?! The one who had both brain and looks added with being wealthy as a bonus? Well even though his personality was a big minus.

Anyway THIS NAN SHEN MUST BE CRAZY!!! HOW COULD HE SEE HER AS HIS DOGGO??!!! He must be crazy yeah! She is sure!

Nan Shen looked at Tan Hua with a slightly dark eyes and the next second...


He carried Tan Hua like a sack on his shoulder as he hurriedly strode to his room.

"B-boss!!!! Let me down! Meh! Dog abuse! Eh I mean employee abuse!!" Tan Hua was panicked to death when she felt herself floated on air, being carried by the devil.


One time he was mad and now he acted like a sulking brat! Someone come and slap this devil!!!


Nan Shen throw Tan Hua to his bed very naturally as he himself got into his bed and curled up inside his warm blanket.

Tan Hua: ? i don"t felt BATHUMP BATHUMP whatsoever.

"Be a good boy, sleep" Nan Shen pulled the dumbfounded Tan Hua under his blanket and very affectionally patted her tummy like appeasing a doggo.

Tan Hua was very very confused. One second she was in the dog"s room, another second she was being carried like a sack, and now she ended up this devil"s bed.


Nan Shen at this time already slowly went into a deep sleep without caring whether the little doggo could sleep or not. He himself was already tired!

Nan Shen was indeed too tired that maybe his brain was damaged in some part.

He was used to sleep with his big doggo and he felf calm with his doggo by his side but since the doggo died 1 month ago....he had it difficult to sleep.

In short, Nan Shen was just a simple lonely rich guy. He didn"t have human live in his house other than himself so the only friend he got was his doggo.

He loved his doggo so much that he choose his doggo over woman. Mi s.h.i.+ was the first woman he noticed and if it hadn"t because of her talent in design, maybe he wouldn"t notice her too.

Now he got Tan Hua whom appearance really similar to his doggo (his doggo was a golden retriever), he wanted to at least have him accompanied him to sleep.

He knew this might seemed crazy but he felt calm whenever he was near this boy even though he only knew this boy for a short time.

Maybe because the vibe this boy had was really like his doggo. Maybe.

Nan Shen very quickly fell asleep leaving behind the dumbfounded Tan Hua aside.


Author: ?‍♀ oh Shen Ling hurry come and kidnap this troublesome doggo.

Tan Hua was feeling confused as well as angry that Nan Shen did whatever she likes. She thought she wouldn"t be able to sleep with a man right beside her bed when...

10 minutes later....

Tan Hua had bubble on her nose and snored like a baby.

SHE FELL ASLEEP!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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