!! Is that?

Tan Hua still didn"t realize that the blood on her panties already leaked though her pants making red stain on it.

Nan Shen was currently busy with his phone so maybe he haven"t seen it yet but Mi Shu did see it.

T-that is red stain...blood? Why would Tan Huo bleeding there? But it doesn"t seems like Tan Huo is wounded in b.u.t.t area... If its blood from other place then...

!!! Its period!

Mi Shu immediately stood up and chased after Tan Hua while taking off her suit.


Tan Hua was walking in quite a quick pace, heading to the men toilet as she was dressed as boy now when suddenly someone grabbed her arm.


"Tan Huo" Mi Shu suddenly called Tan Hua before she entered the men toilet. Before Tan Hua could say anything, Mi Shu already quickly covered Tan Hua pants with her suit and dragged her to the women toilet.

Fortunately the cafe wasn"t crowded at that time so no one saw Mi Shu dragged Tan Hua which was currently dressed like a boy, to women toilet.


Tan Hua was of course startled when Mi Shu wrapped her suit to her waist and dragged her to a women toilet.

Eh eh eh?? Why the h.e.l.l Mi Shu dragged her to women toilet??? Did she have to say something important with her alone? But why women toilet?!

Well let"s see what Mi Shu wanted to say first.

Despite her confusion, Tan Hua decided to not say anything until Mi Shu was the first one who say something. She wasn"t good facing someone like Mi Shu after all.

"Tan Huo. You...." After there was only the two of them inside the toilet, Mi s.h.i.+ released Tan Hua hand as she crossed her arm on her chest looking very cool.

"? Yeah?" Tan Hua still didn"t know that her secret, her real ident.i.ty was already discovered by Mi Shu the moment she choose to wrap her own suit to cover the blood stain on her pants.

"Hhh....so you are actually a girl" Mi Shu dropped the bomb so suddenly making Tan Hua almost slipped and fell on her b.u.t.t.

....WHAAATTTT???? (」゚ロ゚)」 What did she say??!! She said that she, Tan Hua is actually a girl??!!

How did she know?! ?

"Em...em..." Tan Hua was so shocked that cat got her tongue. She wasn"t sure whether she had to deny it to the end or just say the truth.

"You are on your period right? The blood leaked through your pants" Mi Shu shook her head as she pointed her finger to the pants Tan Hua wore now.

"Eh?! Really??!!" Tan Hua immediately checked her pants and found out that there was indeed a red stain of blood there.

GAHHH!!! So this is how Mi Shu knew she is a girl!!!

"Ah ah" Tan Hua began to panic and tried to cover the stain with the suit Mi s.h.i.+ wrapped around her waist.

Oh my G.o.d so Mi Shu did discover her true ident.i.ty but isn"t this too d.a.m.n dangerous?! Nan Shen was there! It was so fortunate that Nan Shen didn"t see this stain!!

"Don"t worry for now quickly wear sanitary pads you bring. We can talk after you use it" Looking at Tan Hua pale face, Mi Shu couldn"t bear to ask her many questions regarding Tan Hua disgusing her true gender.

Mi Shu kindly pushed Tan Hua to enter one of the toilet to quickly wore the sanitary pads.

Tan Hua was indeed startled and shocked that Mi Shu knew her secret but for now she had to use the sanitary pads first!

5 minutes later...


Tan Hua had wore sanitary pads now and was ready to hear what Mi Shu would say to her.

Tan Hua body became stiff as sweat began to drenched her forehead.

Would she tell Nan Shen about this? Would she blackmailed her?? ?

Contrary to what Tan Hua imagine, Mi Shu said something that made her impressed.

"Haish don"t be that stiff, I won"t tell anyone about this. I"m sure you have your own urgent reason for dressing up like a boy"

Mi Shu patted Tan Hua shoulder with a smile as she rea.s.sured Tan Hua that she wouldn"t tell anyone about this incident.

"R-really? You won"t blackmailed me or anything?" Tan Hua meekly raised her head to see the bright G.o.ddess in front of her.

"Yes I promise you. Aside from that I actually feel glad that you are a girl. So we can be friends!" Mi Shu eyes sparkled with pure light as she showed Tan Hua how she was so sincere about this.

Mi Shu really felt happy when she knew the boy she secretly admired is a girl. Now they could become friends! She already liked Tan Hua personality at first glance so why not become friends?

"F-friends? With Mi Shu noona?" Tan Hua eyes began to turned teary as she felt that this female lead was actually kind, not like what she imagined her to be.

Mi Shu is truly a G.o.ddess! No wonder Boss Nan is obviously interested in her.

Tan Hua quickly agree to become Mi Shu friend and the matter ended beautifully but both of them...suddenly realized they have another problem!

The blood stain on the pants!

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