"Gyah!!!" Tan Hua was startled when Mi Shu grabbed her wrist. She nearly slapped away Mi Shu hand if not for Nan Shen stopping her in time.

"Mi Shu! I know that you are excited but you frighten him!" Nan Shen slapped away Mi Shu hand on Tan Hua wrist as he put his body to cover her.

Nan Shen was protecting Tan Hua, subconsciously.

Nan Shen himself didn"t know why he would slapped away his G.o.ddess, Mi Shu"s hand just to protect this dumb doggo?

"Ah I"m sorry! I"m sorry I"m to excited" Mi Shu immediately snapped when Nan Shen slapped away her hand on Tan Hua wrist.

Ahhh she had done it again!! ? She was too excited to talk with this boy that she even frightened him.

Tan Hua gripped Nan Shen suit as she popped out her head from behind Nan Shen body.

""re not going to choke me?" Tan Hua very innocently asked Mi Shu with her sparkling eyes.

Tan Hua thought Mi Shu was going to choke her for some reason. She didn"t hear what those two were talking about but she was sure that what they were talking about, had something to do with her.

" Choke? Why should I?" Mi Shu was taken aback with Tan Hua strange question.

Why the h.e.l.l should she choke a boy as cute as this boy??

When Nan Shen heard Tan Hua question, he almost slipped and fell.


He was so embarra.s.sed that his employee was asking dumb question to his G.o.ddess!! What if Mi Shu thought of him as a strange boss?! What if she thought he often abuse this dumb doggo so he had that kind of reaction?!

"Oy you are impolite to a lady. How could she choke you out of sudden??" Nan Shen moved his body as he pinched Tan Hua cheek like punis.h.i.+ng a bad boy.

"Ow ow ow boss! But aren"t you often..." Before Tan Hua could spilled the bean which was totally nonsense, Nan Shen suddenly stuffed her mouth with the handkerchief he brought with him.


"Mmh?? Mweh?!! Bwooosss!!!" Tan Hua was startled with Nan Shen sudden attack. She really wanted to quickly wanted to spit out the handkerchief blocking her mouth with the help of her hands but for some reason....


Suddenly her hand was being pulled behind her back and....was handcuffed with handcuffs Nan Shen took out from nowhere.

!!! BOSSS???!!!! What are you doing??? ???

Nan Shen didn"t say anything as he pushed Tan Hua aside and hide her behind his bookshelf very casually.

After that he very innocently went back to Mi Shu place while wiping his forehead as if he was tired because of Tan Hua.

"Fuh...Ah Mi Shu, sorry for that noisy brat. Don"t listen to anything he said okay~" Nan Shen suddenly flashed an angelic smile to the dumbfounded Mi Shu after he done silencing the doggo.

""s okay..." With a wry smile Mi Shu sneak a glance at Tan Hua who was being hidden behind the bookshelf.

Mi Shu was actually taken aback seeing Tan Hua and Nan Shen unusual interaction. The Nan Shen she knew was someone gentle and considerate but somehow he kept a certain distance with everybody even with his close secretary, Wu Yin.

But this...was the first time she saw Nan Shen acted casual with his employee. That action when he stuffed the boy"s mouth with handkerchief and then handcuffed the boy"s hand with handcuffs, made him looked exactly like a kidnapper.

"Ehem. only want to meet him?" Nan Shen pointed his finger toward the pitiful doggo at the corner without sparing a glance at the poor doggo.

"Eh? Y-yeah. If the boy don"t mind then let me meet him alone, tomorrow. There"s a lot of thing I want to discuss with him" Mi Shu smiled as she looked over to Tan Hua place.

Nan Shen frowned a little when he heard Mi Shu words.

Hmm...he didn"t like the thought of letting that doggo meet his G.o.ddess alone but....let"s ask the doggo shall we?

At this time Tan Hua was about to cry.

WHAT THE h.e.l.l WAS WRONG WITH THAT DEVIL???!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

She just wanted to say that Nan Shen often pinch her and bully her when suddenly...he silenced her!!! Even went as far as locking her hands!!

This is dog abuse!! Eh...child abuse!

Author: ? u"re not a child silly.

Tan Hua eyes were teary as she looked over Mi Shu, to gain pity from her. Tan Hua knew that Mi Shu was a kind girl who couldn"t resist the charm of cute being.

She considered herself cute so her charm should hypnotize Mi Shu by now right?!

Author: So shameless!! ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛

"Okay I permit him to go meet you tomorrow. Wait a minute okay" Nan Shen smiled again as he walked slowly to the bookshelf.


The devil is here! Queen Mi Shu!! Save this lovely doggo!!! ??

Tan Hua was scared that Nan Shen would torture her or something so she shrunk her body as she moved back.


....ah!!! Her back had hit the wall!! This is checkmate! Someone help!!

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