"Nan Shen!!" Mi Shu quickly strode in to the room and shoved Tan Hua aside.

Mi Shu then quickly untie the necktie and when she finished, only then Nan Shen could properly breath.


Nan Shen was so tired that he slumped to his chair looking like a zombie. He had combed his hair neatly, ready to met his sweetheart but his effort was ruined by a dumb doggo!

He was even seen by Mi Shu! This was so embarrasing!! and all of this happened because of one stupid doggo!

Nan Shen looked straight at Tan Hua who was shoved aside with dagger in his eyes.


Nan Shen really wanted to scold Tan Hua and made her kneel but Mi Shu was here! He couldn"t do so!

Tan Hua was very relieved that Mi Shu came in time otherwise...she would be killed by Nan Shen!!

Author: ? aren"t you the one who nearly killed him??

Tan Hua shrunk her neck like a turtle as she slowly went to a corner and hide behind a bookshelf. That stare Nan Shen gave her was so scary!!

Mi Shu-sama don"t ever leave!!

"Are you alright Nan Shen?" Mi Shu was a good girl who cherished her friend so when she saw Nan Shen was in "danger", as his "friend", Mi Shu was worried for him.

Nan Shen who was looking like a devil to Tan Hua, turned his head toward Mi Shu and suddenly....


His face turned into that holy angel with spring-like smile and gentle eyes.

"It"s okay I"m alright, thanks for your concern" Nan Shen smiled like a super gentle angel though second ago, he looked like a total devil.

Tan Hua who saw this, had her jaw dropped to the floor.

T-THAT"S TOO FAST!! This two-faced devil!!! He looked like a devil from h.e.l.l when he saw her but when he saw Mi Shu, he changed into a docile angel!!

This isn"t fair!! Why the h.e.l.l she is the only one who get this devil bad side?! Well but she did admit that Nan Shen angelic smile is kinda cute too...

h.e.l.l NO!

That"s too d.a.m.n FAKE! So creepy!! ?

Tan Hua who previously liked to see Nan Shen angelic smile whenever she watched him in TV, now didn"t feel the same.

That smile Nan Shen used looked so d.a.m.n fake and creepy! It looked as if he wore an angelic smile mask on his face, SO CREEPY MOTHERF*CKER!!

Tan Hua suddenly had the urge to tore down that angelic smile mask on Nan Shen face. She felt gooseb.u.mp!!

"Hey you!" When Tan Hua was still hiding behind the bookshelf, Mi Shu suddenly turned her head and looked at her with sharp glare.

"Gyah! Y-yes mam?" Tan Hua felt scared by Mi Shu menacing aura.

This is Mi Shu! the brave cool girl who became the female lead of this world! Her aura was indeed so different!

"Why you want to kill him?" Mi Shu came closer to Tan Hua place as the sound of her high heels rang throughout the room.

Nan Shen & Tan Hua: Σ(゜゜) hehh???

"Wait Mi Shu. He isn"t trying to kill me. It"s a misunderstanding" Nan Shen quickly stood up and grabbed Mi Shu wrist, trying to stop her.

Mi Shu was a tough woman so Nan Shen was worried that she would beat Tan Huo somehow.

"....eh?" Mi Shu who had queen-like aura, suddenly stopped in her track and had a dumbfounded face.

Ei? Misunderstanding? But she did see that short boy trying to choke Nan Shen...

"Yeah he is trying to help me putting on a necktie but somehow it got to this accident" Nan Shen pull Mi Shu and made her sat down on a sofa in his office.

"Ah!! Is that so?? I must see it wrong then!" The menacing aura earlier immediately disappeared replaced by a gentle and sun-like aura.

Tan Hua who saw all of this from behind the bookshelf, really want to thank Nan Shen for his help.

She had watch quite a few episodes involving Mi Shu so she knew how ruthless she could be toward her enemy.

So scary!! ?

"Oh you haven"t wear your necktie. Let me help" Mi Shu who noticed the wrinkled necktie around Nan Shen neck, took initiative to stood up and helped Chen fixed his necktie.

Mi Shu was a girl who didn"t feel conscious around man as she had shape herself to be a tough woman. She had lost her naive side and now had turned into a real queen.

Fixing Nan Shen necktie was something she did out of consideration as she had something she wanted to ask Nan Shen. Just counted it as early gift to repay Nan Shen favor later.

But even if Mi Shu thought was like this, Nan Shen still felt quite surprised. He didn"t feel comfortable getting touched by woman, usually. So he asked Tan Huo to help him earlier which lead to this accident.

Nan Shen wanted to refuse but Mi Shu had started to fix his necktie quickly and in a beautiful way. Mi Shu was quite tall for a girl, she was 165 cm tall and standing next to Nan Shen, her head reach Nan Shen chin.

Nan Shen looked down and saw Mi Shu beautiful face and he himself unconsciously blushed a little.


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